Sunday, February 27, 2011

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  • Venezuelan tells how managed to leave Libya in the chaos
    FL Globovisión 25/02/2011 7:17:44 pm
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    A Venezuelan told that lived during the protests in Libya and experience to leave that country. Javier Villalobos worked for an oil company and was caught in the middle of the desert, while drilling an oil well. "It was like being in jail, a week there, unable to leave for anywhere with limited provisions (...) waiting for any help," he said.

    Villalobos said that he was completely isolated, despite some times when you managed to connect to the internet and communicate with his family in Venezuela, thanks to a network that provides the company where he worked.

    "When we arrived at Tripoli airport was completely collapsed, filled. There were no flights or entrance or exit. There were very few, most of all were those made by the embassies, "he recalled.
    The Venezuelan said that before the protests, Libya was a peaceful country. "Many think this is the time it will fall (Muammar Gaddafi) because it has lost much of its power," he said.
    noted that during his departure from the Arab country, never saw any official of the Embassy of Venezuela. Nor had contact with another countryman and said that was the only Venezuelan to embark on the plane that left Libya.
    Finally, he said he was "happy to leave that country and be safe."

    Libyan ambassador to the UN withdrew its support for Colonel Qaddafi BBC WORLD DIGITAL

    Libyan Ambassador to the UN, Abdurrahman Shalgham, withdrew their support for Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, a few days after denying that forces loyal to the regime of that country were firing at civilians.

    Shalgham Security Council urged the UN to act against what he called "the atrocities of Colonel Gaddafi."

    "The Libyan delegation is hoping a decisive, fast and fearless of the Security Council," said Shalgham.

    Here: All about Gaddafi

    • February 25, 2011 Gaddafi, Saif al Islam, said: "The Army decided not to target terrorists and provide an opportunity for negotiation. We do it peacefully and that is for tomorrow
    Saif Gadafi, hijo del dictador libio, en una imagen reciente.

    North African leader's son said the Army will not take more attacks to promote a climate for negotiation. "The Army decided not to target terrorists and provide an opportunity for negotiation. We do it peacefully and that is for tomorrow

    Saif al-Islam reported that the situation is calm in the country except in the cities of Misrata and Zawiya, in which he recognized to have problems.

    The popular revolt in Libya holds the purse scheme at the gates of Tripoli, while increasing the pressure of the international community, which is considering the creation of an air exclusion zone and Muammar al-Gaddafi bring before the International Criminal Court (ICC).

    The bulk of the forces loyal to Mr Gaddafi has been entrenched in the capital, while in Benghazi, the second largest city, popular committees that now control it announced the formation of a local government to coordinate actions with others " Libyan towns liberated. " This Friday, Muammar Gaddafi appeared in public to encourage their followers to crush the rebellion.

    Gaddafi called on its supporters in Tripoli's Green Square and threatened to open the arsenals "as needed" to arm the Libyan tribes and fight attempts to end their 42-year regime.

    For its part, the U.S. government announced it will impose unilateral sanctions against Libya and seek to coordinate international retaliation, while the EU agreed, among other measures, a total arms embargo and the freezing of the assets of the clan Gadhafi Community.

    Draft UN resolution sanctioning Gaddafi and 21 of their relatives The text drafted by France and the UK, with the cooperation of other countries, including the defense minister, General Abu Bakr Yunis Jabir, director of military intelligence, Colonel Abdullah el Senusi, and armed forces commander, Colonel Massoud Abdulhafiz.
    United States breaks diplomatic relations with Libya , EU agrees to freeze assets and apply Gaddafi in Libya arms embargo
    FILE PHOTO: Qaddafi Visit Venezuela during Summit II ASA

    and Gallery:
    Foreigners living in Libya return to their countries Videos: Venezuelan travelers

    Libyan President Moammar Gadhafi Mohamed, Said el Arab, Islam Said, Mutassim and Aisha, in addition to the heads of the security apparatus
    , intelligence and armed forces, according to a copy of the document released today by ABC.
    text drafted by France and the UK, with the cooperation of other countries , including Defense Minister, General Abu Bakr Yunis Jabir, director of military intelligence, Colonel Abdullah el Senusi and the armed forces commander, Colonel Massoud Abdulhafiz. also mentions Gadhafi's cousins, Sayyid Qadaf the Dam, who is accused of participating in the acquisition of weapons to the regime, and Ahmed Mohammed Qadaf the Dam, for allegedly having participated in terrorist activities
    and persecution of Libyan dissidents abroad.
    The ambassadors of the fifteen Security Council members will resume talks on Saturday to try to overcome differences that prevented the adoption this Friday at an emergency meeting of the Franco-British draft resolution.
    addition to the penalties to Gaddafi and his entourage, also includes the declaration of an embargo of arms and instructed the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) investigate the possible commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity during the repression of popular protests against the regime in Tripoli.

