Friday, February 25, 2011

Toddler Bumped Head Vomit

SO IS THE SITUATION IN LIBYA (reports and videos)

Hugo Chavez for 2nd time-gave-a Muhamar Gaddafi in 2009
Source: YouTube

Source: Libertad Digital: News and opinion on the Web


February 23, 2011

February 23, 2011

Gaddafi's desperate struggle to maintain control of western Libya
The cities of the eastern part of the country celebrate their liberation .- The regime threatens international journalists to ensure that views them as "partners of al Qaeda" .- The Libyan leader threatened more repression .- Heavy fighting in cities and roads between Tripoli and the Tunisian border Cozar
Libyan Revolt keeps
force despite the threats made on Tuesday by Muammar Gaddafi
, the dictator who runs the country for 42 years. Wednesday has become clear that the regime has lost control in the east, where journalists have managed to get through the border with Egypt. But now desperate struggle to maintain control of the West, where heavy fighting is taking place, according to witnesses who come to the border with Tunisia. The situation of pro-Gaddafi is so desperate that 17 Air Force pilots have been executed in Libya in Tripoli after refusing to bomb power neighborhoods the rebel city Zaouia, 44 kilometers from the capital, according to Libyan military-related reports Ignacio Cembrero.

die killing Gaddafi promises
's army repression
"They fire indiscriminately into the people "

Thousands of refugees flee to Tunisia and Egypt
Spain suspended arms sales
The Libyan regime supports 300 killed during the revolt
UN U.S. and doubts about action against Libya
Europe and revolution
protesters and soldiers shout slogans against Gaddafi in Tobruk. - REUTERS
Gaddafi is struggling to maintain control of the west, and supporters of dictator trying to control Zwara cities, Sabratha and Zawiya and such as roads that link these populations. Witnesses report that Tripoli is a city virtually closed, where protestors are receiving support from soldiers who have deserted from the eastern cities of the country. Some reports indicate Gaddafi that flags have been burned in Zawiya, 50 km west of Tripoli, and that after days of fighting the rebels have taken control of Misurata, 200 km from the Libyan capital.
The flag of the scheme are still visible from Tunisia at the end of the border in the Libyan side and still inaccessible. The post of Ras Ajdir was on Wednesday the meeting point of journalists, NGOs and Tunisian nationals who came to see the arrival of refugees. Most were not Libyans, but Tunisian or other nationalities working in the country. As they passed, laden with suitcases and bags plastic, the Tunisians were received with some screams used in the protests that ended over a month with
the flight of the dictator of Tunisia Ben Ali
. "Dégage, dégage ... (go away, go away). He then shouted at him and said
Meanwhile, the recent crackdown wound is still open. A French doctor who has been out of Libya has told France Presse that the first day of riots in Benghazi, February 15, was in the hospital up to 75 fatalities. The figure, according to his account, he continued to grow day after day and in the hardest days, reached five hundred. "I think in total there may be more than 2,000 dead," he assured Gérard Buffet who worked as a doctor in Libya's second city last year and a half. The International Federation of Human Rights, which represents more than a hundred organizations, has already found at least 640 dead in the area. Of these, 130 are military run by its military for refusing to obey orders.
The situation is similar to that of other cities. Witnesses and journalists who have managed to enter the country for Egypt confirmed that the border town of Musaid is also in the hands of demonstrators. The same goes, moving 150 kilometers to the west, in Tobruk, a strategic port in the district nearest to Egypt. The military decided to support and protests there on Wednesday for the first time, were able to see live images of an anti-Gaddafi demonstration because they entered international broadcasters.
Moving further west, in the neighboring district of Derba, the situation can be assumed the same as the Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim, has said that Al Qaeda has formed there an Islamic emirate. This was expressed in a meeting with European ambassadors, detailing further that behind the move is a former Guantanamo detainee. At the same meeting, also insisted that journalists have come to Libya from Egypt will be considered "collaborators Al Qaeda ".
Beyond degree of reality he viewed the situation, the regime's insistence on linking any form of protest with terrorism indicates that plans to continue using any force against the demonstrators.
resigns Interior Minister
is also clear that the Libyan regime has cracked already, despite the grueling speech Gaddafi gave on Tuesday. Every hour adds to the list of military officers, ambassadors and senior Libyan officials to resign, led by those assigned to Washington, Ali Aujali, following in the footsteps of the members of the Libyan representative at the UN (except the headline). Diplomats in France and to UNESCO expressed its support for "the people in this revolt against the machine of oppression", but did not resign. Yes I did the Libyan Embassy in Bangladesh and India. Legations in Malaysia and Australia issued statements condemning the repression.
Late yesterday, to the Libyan Interior Minister and comrade-Qaddafi since the time of the 1969 revolution, Abdullah Yunis,

announced his resignation

and adherence to the so-called Revolution of 17 February, claiming the departure of the dictator. The minister asked the army to join the protesters and back up your claims "legitimate."

