Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Would Cause Bloodspot In 3year Old's Atool


Angelica Mora Florida Notes from a Reporter Source: http://angelicamorabeals.blogspot.com/ At the time of this writing, nobody would have bet that Muammar Gaddafi for was actually in Tripoli. And this, although the Libyan dictator made a brief appearance Monday night on state television "live" from his residence in Bab Al Azizia in the capital, said the television itself, to deny his departure . "I'll see young people Green Square. Just to prove that I am in Tripoli and not in Venezuela and lie to the television ... these dogs, "Gaddafi said in a brief to quell the rumors disseminated by several television channels and international media claimed that he had gone to Venezuela. The televised images showed Gaddafi to coat, preparing to board a car, and protected from rain with an umbrella in front of his residence-quarters of Bab Al Aziziya. As important fact: In Tripoli it was raining. But some major international news media say it is a show and give it as outside Tripoli, the Libyan capital. Meanwhile, the crisis is deepening. His justice minister resigned and two pilots arrived in fighter planes to Malta where he requested asylum. Among those who say they fled is the British Foreign Secretary, William Hague, who said that Gaddafi could be out of Venezuela and that he has facts to make that statement. But in Miraflores and the Casa Amarilla all, with Chavez at the head, denied that the Libyan dictator is in Venezuela. The presumption-Gaddafi would have thought in this nation in a possible flight-is because it has maintained a close friendship with Hugo Chavez that goes beyond mere sympathy two birds of a feather. have been awarded, given expensive gifts and have snogged three times on the cheek each time they meet, as a symbol of "counting on me." And at this critical time the Libyan may well think of the Venezuelan Crypt shelter. Total Not Venezuela and Libya are members of the Non-Aligned Nations? Who to believe? It is quite possible that despite the show's umbrella today, the Libyan displayed in Miraflores eating arepas tomorrow.

BBC Editorial

Although Muammar Gaddafi has no official capacity as president or head of government, but the "leader and guide of the revolution," everything that happens in Libya must have the approval of his or his family. His sons Al-Saadi, chief of the Armed Forces, " Mutassim and Khamis, in which the ruling is based on the time of need, have key positions in the security forces.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi is the second of eight children. And his second son, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, ("the sword of Islam" in Arabic), plays a role in the political landscape and is usually represented at official events. precisely the dormant question after his speech on Sunday is why was he, not his father, who appeared on television warning that run "rivers of blood" if not stop the protests? Ulrichsen To Kristian Coates, researcher at the London School of Economics , might have forced him to speak, since the style was tough and threatening, is not true to its mark reformer. "One possibility is that the child say what the father does not mean. O that represents a policy option, at least, most direct form of another generation, is different from his father," Pedro Martinez says Montávez, Arabist and a professor emeritus at the Autonomous University of Madrid, in conversation with BBC World. click See also: Gaddafi's son warns of "civil war"

suit and tie
Although in 2008 announced his withdrawal from politics and refused to go to succeed his father, all eyes are on Saif al-Islam as the future replacement. In any case, says Coates Ulrichsen, strong power held by the Gadhafi is breaking with the past events and the absence of the Head of State in the televised speech. would be very surprised if the Libyans tolerate peaceful transfer of power to another Gaddafi Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, London School of Economics "Saif is a candidate of his father and preferred successor, yes, but I'd be very surprised if the Libyans tolerate peaceful transfer of power to another Gaddafi," he tells BBC the specialist. The teacher explains that in the dynamics of power in Libya, where there are no political parties-the father pulling the strings, tipping the scales at will between the industry and political reform-Saif, or the military side hard, represented by Al-Saadi, Mutassim and Khamis. click See pictures: Protests "censored" Libya Influential is that while the eccentric Libyan leader has been clothes and get to their partners in a Bedouin tent, your child wears a suit and tie. As the head of state has launched a plan to "destroy imported ideologies," his son, who studied in Vienna and London and speaks fluent German and English, has a greater openness to the West.
Gaddafi pulling the strings of power.

is believed that helped negotiate the release by the Scottish government's only charged with the bombing of Pan Am plane, the Libyan Abdel Basset Al-Megrahi, for humanitarian reasons.

has also played a role in opening up oil and gas deposits in Libya to the international market.

also has a media group that includes satellite television and private newspapers.