    Libyan opponents struggling in the South and West against officers

    al Qaeda leader blamed for the riots that seek to oust him La policía ordena dispersarse a un grupo ...

    opponents to the regime of Muammar Gaddafi ready their weapons in the city of Benghazi to meet the ruling party (Hussein Malla / AP)

    active blocks
    Friday February 25, 2011 12:00 AM
    Tripoli .-
    As dominoes are falling into the hands of the opposing cities in Libya. Benghazi, Tobruk, and Zouara Koufra are some of the locations that are held by the rebels, while a weakened Muammar Qaddafi refuses to resign and blames the terrorist network Al Qaida
    Libyan leader accused the protesters of be linked to the Islamist network of Osama bin Laden and acting under the influence of drugs, reported AFP.
    "These people have no real grievances, their demands," the colonel said in a televised message from Zauiya, 50 km west of Tripoli, the scene of fierce clashes.
    "You have chosen to Bin Laden," he charged. "They (Al Qaeda) have given them drugs," said the president, for whom his title of "Guide of the Revolution" is merely "moral" and therefore can not give up.
    Former Libyan Justice Minister Mustafa Abdeljalil denied the involvement of Al Qaida in the riots and said that if someone deals drugs in Libya, that's Gaddafi. Triumphs and conflicts
    Despite threats and extreme violence experienced in the streets, says the insurgency remains with the change process, Efe said.
    "We are not afraid to Gaddafi to come," said Muhamad Ali, Professor of History.
    The Eastern part of Libya remained calm and under control of "popular councils" opponents. The rebellion has spread to the west and south, where new cities have fallen into the hands of those who oppose the regime in Tripoli.

    One of the brigades loyal to Qadhafi launched a particularly fierce attack with heavy weapons against rebels in Zouiya, with a balance of 100 dead and dozens injured.
    Quryna The electronic journal says that the squad that attacked the city under rebel control for three days, came from the nearby town of Sebrata and aggression after thousands of angry residents have invaded the streets, added DPA.
    Another battalion led by one of Gadhafi's sons has carried out an assault on the village of Mesrata, east of Tripoli, said Quryna.
    La policía china sofoca una convocatoria ... In this case, according to the sources, the rebels have put up fierce resistance, stopped the attack and forced the attackers to flee the city.
    Southeast of Libya, another city, El Koufra has been placed under the control of the rebels. The same scenario was repeated in Zouara.
    An opposition website, Libya al-Youm, said the protesters seized a plane at the airport they were traveling Misurata 50 foreign mercenaries. International sources
    calculate the total number killed between 2,000 and 10,000, but talks in Libya between 300 and 750. CLICK
    For more information on the situation in Libya and elsewhere in the Arab world:
    ----- --------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Chavez joins Castro and Ortega in support of Gaddafi

    released on his own in a Twitter message that solidarity with the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who faces a popular revolt against him in his country. Caracas .- President Hugo Chavez said on his twitter network support Muammar Gaddafi, saying the Libyan leader faces a civil war, in a message to spread the president Thursday night. "He (Gaddafi) helped consolidate vital organizations fighting for economic independence of the peoples of the south has been vital to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, has played a key role in the consolidation of the Movement of Non-Aligned and was instrumental in building the Arab League, "he said. addition, the Chancellor said that the opposition did not criticize the U.S. for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. "Why not call for such research to those who have killed thousands of Iraqis and Afghans? Libya is undergoing a delicate situation that should not be handled from the perspective malicious international news agencies. We live a very similar scenario on April 11, 2002 (attempt against Chavez), right when we ambushed and those same agencies said President Chavez had massacred a village, "he said. Maduro said Venezuela wants Libya to" maintain national unity and an end to civil war. We stand for independence, peace and sovereignty of the Libyan people. "

    Friday February 25, 2011 10:37 a.m.
    "IVAM, Foreign Minister Nicolas (Mature): Give them another lesson to the far right pitiyanqui! Long live Libya and independence! íGaddafi facing a civil war! "Chavez said in a message on your own twitter network at the end of a session of the National Assembly (Congress), which appeared several ministers, told DPA. With this demonstration, Chavez joins the Cuban leader Fidel Castro and Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega, as the only voices in the region for Gadhafi, who faces a popular revolt that has left hundreds dead.
    Gaddafi and I pa 'those who go!