February 23, 2011 Venezuelan

trapped in Libya ask for help to evacuate

Globovisión AAS 2/23/2011 2:31:31 PM addthis_language var = "en"; addthis_localize
var = {email: "E", more: "More s. .." };

Approximately 70
Venezuelan citizens who are seeking help in Libya to leave the country to face an armed conflict after the revolt began against Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Three of these people are trapped in Benghasi, then that make it difficult to arrive at an airport.
The mother of a 24-year-old Venezuelan is in Libya called on the Venezuelan government and the diplomatic missions of Canada and Brazil to help Venezuelans get found on the Arab nation.
Young is located in Benghasi, 20 minutes of Libya, along with two other Venezuelans. They contacted the Embassy of Venezuela in Tripoli, where they reported that there are no evacuation plans for Venezuelans in the country. Apparently these people have their passports withheld.
Gaddafi's regime, in power for 42 years, lives a protest movement not seen since February 15 and the suppression of which caused 300 deaths (242 civilians and 58 military), according to Libyan authorities, and 640 as figures released Wednesday by the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH). Related News: - Foreign Affairs Committee approved statement by situation in Libya Libyan Obama as unacceptable suffering and assesses responses to situation The U.S. president said that the options to repression in that country include both unilateral measures as those taken in coordination with other international partners
Barack Obama "suffering" in Libya "unacceptable" and must end immediately and reported that he instructed his advisers to prepare all the options to deal with the situation in the North African country.
U.S. President in a statement in the lobby of the White House, the first made on the situation in Libya, said the options before the situation in Libya include both unilateral measures as those taken in coordination with other partners international.
In this regard, he said, ordered the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who moves to Geneva on Monday to participate in the foreign ministers' talks on violence in Libya.

addition, another envoy to visit U.S. allies in Europe for consultations on the crisis and consider the "full range of options." In a situation "as volatile as this," he added, it is imperative that "countries around the world speak with one voice."

National Security team in the White House, he added, has worked "24 hours a day" to address the crisis in Libya, where Muammar Gaddafi regime begins to crumble after losing control of the eastern the country, while trigger the death toll from the repression of the riots.

Libyan government attacks against its population, he said, "violates not only laws, but the sense of common decency."

In his statement, Obama said his Government's support for human rights such as freedom of expression, which held that "are not negotiable" and "must be respected in every country." The Libyan Government said, will be held accountable for its "failure" in meeting the international standards.

"It's not just a concern ours. The whole world is outstanding, "said the president. Source: "believes" unacceptable "suffering" libio-and-evaluate-answer-to-state

February 23, 2011 press conference, Ban.

Ban Ki-Moon in a speech at the United Nations to New York from a visit to Los Angeles because of the seriousness of the situation in Morocco. For the secretary general of the UN, the magnitude of the repression unleashed by the Libyan regime is an "egregious violation of international law and human rights laws."

"I condemn them, loudly and unreservedly. Those responsible must be prosecuted," said Ban. In his view, the situation in Libya after several days of street protests and repression by the regime is unpredictable and can grow in many ways, most dangerous. "

"At this juncture, it is imperative that the international community remains united and act together to ensure a peaceful transition, "said UN Secretary General, met today with top aides to discuss the Libyan crisis and spoke by phone with leaders in the region.

Therefore, was pleased by the decision of the Arab League on Tuesday to suspend the participation of Libya in the body and the sentence on the same date by the Security Council of the UN. "The world has spoken with one voice. The Libyan Government must take responsibility to protect its people ", he said.
Anyway, avoided ruling on whether to impose sanctions on the regime Libyan or declare a no-fly zone, since, as noted, is a responsibility that falls to the Security Council.
not rule on whether Gaddafi should leave office he has held since 1969 and said that such decisions "should be resolved by the Libyan people."
"In the Middle East today as we see people, particularly young people, extend the frontiers of freedom," the secretary general stressed.
also announced that the UN undersecretary general for political affairs Lynn Pascoe, will travel to Egypt on Thursday to discuss with the authorities of the country's transition to a democratic civilian government.
With this same mission will travel this weekend to Tunisia other head of the Department of Political Affairs, Jamal Benomar, said.
Source: National
February 23, 2011 the people can not express "
At least 10,000 people have died in Libya since the beginning of popular protests against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi said on Wednesday according to Al Arabiya Libyan member of the International Criminal Court (CPI), Sayed al Shanuka.
1. For the purposes of this Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of an attack widespread or systematic attack against any civilian population with knowledge of the attack:
c) Enslavement;
d ) Deportation or forcible transfer of population;
e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
f) Torture;
    g) Rape, sexual slavery, prostitution forced, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization and other sexual abuse of comparable gravity;
h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court; i) Enforced disappearance of people; j) The crime of apartheid;

k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious injury to body or mental or physical health.

