Monday, October 29, 2007

Queens Boulevard Courthouse

Frame 61:

"Your friendly neighbor, Spider-Man"

Go to Camp mountain or the field appears to be a synonym of moths, flies and all bicharraco nature. Without doubt, the spiders are no exception ... although not very pleasant for those who never enjoyed the adventures of Spiderman in his childhood. How rich is

go to a place where the internet, telephone or cell phones seem to have much foliage and tangled thicket of trees, turning them off in true sanctuaries of a sort of parallel or alternate realities, whose atmosphere will convince through aromas, sensations and thoughts for a ride back to basics and beautiful life: The simplicity.

"Look at all as for the first time," he once told a teacher lost in that infinite vault called memory ... and boy was right. Undoubtedly, the capacity to be amazed by what surrounds us is directly taken from the hand of our willingness to dare to look at things from another angle ... a new, unknown, exciting and revealing.

Life works the same way. Locate at one point or another to analyze and review a situation often depends on our desire to want to see beyond our entrenched and stubborn ways of seeing reality ... is no easy exercise, but once achieved, will give us tools that few possess, and many never even come to suspect his existence: Self-criticism and tolerance.

I am not saying that you have reached this condition, but is an exercise to try to carry out. Certainly there have been both successes and failures, since the variables are handled, often beyond the rational logic that any individual wishes to have a purely emotional situation.

not propose a rationalization of our emotions, but if a search for a balance that we avoid becoming blood machines, which combust only through the viscera afford to become as cold as the meanest of the conspirators .

not let our ego and misplaced pride we caught in a spider's web, that the years will be responsible for strengthening and making more difficult to break out. Do not we become a true sweeper who see the slightest dissent, deeper and unfair attack that can receive a vital organ for many, nonexistent for others and respect for some ... pride.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Yamaha Gp1200 Reviews


Frame 60:


Capture textures. It is satisfying when you catch in magnitude and permeate through the image the feeling of almost be touching what you see. An exercise to clearly exciting to the eye, it manages to catch a few seconds managed to fool so fleeting.

A macro lens is the ideal tool for those who we like to look at details that go unnoticed to the naked eye. A coin, a ticket, a flower ... all those micro world that surrounds us, but for not having the optical capacity to appreciate and time to seek how we overlook.

Lighting also plays a role in this exercise. Depending on where you locate it, will allow us to enhance certain characteristics of the target, making it more or less wealth tectonics. It's like that battered image of the face on the flashlight in a fire ... that produce sensations consistent with the stories told, highlights the hardest aspects of the subject ... making it look more scary.

An overhead light, however, changes things. Highlights the leftovers in the eyes, sunken and giving us a flat texture. Side lighting up those eye wrinkles that are not ... this is where it seems to make sense ... at least for me.

is incredible to think that just changing the light source can completely change the meaning of a photograph and surrender the infinite pleasure of watching the roughness or smoothness of a surface, but we can not touch it, but I feel it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Colon Cancer Aggressive


Frame 59:

"Sube y Baja"

is not the movie for Mario Moreno "Cantinflas", but what happens, inevitably, in supermarkets, buildings, malls, and why not say, in our lives.

life you imagine if only rises, ups and no bitterness and sorrow? Maybe we would become proud and arrogant about eminent class, without any hint of humility or self-improvement exercises. Everything would "Always good."

myself It's amazing to know people who seem to have a permanent contract with bad luck and be devout followers of the church of the poor live, where to announce their infallibility to human relationships. They are never wrong, but it the rest of ordinary mortals. Returning

this empirical constant up and down of life, I think the key of those dips in the least kind of reality has to do with ourselves in our place. Life will always be responsible to tell us who we are and in our hands is the ability to identify and take the evidence ultimately allow us to be better people.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Actresses Showing Boobs

Frame 58:

"Heading into the unknown"

After finding the true magic that allows you to not fall, I continued the journey towards which had been entrusted, despite not knowing its purpose. A strange feeling for others but also motivating. The adrenaline that occurs not know what you'll face, can move and take you to many places.