    Dear Muammar, I know you're going through the difficulties that you are creating a counter-revolution have not settled. Major error.
    I emphasized what I will, when Margaret gave you a replica of the sword of Bolivar who walks through Latin America, for the same thing were to put there.
    And I said, do not forget that your revolution like mine depend on us and the empire and allies are looking how we end by way of assassination or coup.
    I told you you had to stack and copy you get me the idea of \u200b\u200bmaintaining a supposedly democratic apparatus to you free of charge or dictators like Mubarak Ben Ali.
    I, from the outset, I posed for a Democrat who came to introduce changes in a situation of grave crisis. And so I won the reformism.
    But I was going to change this system and I pocketed the radicals. And without further ado, I won today I am physically spaces and the owner of some out there who qualify for expaís.

    And my plan was not new. I joined the armed forces to conspire. I think I was born with the lust for power. Imagine my grandmother Rosines said face to that guy what he likes is to send! And indeed, since I got into the FAN, that was my only goal. And at 10 years and was conspiring against democracy corrupt and murderous.

    Amid the mess of 27F-89 we saw that there was no government and that if not for the actions of the armed forces, the social explosion in the horns takes the train gocho and government. This survey was favorable conditions, which do not take advantage because of lack of organization and was at the end of 91 when we were ready to strike.
    The 04F-92 we launched and failed, but then people answered our call elections and destroyed the office on 12/06/1998. After I won something like 12 or 14 elections.
    So nobody can accuse me of being a dictator, because well, I have always won with the help of advanced negotiations with "the opposition". So today
    quiet move toward building socialism deepening, concrete and transcendent. Eh!
    And do not forget brother Muammar, the revolution only pay dividends. In the beginning we knew that socialism can only impose the dictatorship of the proletariat, if any. But we overcame Marx and Engels and show that a revolutionary military coup like us, could become a vanguard that is and will remain valid.

    why I got Socialists to all my fellow soldiers. And to this we added up my other fee-on missions, community councils, cooperatives, militia districts.
    And if someone was me I apply upward force of the state to control it. So I have secured my command-be until I feel like by way of fraud, cheating, buying and selling of votes and quiquirigüiqui we do with the opposition. Huh? For all this I say to you to plead for emergency and liquidate the counter which is linked to the empire and its allies to attack.
    can not allow protests to take more bodies. Remember my April 11, 2002. I stopped nonsense. Violence applied in time and see where am.
    insist: you must save your revolution by any means. You and I are all of our processes. If we die, would stop our revolution, Fidel always say.
    You and I, besides being President, as you said, we are the leaders, rescuers, myths, symbols, guide to the revolution. The glorious sons of Bolivar and Fidel.
    Those chosen to bring glory and a future for our countries. And we must pay due and worship, veneration and respect. package must not forget that all we can in the construction of socialism in the XXI century, and we do enforce our greatness in every step we take. But always giving the impression that we are democrats.

    Look, for example, the big problem I had with the hunger strike of students from right to demand the release of political prisoners.
    The protest grew, and as there are many here that I identify with you, I had to shake of a possible effect Gaddafi and offered conditional release some prisoners who have served the sentence. Accepted and decommissioning. Things are so you have to do. Invent a so-called dialogue and say you're willing to ride a democracy like mine, with an opposition like that helps me, and I assure you will be in the command-power even beyond your death.
    do not need to kill yourself. But if for some reason you fall, do not forget you have nowhere to go. Here you will receive, with the honor you deserve, to continue fighting from the trenches to be. Revolution, socialism or death, win! Twitter: @ ablancomunoz Friday, February 25, 2011

    "And come Gaddafi?"

    Seif el Islam, hijo del líder libio, Muamar Gadafi
    BY: Laureano Marquez. Tell me if our brother Muammar Gaddafi move it occurs here with carp, harem, and related desert.

    Let's say you are allowed to set up his Bedouin tent in Miraflores, as a more dignified, or perhaps better in the gardens of La Casona, where there is probably more space. That's really where the problems begin. Let alone international ones, to give asylum to a criminal, but the common neighborhood. Because it is easy being the brother of a guy who is in Libya and quite another to have gone into the house, I said the great Italian comic Toto: "L'ospitalità è come il pesce puzza dopo tre giorni" (hospitality is like fish, stinks the third day).

    I imagine the problems between families presidential by the use of the pool and share common areas for partying and feasting of those who thus scandalize the neighbors.

    Like all those who are dumped by their people end up washed up here, the next step would be to seek a little work, as Zelaya.

    Brother Muammar probably hits while the electricity company Cadafe socialist ... is that I almost imagine the appointment chain "our brother Gaddafi, we will put in front of Cadafe.

