Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ibm Thinkcentre 8215 Drivers


Frame 54:


is about 1 May and with it the Labor Day events. A date where the duck controversial as ordinary citizens pay, since the story is always the same: Marching to get out of hand where the lumpen slips to damage and abuse in street furniture.

remember being in some of these marches taking photos. Besides the concern for taking care of photographic equipment also must maintain the physical integrity. Piedrazos that come and go, and remnants of Molotov cocktails and whatever seats are thrown by the uncontrolled mass.

The counterforce in this fight is police. A pair of sticks and palm van. When you touch, whether innocent or guilty. Here in Valparaiso excesses always occur in the park, mainly Italy. Being close to the entrances to the congress, the action breaks up the surroundings.

got this image in 2005. I was working for electronic media Fingerprint and Plaza O'Higgins were the police ready for action, as an army with their shields for the onslaught.

I named as "Kowabonga" because it is the battle cry of the Ninja Turtles, and in that moment would be the role they would play these vets: Make them vigilante, giving him the world and hunting clubs Flaites. Hopefully a little fine-tuning your aim.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Russian Invitation Letter From U.s.

Frame 53:

"It's over the road"

cut seems a bridge. Even cyclist on the edge seems to ask "Where's the rest of the way?". A cordial response micrero would be: "So far I get no more, friend." That's right. It is the sad reality.

Suddenly there are situations over which we have some control and plan to exhaustion. We even have a certainty of knowing where things are going. But as the saying goes, nobody has bought the sky.

I like and that uncertainty of not knowing for sure what will happen beyond my nose. Of course, trying to force reality to your advantage, without this subtract that from time to time you slap a surprise and forces you to rethink some situations. Or to have everything as planned, an unforced error that threw it all away.

I am convinced that things happen for a reason. Everything always ends up with an explanation ... maybe if we took years to meet her, but over time the ineffable and beyond doing their job very well. Nothing happens in vain and everything happens in due course. Although it is also good to have the vision to seize opportunities that are unique. And if you do, which is nothing but an anecdote from which to learn something.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

20 Year Work Congrats Message


Frame 52:
"Licking paws"

used to the sea What are the locals. More so when you use it as a calming and stress. I do not have contraindications, unless you're a hydrophobic.

This photo was taken in the Wheelwright ride last Saturday with my sociat flickr photo site that Yahoo. Entertain this share is a passion and people you aganche beyond it. It is rich discussion about things that interest you in particular and not many dominate or have experience in it.

I like this image because it reflects the smallness of man before the ocean, although only is a piece of him. In addition, how the individual tries to snatch prey to the realm of Neptune with a rudimentary system of fishing.

I doubt if he succeeded. But it is more likely that if it was to relax and temporarily forget their problems, although he has had cold feet for the coming and going of the waves. From above, this view puts it in perspective and places like a fighter waiting for something that does not even know if it will come.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Pokemon Wallpaper Border

Frame 51:

"The museum white

can not wait to have met you in your time of glory. In that you had no lights at night gave you life, but that day were unnecessary for the place where you locked. The light was unnecessary. The eyes were locked. The glory came in addition.

can not wait to have met your contemporaries stricken by the lazy man's way and time. How I have felt knowingly indolence of ignorance but not sick feverish us today.

can not wait to bury the lines of today tasteless and resurrect as the jewel you were. So great for the eyes, foreign and native. How I long to see you in gross, in color, not a rectangle bicolor much left to the imagination.

At least I have the luck to see and to imagine in retrospect, something of course, that no destructive earthquake or employer may blow. Much less banish.