After my "conversation" with the centennial tree, I headed toward the path that I pointed out to its branches. Seemed to be welcoming and safe. There was a bridge over a stream shyly showed me a path that was lost in the green foliage of the hill. I walked.

There were many questions which came to my head without the possibility of finding an accurate answer to any of them. Suddenly, well-boarding in the depths of the road, I begin to see some of my footsteps in front of me. Could it be that he had walked in circles? It was highly unlikely, since the trails had a clear and strong direction.

I felt confused and overwhelmed. I thought not having made missteps or taken wrong decisions, but the footprints were evidence before me otherwise. Should rethink the way before proceeding.

was at that moment when the saying "do not see the forest for the trees" came to mind. There was comprehensively understood what I was going, and it was best to move forward smoothly and with the least possible falls. However, the road trip and it was already time to get up and move on ...

continued ...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rockman Stream Subbed


Frame 57:

"Towards the natural "

Nature always takes care to get off our selfish clouds and remind us of the simplicity that we can often find what we seek. It is difficult to understand the complexity of our environment has brought with it the same Fortunately for our bewildered minds, let alone something that we should never overlook: Simplicity.

A simple walk, a more contemplative stroll or perhaps a simple cup of coffee with the headphones the volume you want, can parapet exterior that in many cases is aggressive and hostile. Ajeno and cold.

In an uncertain quest I found in a place seldom visited, almost unknown, but exquisitely comfortable. I did not know why I was there, and who had brought me to this place. I was just a big tree and a series of paths whose fate was uncertain. At least for me.

Ignoring what I wanted, I asked the tree to where to go. Impatient for an answer, I hit the trunk with no response, which increased my frustration. Suddenly, and almost exhausted, I sat at the bottom of the centenary specimen ... perhaps waiting for something to happen. Needed a sign.

Suddenly, some leaves fell before me. "Must be the wind, I thought, but not a hint of a breeze could be felt in that moment.

It was the tree. Had listened to my questions, and tried to answer them. Because of his senility, he could not utter a sound, but if he could stretch his arms and show me the way I wanted, not what he had pointed.

immediately realized I was there for a reason and should discover ... and not stop until I find out ... had found the magic within me, which allows you to move forward and not stop despite the falls ...

continued ...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Injetor De Jampak®


Frame 56:

"Looking at the sky"

Go had launched the blog. I recognize that neglect and neglect, unhealthy ingredients in the life of any mortal. I hope to resume the normal course of my publications.

I like to look into the sky. Look up details on buildings that often you ignore because they usually look forward to not collide with someone ... but suddenly it's fun to lift our eyes and realize that there is another scene over our eyes.

clothes lying, sleeping or yawning cats, ladies copuchar or talking to a neighbor, someone shaking a carpet or a tablecloth ... whatever. Always something going on above our heads and what we overlook.

Who has not enjoyed
on an upper floor while watching what goes down for a long time? We take the attitude of trying to control mini gods visually everything that happens under our noses. Imagine if you fly ... at least with wings.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Negative Aspects Boxing


Frame 55:


Photo taken during demonstrations on 21 May in Valparaiso Avenue in the area of \u200b\u200bFrance. I think they should be one of the most bizarre marches I've attended, with people orderly and compliant police cordon. If released until police arrested demonstrators. Freak.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ibm Thinkcentre 8215 Drivers


Frame 54:


is about 1 May and with it the Labor Day events. A date where the duck controversial as ordinary citizens pay, since the story is always the same: Marching to get out of hand where the lumpen slips to damage and abuse in street furniture.

remember being in some of these marches taking photos. Besides the concern for taking care of photographic equipment also must maintain the physical integrity. Piedrazos that come and go, and remnants of Molotov cocktails and whatever seats are thrown by the uncontrolled mass.

