Monday, February 21, 2011

Small Wood Project Plans


FL / MR / LC
02/20/2011 11:20:39 am
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A total of 80 young people are on hunger strike several states. Strikers require an OAS commission to come to Venezuela to monitor the situation of human rights. Osmary Perez, daughter of Oscar Perez read a statement of political exiles in Peru support the protesters.

Young people are at the headquarters of the OAS met today, 20 days of protest.

Until now the 80 strikers are distributed in 8 institutions.

Caracas: 28
13 young strikers at the headquarters of the OAS
3 at the Embassy of Paraguay
4 at the Embassy of Costa Rica
5 in the Brazilian embassy
3 at the Embassy of Chile Regions: 52 strikers Bolívar Youth 10 (some from Delta Amacuro) 4 in Táchira Anzoátegui 10 in 7 in 10 in Lara Carabobo 3 in Falcón Zulia 8 in
Ledezma urged the president of Brazil

Metropolitan Mayor, Antonio Ledezma said he sent a letter to the president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff to rule on the hunger strike that five young people make in that country's embassy in Caracas.
Three young people joined the protest in Bolivar
Three young students of Delta State Amacuero joined the strikers at the core UDO Ciudad Bolivar. The Students say that despite the pressures and difficulties were able to join the strike. The Saturday night one of the strikers up the protest by health problems. Heres mayoral provided logistical support, medical and security.
Representatives of the opposition in the state also cater to the young protesters.
Two young men join in Carabobo
Saif Al-Islam Gadafi
Within hours of the morning, students Gordino and Juan Anibal Reyes, both 20 years old joined the protest in the state of Carabobo.
Press exiles in Peru in support of strikers

Gaddafi's Son
ensures that Libya is "on the brink of civil war"
02/20/2011 6:43 : 34 pm

Muamar Gadafi
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Seif el Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said on state television today that the country is "in a very serious situation" and endangered "civil war", but warned that "not allow chaos" and that the Army "remains and remain faithful "to his father and the regime.

Seif el Islam, considered by far the most likely successor to Gaddafi, announced" new laws and a national debate on a new constitution that can be opened from tomorrow if we agreement ". " We are in a dangerous turn in the history of our country, before everyone take up arms and have a civil war and a split in Libya, we need a national debate, with which Gaddafi is in agreement to move to a second republic, "he said.
The son of Libyan leader stressed that there are two options:" either we agree all Libyans wanted democracy, liberty and reforms and act with reason, or will be chaos and we're in a cycle of violence worse than in Iraq or Yugoslavia. stressed that the Army "will play a key role in restoring security, whatever the price to pay because it is the unit of Libya "and said the Libyan military" are not those of Tunisia and Egypt. "
In this regard, he stressed that the army" remain faithful to Libya and Gaddafi to last minute "and" destroy people who make a plot against the country. "
" Rather than mourn the 80 dead in recent days, if chaos arrives, hundreds of thousands weep of our brothers and we are forced to flee our country, "he said.
" The situation is very serious, there is a plan to destabilize Libya, Tunisia and Egypt is not, here the situation is different, since Libya is made tribal, not political parties and organizations run the risk of civil war, "he added.
Seif el Islam also warned that after that civil war" could be another war about oil, about the distribution of these resources "and the Libyans are" at risk of returning to the era of hunger ".
" If we do not agree, prepare to be re-colonized by the West, since it does not allow the creation of an Islamic state in Libya, nor will he be exported terrorism, or that oil remains in the hands of criminals, "he said.
Gaddafi's son said they have been stolen large quantities of arms and ammunition in various parts of the country and criminals "circulate even armored board. In his view there are three groups responsible for the riots that shook the country: the first is formed by" opponents of inside and outside. "
The second Islamic organizations" that have been armed and shot at security forces "and" advertised in the town of al Baida creation of an Islamic state, "he said. And the third is composed of" people of all kinds, including children, drug addicts, fugitives from justice and even honest people expressing legitimate grievances, "he said.
" We arrested dozens of Arab and African brothers whose mission Libya destabilize and terrorize the population, "he said. Gaddafi's son said in Benghazi were 84 deaths and 14 deaths in Al Baida by riots and recognized that Army and security forces "have made mistakes in clashes with protesters, firing and killing people."
Still, accused the international media to provide "balance imaginary" and of his country "does not have covered the events to give the truth about what happened." According to his son, Gaddafi in Tripoli and is the one who "direct combat."
"We in Libya, Gaddafi and we will beat until the last minute to the last drop of blood to safeguard our country and its unity," he said. Related News
Suppression in Libya left more than 170 dead, protest about Tripoli
Gaddafi says will not leave the country despite protests

intense gunfire are heard in several neighborhoods of Tripoli

Protestas en Libia
MMR Globovisión / AFP 2/20/2011 8:50:46 PM

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Intense gunfire was heard on Monday at dawn in the heart of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, and in several neighborhoods of the city for the first time since protests began against the regime, witnesses said.
The shooting intensified once the speech on state television Saif Al Islam Gaddafi, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, in which he warned that the country was on the brink of civil war and runs the risk of further bloodshed.

Confusion reigns in the capital where you can hear heavy gunfire from fire, ambulance sirens and horns of vehicles.

"We are hearing intense gunfire everywhere and close to downtown," said a resident of the neighborhood of Al Andalus.
Another resident reported gunshots in the area Mirza, near the center of Tripoli.
A resident of the neighborhood Gurgi worker said that security forces fired tear gas to disperse protesters demanding the downfall of the regime.

"There are demonstrations. We hear slogans against the regime and gunfire. Our house is filled with tear gas, "he said requesting anonymity.

Libya Protests escalated on Sunday after Muammar Gaddafi regime opponents a car loaded with explosives and crash into a wall made of military field Alfadeel Abu-Omar.


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