Friday, February 18, 2011

Kate Playground Gallery 2010


  • Caracas, February 15 .- then the words of political prisoner Lock Alejandro Peña Luis Cabrera before the judge at the hearing held on 27 January:
  • Very
  • Good afternoon.
    Before I begin to clarify that, as I am a man of letters and not weapons-I will use during my presentation a very educational literary, the use of irony.
  • The irony is not fun, nor is it a lack of respect, but the juxtaposition of facts so contradictory, so mutually exclusive, causing laughter in the audience-whether it is a play-o the reader-whether it is a literary work.
  • very clear that I am solely Venezuelan citizen, I have no other nationality.
  • certainly born in Washington, because my parents worked there when I was born, but I never asked for American citizenship, although it might do, because I do not want to have any other nationality.
  • 'm Venezuelan, Venezuelan parents, grandparents Venezuelans and deeply love my country. So I want to live here all my life. So it is not true that there is danger leak in my case, as the prosecutor said. I was charged two counts: conspiracy and trafficking in weapons of war, in the form of concealment. I plead absolutely guilty to both counts, but also want to change the rating of the two alleged crimes to a very different.
  • I do not know Francisco Chávez Abarca. I've never seen in my life. The first time I heard of him was when he was arrested in Maiquetia airport.

    Here occurs the first inconsistency: According to this police report on file, Chávez Abarca "allegedly" a man he described as short and fat, which is not my face.

    1. "allegedly" also says that I met in Honduras, before the crisis of June 2009 when President Manuel Zelaya was still, well, the first time I traveled to Honduras was in July 2009 when he had assumed the presidency Roberto Micheletti, and it consists in my migration.
    2. only thing there is a report from Commissioner David Colmenares about what allegedly told Chavez Abarca, who in turn one "Daniel" supposedly told about what I supposedly had said. ! Tremenda the prosecution presented evidence!
      But there is something more, very serious, in that police report, David Colman said Chavez offered to intercede covers not being sent to Cuba in exchange for his statement. Ie, it admits that Chávez Abarca Colmenares said pressure, under duress.
    3. But unfortunately, Chávez Abarca was sent to Cuba, so we can not know if his statement is true, and if there is such a "Daniel", no one knows who he is, what is your surname, or where it is.
    4. But Chávez Abarca allegedly said that I had contacted him to "to do some odd jobs in Venezuela." But not just any "job", but nothing less than to destabilize the state.
    5. If indeed it was supposedly my partner in a quest to destabilize the state, it makes sense that I was running the country, to protect me.
    6. If I had something to do with Chávez Abarca, I would have stayed out of Venezuela, especially when, as of July 6, in the state channel (Venezolana de Television), I repeatedly accused of having ties with Chávez Abarca.
      However, so I must be crazy, they quietly returned to Caracas on July 8, through the very Maiquetia airport, and continued leading my life normally.
    7. Here I pause to tell the prosecutor Didier Rojas, as you can see me there is no risk of flight, but "anti-leak", because they're already "escaped" back to arrest me in my home.
      I am not above any citizen, I am a citizen common, but it is also true that I devote myself to politics, I have been a candidate for President of the Republic twice. It is also evident that I have a clear profile opponent of the current government, I have gone to the international court to charge this government, I have been in The Hague in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
    8. The court and prosecutors need to know that when an opposition leader is "throwing a lot of joke," you have to put a stone, so everything a certain level political leader has gone to jail, either Romulus Betancourt, Jovito Villalba, or any Latin American politician who opposed strongly their respective governments.
    9. That brings me to the third inconsistency: given the above, I decided to leave a video message recorded by if something were to happen.
    10. I recorded the message on Saturday July 10 and circulated through Internet social networks before the raid.

    But then I'm so crazy, and my failure is so common sense, who know that they are going to bring an action against me, supposedly left an explosive in my house and I put it no less on the desktop my 8 year old daughter.

    1. then I insist, sir, that we must change the definition of the offense, not accuse me of "terrorist", but to be a tremendous mind.
      Let us now examine the fourth inconsistency: The day before the raid, on Sunday 11 July, the weekly La Razón published a warning that would pave SEBIN my home in relation to the case Chávez Abarca .
    2. There is clearly explained Chávez Abarca had provided a list of his alleged accomplices, among whom was allegedly Peña Flood. And literally said that "in the coming days there will be raids in Caracas."
      Since I devote myself to politics, it is my duty to be informed, but also that Sunday, the phone stopped ringing, warning that the SEBIN pave my home in the next few hours, as reported by The Reason .
    3. The explosives were never in my house, but in the unlikely event that they were there, as logical that I take them out immediately.
    4. Second, I had no intention to run away, I have no intention of leaving the country, although I put me in jail and rot there.
    5. My work as a politician is to stand up for what I think, and I will not stop doing my duty to defend my ideals, or fear to prison, or for any other reason.
    6. Now I talk about some irregularities in my case, besides those already mentioned by my lawyers in various writings.
      First: For years there has been a campaign against me by the official media, and even by senior government officials.
    7. By this I mean that I have been tried and convicted, but not before a court, but to the public.
      Second: If Chávez Abarca was so dangerous, if it intended to destabilize the state Why deport him to Cuba? Why did a test advance? Why not allow me to see here?
    8. But why believe his alleged statements, if actually given them? If this administration officials say that the declarations of the ETA terrorists have no credibility Why this alleged terrorist do have that?
    9. Third. I refer to the raid. There occurred a number of irregularities. They entered my house around 20 staff. When he saw me two officials pointed me two pistols. They handcuffed me and pinned me, without even being charged.
    put me in a corner where I could not see what was happening in my home. In addition, we were worried about our daughters, who believed it was an assault or robbery. They were crying.