the recent violent events in Libya, one wonders if the Head of State of the Republic, Muhammad Qaddafi has committed acts which qualify as crimes against humanity. The reporting of social media, despite restrictions on freedom of information and communication of the totalitarian regime of that country is that, faced with protest demonstrations by large numbers of Libyans, ordered the death-and perhaps the killing of the demonstrators, who oppose him, the private has been arrested or seriously of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law has sought to groups identified as having opposition, on grounds motivated politicians are universally recognized as impermissible under international law and has incurred other inhumane acts of similar character intentionally causing great suffering and seriously undermine the physical or mental or physical health.
Indeed, Gaddafi has publicly stated that it will destroy the "Rats" who are opposed, has ordered firearms to disperse peaceful demonstrations, even to order a land and air bombardment. These serious human rights violations as crimes of international criminal law have been identified as such until Libyan ambassadors accredited abroad by senior government officials and military officers. The Rome Statute cited above, that Article 7, describes what is meant by such crimes. In effect, states:

a) "Attack directed against any civilian population" means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against any civilian population, in accordance with the policy of a State or an organization to commit such acts or to promote this policy;


g) "Persecution" means the intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights contrary to international law by reason of the identity of the group or collectivity;

are matters of common knowledge , by Ghadafi has been, for some time, a line of conduct involving the multiple commission of the above acts against a civilian population, in accordance with its policy to commit such acts or to promote that policy. All stops will announce that Ghadafi ousted shortly. If out of Libya, you can not take refuge in a country signatory to the Rome Statute without running the risk that the general prosecutor's indictment after the International Criminal Court, he stopped to stand trial in The Hague.
The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, has just declared that:
"The decision to execute in Libya must be taken by the Libyan people. Today, Libya is not a party to the Rome Statute. Therefore, one interventions by the CPPI based on crimes committed in Libya can happen only if the Libyan authorities accept the jurisdiction of the Court (through Article 12 (3) of the Rome Statute). In the absence of such a measure, the Security Council of the United Nations may decide rereferirle this situation to the Court. The Prosecutor's Office will act only after you have taken any of the two decisions.

Related articles: - Khadafi

warns the world: "I will die in Libya as a martyr"


Thursday February 24, 2011 "Gaddafi's days are numbered. will do as Hitler did and be cut off," said the former minister Mustafa Abdeljalil. google_protectAndRun (render_ads.js:: google_render_ad "google_handleError, google_render_ad) In an excerpt from the interview in advance yesterday in the online edition of Expressen
BY THE FORMER MINISTER OF JUSTICE Libyan opponents in secret prisons while their families believe they have died

crash a plane to bomb the population not
2011 - 02-24 EFE Former Libyan justice minister, Mustafa Abdeljalil, said Thursday in an interview with Swedish tabloid Expressen that the fall of the dictator of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, is about and it will commit suicide like Hitler. "Gaddafi's days are numbered. As Hitler did and will be cut off, "said Abdeljalil.

, the former minister had accused Gaddafi personally ordered the attack Lockerbie (Scotland), which killed 270 people in 1988, though without providing evidence. Abdeljalil reported that the Libyan regime has secret prisons in Tripoli and Benghazi, where opponents are locked whose relatives believe they are dead.

Mustafa Abdeljalil

resigned three days ago as Minister of Justice for the crackdown on protesters by the public forces in the protests that have occurred in Libya against the regime of Gaddafi. It is the third time Abdeljalil leaving his post after several disagreements with the regime, which he did not let him reform the judicial system, and investigate incidents such as the slaughter of Boslim prison.

"I knew that the regime had mercenaries before the revolt. The Government decided in several meetings to give citizenship to people from Chad and Niger, I protested and this is documented. Instead I asked him nationality Libyan children whose mothers are citizens but are married to foreigners, "he said.

Expressen said Abdeljalil exclusive interview was conducted by one of its reporters "in the local parliament of a Great City" in Libya.