The counterforce in this fight is police. A pair of sticks and palm van. When you touch, whether innocent or guilty. Here in Valparaiso excesses always occur in the park, mainly Italy. Being close to the entrances to the congress, the action breaks up the surroundings.

got this image in 2005. I was working for electronic media Fingerprint and Plaza O'Higgins were the police ready for action, as an army with their shields for the onslaught.

I named as "Kowabonga" because it is the battle cry of the Ninja Turtles, and in that moment would be the role they would play these vets: Make them vigilante, giving him the world and hunting clubs Flaites. Hopefully a little fine-tuning your aim.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Russian Invitation Letter From U.s.

Frame 53:

"It's over the road"

cut seems a bridge. Even cyclist on the edge seems to ask "Where's the rest of the way?". A cordial response micrero would be: "So far I get no more, friend." That's right. It is the sad reality.

Suddenly there are situations over which we have some control and plan to exhaustion. We even have a certainty of knowing where things are going. But as the saying goes, nobody has bought the sky.

I like and that uncertainty of not knowing for sure what will happen beyond my nose. Of course, trying to force reality to your advantage, without this subtract that from time to time you slap a surprise and forces you to rethink some situations. Or to have everything as planned, an unforced error that threw it all away.

I am convinced that things happen for a reason. Everything always ends up with an explanation ... maybe if we took years to meet her, but over time the ineffable and beyond doing their job very well. Nothing happens in vain and everything happens in due course. Although it is also good to have the vision to seize opportunities that are unique. And if you do, which is nothing but an anecdote from which to learn something.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

20 Year Work Congrats Message


Frame 52:
"Licking paws"

used to the sea What are the locals. More so when you use it as a calming and stress. I do not have contraindications, unless you're a hydrophobic.

This photo was taken in the Wheelwright ride last Saturday with my sociat flickr photo site that Yahoo. Entertain this share is a passion and people you aganche beyond it. It is rich discussion about things that interest you in particular and not many dominate or have experience in it.

I like this image because it reflects the smallness of man before the ocean, although only is a piece of him. In addition, how the individual tries to snatch prey to the realm of Neptune with a rudimentary system of fishing.

I doubt if he succeeded. But it is more likely that if it was to relax and temporarily forget their problems, although he has had cold feet for the coming and going of the waves. From above, this view puts it in perspective and places like a fighter waiting for something that does not even know if it will come.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Pokemon Wallpaper Border

Frame 51:

"The museum white

can not wait to have met you in your time of glory. In that you had no lights at night gave you life, but that day were unnecessary for the place where you locked. The light was unnecessary. The eyes were locked. The glory came in addition.

can not wait to have met your contemporaries stricken by the lazy man's way and time. How I have felt knowingly indolence of ignorance but not sick feverish us today.

can not wait to bury the lines of today tasteless and resurrect as the jewel you were. So great for the eyes, foreign and native. How I long to see you in gross, in color, not a rectangle bicolor much left to the imagination.

At least I have the luck to see and to imagine in retrospect, something of course, that no destructive earthquake or employer may blow. Much less banish.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Why Thirsty All The Time


Frame 50:

"Waiting for the old is gone"

Just like that. Are 15:30 and 31 December and we are all anxious for the old year go soon to begin the celebrations proper to the next. I ride the rail Portales Street's viewpoint on the hill Baron. Many people are stationed there early.

Not much to do except watch the scenery, play cards or simply wait for the arrival of naps 12. Pitillas and strings are used to demarcate the space that each occupy foreign family to receive the 2007. Many sleep with one eye open to look after their things from the possible uses of some more crooks.

more cars than usual passing through the jammed streets of my hill, unaccustomed to carers and opportunistic own the center, but the new year is unforgiving and where there are people, there will be sellers. I walk around. I see with my camera and ask me if I come from a magazine or newspaper.