    Oh ... Muammar? What do you think?, Hahaha ... Ehhhh? Gadhafi Cadafe ... ... now the bills come in Arabic ... like no one understands, lol ... now I will

    light of good ... Muammar Cadafe, I'll call you now !!!!" On the other hand, as is in the public domain, the Libyan tyrant takes care of the army of women: another source of problems. An army of women is extremely dangerous, as demonstrated by the legendary Sun Tzu in "The Art of War." Nothing can defeat it, because it has, in addition to conventional weapons, unconventional strategic weapons capable of disarming the bravest of our soldiers and that scares, lest that Muammar, sheaths of life, complete with coroto also staying in Venezuela The truth is that Qaddafi is pathetic. Just see it in photography, staring at himself and that face that smoking a hookah is flavored with camel dung, with outlandish costumes of sequins and bright, like something out of a musical Miss Venezuela. It would be comical if it had not been behind so many deaths, so much blood and cruelty, but it is not. It is a tragedy for humanity that there are people like him. It seems a shame to Venezuela to take the bar and order our liberator. A disgrace to us that the name of Venezuela internationally scratching to be named as his natural place of refuge.

    is that everything has a limit ... I know I swear, if Gaddafi move here, at least, what I am, I ask Pablo Pérez asylum. Source:Â will come-what-Gaddafi /

    Arcangel Mandatario de Libia Muamar Gadafi published by Vulcano
    the / s
    6:41 a.m.

    Links to this post:
    Venezuela Libre: - Card only for President or for all ...
    "To the President of the Republic is appropriate only card. Just as I was strong advocate card party for the 26S, right now I think the card should be unique, especially when we do not know who the ...

    Venelib Published by the / s 11:53 a.m.

    Venezuela Libre: Ramón Hernández / No fear
    The worst predictions have been almost full, but there are still fools who refuse to live in a dictatorship, but from the first day keeps the principal suspended guarantee: the right to life. ...
    Venelib Published by the / s 11:17 a.m.
    UN warned Qaddafi that commits crimes against humanity
    The project also proposes to ban travel and freeze the assets of Gadhafi and his top aides, and imposed an embargo on arms sales to Libya.

    Protesters carried on their shoulders the remains of a dead (AP)

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    fleeing Libya horror stories

    Son of Gaddafi said that "face problems" in western Libya
    U.S. and Europe imposed sanctions on Libya
    Gaddafi says which will open stockpiles if necessary

    THE UNIVERSAL Friday February 25, 2011 05:27 PM
    New York .-
    A draft Security Council resolution drafted by UN warns Western powers that repression Muammar Gaddafi in Libya could be considered as crimes against humanity, diplomats said today.
    The draft says that the International Criminal Court (ICC), based in The Hague should investigate violence unleashed in Libya, according to these diplomats, told AFP. "The resolution said that such violence could be considered as crimes against humanity," said a diplomat, requesting anonymity.
    The project also proposes to ban travel and freeze the assets of Gadhafi and his top aides, and imposed an embargo on arms sales to Libya.

    The fifteen countries of the Security Council UN met Friday to discuss sanctions against the Qaddafi regime, while continuing the bloody repression in that country.

    The United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon said that the Council should take decisive steps towards Libya.

    "A waste of time means a loss of human lives," he said before the Security Council. "It is time that the Council consider concrete measures," he said.

    "The next hours and the next days are critical for the Libyans and their country, with important implications for the region," he said.

    "The violence must stop," said the UN chief. "Those who spill the blood of the innocent should be punished so easily," he added, speaking of a balance of about a thousand dead.

    "There are daily clashes in at least three neighboring cities of Tripoli," according to Ban.

    "People can not leave their homes for fear of being shot by government forces or militias," he said.

    "The fans of Colonel Gaddafi went house to house. According to reports, would have gone to hospitals to kill the opponents," he said.
    "There are other details about the killing of soldiers who refused to fire on their fellow citizens," said Ban.
    The Council will resume consultations on Saturday at 11:00 am, said a senior United Nations official.
    same time, Libya's ambassador to the UN, Mohamed Shalgham, left office, as it did on Monday, his deputy Dabbashi Ibrahim said Friday a United Nations diplomat on condition of anonymity.
    The ambassador, who until now had remained loyal to Gaddafi denounced the Friday before the Security Council the "charges" committed in their country.
    "Please, United Nations, except Libya. Let there be no bloodshed or killing," he pleaded. "Please, please pass a resolution brave."
    "It is important to us, the people of Libya, the Security Council to take a real decision now to stop the bloodshed," he added. "There can be a leader, king or president who kills his people."
    These statements total marked a turning Shalgham, who in recent days had said he was a friend of Gadhafi and could not betray him.
    The Security Council is determined to express the anger of the international community after Gaddafi's refusal to hear the calls of President Barack Obama and other heads of state to put an end to violence in their country.


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