    But what worries me most is the way the officers behaved. Occupied all the rooms in the house simultaneously, which lends itself to any type of irregularity, as indeed occurred had no way to monitor what they were doing.

    I say something very hard. I can not assure that any of these officers planted evidence, but I can say that in that raid stole the money from my eldest daughter, broke his piggy bank and stole the money. Electronic devices of girls were taken away and that is not reflected in the minutes is say, they stole. and who is capable of stealing, is also capable of planting false evidence.

    room. I have reason to believe evil, especially I have reason to think I'm a political objective.

    Moreover, did the opposite of escape. Was abroad, and returned to Venezuela. The fact that I have been deprived of my freedom is a proof that This is political persecution.
    If there is ample evidence that I knew in advance of the raid on my house, and I did not run away Why I am not being tried in freedom? Why senior government officials and state agencies and show me as guilty, if the trial or even started?

    This type of questioning is what led to the suggestion of renowned personalities in the country and dignitaries from other countries suggests that there is a political interest in criminalizing and they have stated publicly.
    Finally, I talk about my profile as a person, as opposed to the profile you want to charge me.

    A man who has the profile of a terrorist is a crazy person, a person capable of murdering innocent people making bombs. An unstable person with no family, moving from one place to another. That is not my profile.

    I have 56 years. I have no criminal record. I know weapons. I'm more a man of letters, my books circulating in other countries and been translated into other languages. A man of 56 years is not so stupid to put some explosives in his home.
    I have a international experience to watch. I have written several books. I have been married 20 years.

    the most important thing about my bank account data, that the prosecution entered in the file is opened in the year 78, ago 33 years! ! Tremendo terrorist who used the same bank account for 33 years!
    I have always lived in my apartment, I have three daughters who belong to the Youth and Children's Orchestras.
    ! Tremendo terrorist one who has daughters in orchestras, who has written books!
    Obviously am a victim of a scam.

    'm a lecturer. Do you know, outside of what I consider an expert? ! As a person who gives talks on terrorism! The ones I rode this "comb" acted with little intelligence. In my talks on terrorism give arguments because terrorism does not work. Give arguments on why bombs useless.
    The pumps have a huge problem and they kill innocent people. No cause based on terrorism triumphs politically. My opinion is that the movements politicians who resort to terrorism all fail.
    The bombs do not agree to a political movement because people who use it are degrading morally, I explain that in my talks.

    Terrorism goes against my moral and spiritual beliefs. If you call the Disip (SEBIN) and ask for my visitors, you'll see that many of them are priests, including church leaders. They know my way of thinking, know that I am unable to have bombs in my house or to resort to terrorism, they know that I attribute has no relationship with the person they have known for many years, which is why church leaders have supported me publicly.

    I think there is an afterlife. I think there is a God in heaven. I think there is a trial, the most important of all, called the Last Judgement. It takes place when one dies. In that trial, all is revealed. No tricks that are worth. Not worth the false witnesses. They do not have political passions. Because God sees everything and knows everything. There is no way to cheat.

    I do not like harming others, apart from that I like to do good, I confess that "I have fear of God." So never occur to me to plant explosives. deeply love my country. I will pass through the sacrifice necessary to assist with the welfare of my country. I have shown that after six months of being unjustly deprived of my freedom. I have clear conscience and my God is my witness. I hope you, the decisions to be taken, may also account for their actions before God Almighty. The Great Judge to whom none can deceive.

    In short, I accused a witness whom I've never seen, and I can never see, because it was sent to Cuba. A report accuses me of a man who signed his alleged statements. Explosives get into my house, it is clear that I knew of the raid. The raid itself was marred by irregularities. May have left the country on various occasions and I did not. I have powerful political enemies who have developed a massive campaign against me and wanted me arrested. And my way of thinking and living clearly shows that I am the opposite of a terrorist and I firmly oppose terrorism.

    Finally, I address you with all due respect your honor: I think all the irregularities that I have raised you know them well. You know the reasons why my lawyer has lodged an objection. You know that Chavez never gave this statement covers. You should also know that there is a political campaign against me. Mr. Judge knows that I am subject to very strong political attack that undermines a lot of things, and when you see these irregularities which I have expressed here, that makes me think that here is a bias of some sort.
    critical that you do not have a political affiliation, but I think that removing you impartiality. At the hearing of presentation you gave a political speech. I have sound reasons to doubt his impartiality, so I want to exercise my right of citizens to invoke Article 86 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and intends to challenge at this time. appreciate the patience she had to listen to me, but I am being subjected to a despicable act which has no name.
    My intention was not to offend anyone. is everything.
    Peña Lock: Judge Luis Cabrera is a political actor Peña 333 Lock invoked against Judge Cabrera
    disqualify the trial judge Lock Peña
    Peña says, "Terrorists are supporters of the FARC " Peña Letter Lock young


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