"These are for my personal collection," I reply enthusiastically. Ask me to take a couple of photos and send them by mail as a reminder of that hot day. I agree. Not the first time I do. "Thanks" I say, "... and Happy New Year ahead", just tell them.

these festivals are rare, but I like them. The good wave in the air smells, feels on the skin. Nobody seems to get upset about anything ... and our streets, invaded by strangers while waiting to uncork a champagne to celebrate and in the living room of his house. If up table and candles have been installed in the gazebo. Surreal, to say the least.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Graduated Cylinder Worksheet

Frame 49:

"Caminante no hay camino"

day sun. A great circle hanging in the sky tells me that this is a hot summer afternoon that it is becoming more orange. Ideal for a ride, if accompanied better. The sea is responsible for putting music in the moment and the wind to bring the freshness needed to not succumb to heat.

The beach starts to get empty and makes it ideal to sit and watch the sun dip into the seabed, which phosphor is immersed in water off quickly. Many couples pass the sandy places in search of tranquility, reflection and a little privacy.

Photographically this tranquility can capture on paper given the colors produced by this time. They are very warm and cozy, like an invitation to enjoy a hot chocolate by the fireplace on a rainy day.

colors are crucial in photography. Print the essence of a moment, give a sense inanimate piece of paper and give it a look that can only be translated by the eyes of whom he referred. A clear example is the black and white photography, mainly used for social nudity and photography. Can made in color, but definitely the result will be the same.

A simple test: Try to take a picture of the same element in both formats. If you write down what they produce each, surely no difference noticeable. Is this, I think, one of the things that makes a photograph a piece of art: Learn how to choose the elements involved and how a given situation, but I think more importantly, at the time of conception, not in post.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Palmolive Soap And Skin Rash

Frame 48:


What can it be locked up. Deprived of the most precious thing a person can have: Her freedom. Have full authority over our decisions and determinations, able to move and travel freely through the streets of our will, not repression.

Clearly this condition, beyond generating much personal satisfaction, it also carries responsibilities. And definitely there are people that find it hard to manage and cope. Some are selfish, for example. Use this power to push through the crowd and reduce people to disposable utensils.

Others use so damaging invasive to others, and as such, ie there are many. I resent the irresponsible. Moreover, if self-inflicted and bestowal, a way to justify a lack of will and concern for others. In these cases, the lottery is always only one winner, and evil of evils, is always the same. Another

closures that my attention is the visual. I mean the self-evaluation or self-criticism or what you call it. The live and go through situations by being able to stop this closure and obsecación, nothing will left for teaching. No hours synthesize much less metabolize lived experiences. Everything goes straight to the garbage bin. Some call

encounter the same stone, but what seems to happen that very few closures we glimpse a glimmer of real change for ourselves. Unfortunately there are some that last a lifetime, and not after a few bars or barbed fence.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Magnetic Pouch Damaged Phone


Frame 47:

"Mansions of the port"

seems that I still have pictures of pigeons. Match only. I found this file on my old photographer, exactly, in a study of the university in 1999. Looking at the calendar, and almost 9 years have passed since then, moreover, seems to have taken me so recently. Suddenly

believe that time passes too quickly. So insane. Suddenly made a sudden makes you realize how fast that water has passed under the bridge which cancels ability to assimilate such a torrent of hours, minutes and seconds.

Next year will mark ten years since I entered journalism. A decade of friendship with those crazy people that still maintain a contact unchanged by the passing years. Undoubtedly, a chronological slide anesteciante this.

is strange phenomenon of "grow" together, walking hand over hand with others. Go knowing their problems, joys and demases, knowing its successes and failures, as well as to the rest themselves. Maybe I'm becoming more nostalgic than usual. Anyway.

This post is dedicated to all those friends who walk around this circle, without forgetting something fundamental: From whence we came.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Fakes De Pilar Montenegro


Frame 46:

"Paloma sapeando"

Churches are very special buildings. Impressive. Opulent. Formerly, it was believed that the more large, closer to God was. The size was directly proportional to the faith. Architecture willing to creativity and religiosity. Actually quite extinct nowadays.

