Friday, January 26, 2007

Magnetic Pouch Damaged Phone


Frame 47:

"Mansions of the port"

seems that I still have pictures of pigeons. Match only. I found this file on my old photographer, exactly, in a study of the university in 1999. Looking at the calendar, and almost 9 years have passed since then, moreover, seems to have taken me so recently. Suddenly

believe that time passes too quickly. So insane. Suddenly made a sudden makes you realize how fast that water has passed under the bridge which cancels ability to assimilate such a torrent of hours, minutes and seconds.

Next year will mark ten years since I entered journalism. A decade of friendship with those crazy people that still maintain a contact unchanged by the passing years. Undoubtedly, a chronological slide anesteciante this.

is strange phenomenon of "grow" together, walking hand over hand with others. Go knowing their problems, joys and demases, knowing its successes and failures, as well as to the rest themselves. Maybe I'm becoming more nostalgic than usual. Anyway.

This post is dedicated to all those friends who walk around this circle, without forgetting something fundamental: From whence we came.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Fakes De Pilar Montenegro


Frame 46:

"Paloma sapeando"

Churches are very special buildings. Impressive. Opulent. Formerly, it was believed that the more large, closer to God was. The size was directly proportional to the faith. Architecture willing to creativity and religiosity. Actually quite extinct nowadays.

Whenever I walk the streets of this city I can not help looking up to see her past buried in the highest, invisible to the eye that moves so shallow and feet in reality. Bear witness to what was formerly the city and how it was conceived by the artistic currents of the time. Today

fast times, the need to save sick and developing an ambiguous so simplistic, we have presented a number of moles amorphous lacking any intention to harmonize with the environment that contains them. Torres removed from the sleeve of a wizard moulder ready to water them where necessary, it is a misunderstanding synonymous with progress. Not so for the owners of the building, of course.

I follow my path and I amazed how this beautiful tower of the nineteenth century and no ownership is hidden behind these soulless structures. I hope not get to see the light of day on waking peek out my window and see a distorted and unrecognizable Valparaiso, full of "modernity" incompatible, rather than actual urban needs of the city, with pockets of investors .

Friday, January 12, 2007

President Jackson Schematic


Frame 45:

"Two more, please."

fondly remember this bar, although I will not never there. In 2006 an unfortunate visit us together with my friends to celebrate the anniversary of what we have called "Fundacion Mario Góngora."

The event was not what was expected. Just say that "head" did not become more so as jokes eventually became. Its organizer, Diego, was beaten multiple ways for taking us to as "mythical" place: The Brighton.

say mythical because our cluster represents one of the places where they would have taken place in a timeless space and perhaps parallel to it, the scene where one of our illustrious founding profs and idols, the Ojosogro, fell into the clutches correjía alcohol while our tests and assignments.

Many myths were born on this story, where one of its main protagonists, David Berrios, bartender of the place, driving out to our hero to have a huge debt, which refused to pay, asking for "two more chelas" .

Perhaps many of you reading this do not understand a shit of what I describe. Many good times and laughs we reported to invent dialogue and expressions on this scene, where we live acme during last April: Ojosogro was invited to our celebration.

During several years of university life we \u200b\u200bwondered when would be the day that we would taxi to the above here. Years of waiting and uncertainty came to an end, landing a playful scene full of magic and fantasy, madness and upgraded to "time idol."

Nothing was as intended or imagined. Awkward silences, loud music and to talk quietly, shortage of topics, confused expressions. We were landing in the presence of a collective idealization. The following opinions were unanimous: Never again.

How strange is when a situation or a fact that anxious waiting, the mind is responsible for attributing qualities that do not possess. Idealizing ingredients clouds only pave the ground for which you walk. Many times, better nearly all, the reality is responsible to mitigate the magic, luckily, will always be in our heads.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Can You Work Out With Herpes?

Frame 43:

"Boots on the Caleta El Membrillo"

How has the port in recent years. Personally I think it has done for the better, and go in what form. New rides, repaving, newly released viewpoints, to meter "will have" ... in short, enough to look and rediscover.

is one of those places, "revisited" where I this photo, the El Membrillo cove in the restored avenue Altamirano. Today these huevillos longer exist in its place is a slab that within the multiple uses, serves as parking for restorantes sector and parking lot for some of the fishing boats.

abandoned These shoes represent those who have ever trod this land, those fishermen who recorded some footprints in the sand and now the sea has taken concrete. Those who walk in the sea anonymous, not miracles but the smells to survive in these times. Perhaps

where these boots and shoes now. Forgotten about. Rotten elsewhere without possibility of redemption. Disposable as many of the things and attitudes that surround us today. Welcome to the era of plastic, where the footprints are erased instantly without leaving a trail to follow for the future, where nothing is rescued from the experience.

May be less, but the mass consumption of junk (in all types), I implied otherwise. TV worthy of anything and unworthy of all, newspapers and magazines extolling inconsistencies only without substance or soul, forgetting that those who consume it do not deserve to be lowered to that condition A the "ugly" are witnessing how "cute" play on a board that does not accept new parts, but finally prying eyes are translated into fuller coffers. A pity.

Personally, I opted to disconnect and take my camera and watch a very interesting world to discover, and not waste time on such futilerías, which we inevitably stagnate further narrow criteria that we were able to open after the arrival of joy ... apparently, it's time for the masses dumbed hide murky and confusing situations, and maintain a sustained and permanent idiocy.