As explained BBC analyst Abdallah al-Salmi, "all media are state property. There are only two or three newspapers in private hands that have arisen recently and whose owners are members of the Libyan leader's son ". Power


But while Gaddafi and his family enjoy enormous power and privileges in Libya, so do many of the people associated with the regime, including a complex network of tribal leaders.

Benghazi, the epicenter of the protests, is Libya's second city and is far away, both geographically and politically, the power bases in their strongholds Gaddafi in Tripoli and Sirte.

Libya is made up of tribes and political parties not

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi

is that, as the same Saif al-Islam said on television Sunday night, "Libya is composed of tribes and not political parties. "And two important tribes-including the largest in the country, just Warfalla-over to the side of the protesters.

The tribal leader Al-Zuwayya in the east, the Sheikh Faraj al Zuway, threatened to cut off oil exports to Western countries in 24 hours unless authorities stop what they called the "oppression of protesters," reports Reuters.

and Akram Al- Warfalli, a leading figure in the tribe Warfalla told Al Jazeera: "We say to the brother (Gaddafi) is no longer a brother, we tell him to leave the country."
As explained by Professor Coates Ulrichsen, the rapid changes in recent days changed the landscape of power in the Arab country and end up with a growing centralization initiated by Muammar Qaddafi in the 1969 revolution. click See also: Fear in Libya, Bahrain Libya: Gaddafi STEP UP PROTESTS AGAINST antigovernment demonstrations intensified this weekend in eastern Libya and spread the capital, Tripoli. protests calling on the North African nation out of Gaddafi, the longest-serving Arab leader, who has 42 years in power. protests in Libya Al Jazeera

television channel, citing several witnesses, did not specify the exact areas or neighborhoods that have been bombed or even provides a count of the number of victims.

By contrast, the electronic journal Quryna "close to Seif Al Islam Gaddafi, a son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi denied
military planes have bombed
demonstrators in the capital.

Al Jazeera said that the attacks occurred shortly after all telephone communications were suddenly cut in this part of the country.
occurred less than an hour after the broadcast on state television Libya TV a message as "urgent" and that seemed to come command of the armed forces.
It heralded the start of a crackdown
"dens of perpetrators of acts of destruction and sabotage"
and asked the Libyan people to remain vigilant before these "gangs" and cooperate with law enforcement throughout the country. and will have among its members representatives of advocacy organizations local and foreign human rights.
Its mission is to determine "the circumstances and reasons" for the loss of life "during the sad events in progress", according to Libya TV.

In pictures: Protests "censored" Libya Benghazi, the hub of anti-government movement news agency Associated Press received Photos, that has not been verified, the protests in Libya, where more pictures were not disclosed by the censorship authorities. Image 1 of 7 previous

Grupo de manifestantes con una antigua bandera libia en Tobruk


Muammar Gaddafi could make opening statements shortly

According review the English newspaper El Pais, the Libyan foreign minister told the Arab network Al Arabiya, which that nation's president, Muammar Gaddafi, will give his first speech after strong protests began in Libya.
Libyan armed forces bombed deposits arms located far from urban areas, said Monday night the son of Muammar Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam, Libyan television reported.
"The armed forces bombed weapons caches in areas far from urban laz, Libyan television said, adding that quoted a statement by Saif al Islam the official news agency Jana.
Saif al Islam and denied "reports that the armed forces bombed the cities of Tripoli and Benghazi, Libyan television said.
TV network Al-Jazeera had reported air strikes on Tripoli.
Vice-Minister Libya denies Gaddafi has fled to Venezuela


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