Whenever I walk the streets of this city I can not help looking up to see her past buried in the highest, invisible to the eye that moves so shallow and feet in reality. Bear witness to what was formerly the city and how it was conceived by the artistic currents of the time. Today

fast times, the need to save sick and developing an ambiguous so simplistic, we have presented a number of moles amorphous lacking any intention to harmonize with the environment that contains them. Torres removed from the sleeve of a wizard moulder ready to water them where necessary, it is a misunderstanding synonymous with progress. Not so for the owners of the building, of course.

I follow my path and I amazed how this beautiful tower of the nineteenth century and no ownership is hidden behind these soulless structures. I hope not get to see the light of day on waking peek out my window and see a distorted and unrecognizable Valparaiso, full of "modernity" incompatible, rather than actual urban needs of the city, with pockets of investors .

Friday, January 12, 2007

President Jackson Schematic


Frame 45:

"Two more, please."

fondly remember this bar, although I will not never there. In 2006 an unfortunate visit us together with my friends to celebrate the anniversary of what we have called "Fundacion Mario Góngora."

The event was not what was expected. Just say that "head" did not become more so as jokes eventually became. Its organizer, Diego, was beaten multiple ways for taking us to as "mythical" place: The Brighton.

say mythical because our cluster represents one of the places where they would have taken place in a timeless space and perhaps parallel to it, the scene where one of our illustrious founding profs and idols, the Ojosogro, fell into the clutches correjía alcohol while our tests and assignments.

Many myths were born on this story, where one of its main protagonists, David Berrios, bartender of the place, driving out to our hero to have a huge debt, which refused to pay, asking for "two more chelas" .

Perhaps many of you reading this do not understand a shit of what I describe. Many good times and laughs we reported to invent dialogue and expressions on this scene, where we live acme during last April: Ojosogro was invited to our celebration.

During several years of university life we \u200b\u200bwondered when would be the day that we would taxi to the above here. Years of waiting and uncertainty came to an end, landing a playful scene full of magic and fantasy, madness and upgraded to "time idol."

Nothing was as intended or imagined. Awkward silences, loud music and to talk quietly, shortage of topics, confused expressions. We were landing in the presence of a collective idealization. The following opinions were unanimous: Never again.

How strange is when a situation or a fact that anxious waiting, the mind is responsible for attributing qualities that do not possess. Idealizing ingredients clouds only pave the ground for which you walk. Many times, better nearly all, the reality is responsible to mitigate the magic, luckily, will always be in our heads.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Can You Work Out With Herpes?

Frame 43:

"Boots on the Caleta El Membrillo"

How has the port in recent years. Personally I think it has done for the better, and go in what form. New rides, repaving, newly released viewpoints, to meter "will have" ... in short, enough to look and rediscover.

is one of those places, "revisited" where I this photo, the El Membrillo cove in the restored avenue Altamirano. Today these huevillos longer exist in its place is a slab that within the multiple uses, serves as parking for restorantes sector and parking lot for some of the fishing boats.

abandoned These shoes represent those who have ever trod this land, those fishermen who recorded some footprints in the sand and now the sea has taken concrete. Those who walk in the sea anonymous, not miracles but the smells to survive in these times. Perhaps

where these boots and shoes now. Forgotten about. Rotten elsewhere without possibility of redemption. Disposable as many of the things and attitudes that surround us today. Welcome to the era of plastic, where the footprints are erased instantly without leaving a trail to follow for the future, where nothing is rescued from the experience.

May be less, but the mass consumption of junk (in all types), I implied otherwise. TV worthy of anything and unworthy of all, newspapers and magazines extolling inconsistencies only without substance or soul, forgetting that those who consume it do not deserve to be lowered to that condition A the "ugly" are witnessing how "cute" play on a board that does not accept new parts, but finally prying eyes are translated into fuller coffers. A pity.

Personally, I opted to disconnect and take my camera and watch a very interesting world to discover, and not waste time on such futilerías, which we inevitably stagnate further narrow criteria that we were able to open after the arrival of joy ... apparently, it's time for the masses dumbed hide murky and confusing situations, and maintain a sustained and permanent idiocy.