Gaddafi said that protesters are drug addicts

Barack Obama
JMS Globovision / AFP 24/02/2011 10:00:40 am

var = "en";
addthis_localize var = {email: "E", more: "More s. .." };

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi on Thursday accused the protesters that his regime are reeling from being linked to the Islamist Al Qaeda network of Osama bin Laden and acting under the influence of drugs. "These people have no real claims, their claims are those of Bin Laden," Colonel Qaddafi said in an audio message broadcast on television from Zauiya, a town west of Tripoli, the scene of fierce fighting.

"But you have chosen Zauiya Bin Laden," he charged. "They (the men of Bin Laden) have given them drugs," he said. "These movers are not very numerous and we catch them," he continued, to advise the public to remain "at home." "They have guns are trigger happy and shoot, especially when under the influence of drugs," he argued.

The popular uprising on Thursday controlled much of the east and west marked points, but Gaddafi, in power since 1969, did not seem willing to give his arm to twist or to attend the appeals and pressures international community to prevent a bloodbath. Kadhafi, 68, who holds the only title of "Guide of the Revolution", he insisted that his power in Libya is merely "moral", as he did on Tuesday, claiming he could not waive charges had not. On that occasion, he ordered security forces to crush the rebellion and said ready to "fight to the death."

The uprising has its stronghold in the region of Cyrenaica, along the eastern Mediterranean coast of Libya, from the border with Egypt to Benghazi (1,000 km east of Tripoli) via Tobruk and Al Baida. Witnesses who fled to Tunisia also indicated that the rebellion was gaining ground to the west, and the city of Zuara (120 km from Tripoli) had been in the hands of demonstrators.

U.S. President Barack Obama, deemed "outrageous" the repression that has already claimed hundreds of lives and said the perpetrators of the massacres must answer for their actions.

In Al Baida, the walls riddled with bullets certified the violent clashes between rebels and the "mercenaries" hired by Kadhafi. About ten generals and colonels defected and proclaimed their loyalty to the revolution, to the applause of the crowd. "I resigned and came to Al Baida in solidarity with my people. I'll be in the front line to repel any attack," Matheka general said Salah, who was in office in the Judicial Police.

"We're talking to march on Tripoli. Our goal is to Tripoli, if Tripoli fails to free itself," said another official.

advocacy organizations denounced human rights Air strikes and shelling against civilians. According to data released in Paris by the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH), the suppression of the uprising had left since its inception on February 15 until Wednesday morning killed 640. United States and the European Union (EU), hesitant in the early days, we now consider sanctions against Kadhafi's regime, also faced the termination of its Arab peers and desertion of many hierarchs and diplomats. The EU is considering in particular the freezing of assets and the formulation of lawsuits for "crimes against humanity" against Libyan leadership. French Defense Minister, Alain Juppe, said he wants "all heart" Kadhafi is living "her last moments as head of state", but ruled out military intervention plans. Cuban leader Fidel Castro considered instead that U.S. and NATO dance a "danse macabre of cynicism" encouraging "civil war" in Libya in search of oil control. The European Commission expressed concern about the risk of a humanitarian catastrophe and evaluating responses to the rush of tens of thousands of foreigners to leave Libya by land, sea and air, under difficult conditions.

A ferry with space for a thousand passengers anchored off the Libyan coast to begin evacuating some 18,000 Indian citizens. Greece sent three troop transport aircraft C-130 to ensure the departure of its own citizens. And since Monday, 30,000 Tunisians and Egyptians returned by land to their countries, said in Geneva the International Organization for Migration (IOM) which foresees the need to assist the Libyan border to tens of thousands of people.

Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, urged his European partners to cooperate with the risk of a humanitarian crisis "catastrophe" that could push a massive exodus to European shores. "I call on Europe to take all necessary measures to cope with a catastrophic humanitarian emergency," he said in Brussels before a meeting with his EU counterparts.

Libyan coasts are about 300 km from Malta (just south of Sicily) and the Greek island of Crete.
Oil prices reached record levels Thursday in two years, due to the wave of violence in the Arab world and especially in Libya, a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). A barrel of Brent for April delivery touched $ 120 before retreating.
Former Libyan Justice Minister Mustafa Abdel Jalil, who resigned to protest against the brutal repression, ventured that Kadhafi will end up committing suicide "as Hitler."
Ban Ki-Moon en un discurso en las Naciones Unidas The revolt in Libya is inspired in recent weeks that toppled authoritarian regimes in Tunisia and Egypt, in an unprecedented wave of protests in Arab countries.


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