Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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last report (24/02/2011) NEW VIDEOS AND NEWS ON EVENTS IN LIBYA (Important information extracted from: El Pais of Spain, El Nacional, El Universal and Globovision)

Infographic: Protests in Libya

Animated Graphic on the protests and violence in Libya.

Click on the link:

Chronology of events in Libya since 1969

By The Associated Press The Associated Press - 1969: Muammar Gaddafi, who was then a captain of 27 years of age, carried out a coup largely peaceful with which overthrew the monarchy and soon becomes undisputed king of Libya. - 1970: Qaddafi becomes involved in the adoption of far-reaching changes such as establishing a socialist system, which included nationalization of companies.

- 1980: Qaddafi increasingly supports to groups considered terrorist in the West, including the Irish Republican Army and several radical Palestinian factions. After Libya was found responsible for the explosion a bomb in a Berlin nightclub frequented by U.S. soldiers, U.S. warplanes bombed the African country in 1986, killing Gaddafi's adopted daughter.

- 1988: Alleged Libyan agents planted a bomb that explodes on Pan Am flight 103 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie, killing 270 people, mostly Americans.

- 1999: In an early sign of trying to rehabilitate his image, the Gaddafi's government to surrender two Libyans accused of the Lockerbie bombing.

- 2001: A Scottish court convicted is one of the Lockerbie terrorist suspects, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, and life sentence. The other was acquitted.

- 2003: In a move to pull his country out of isolation, Libya acknowledged its responsibility for the Lockerbie bombing and agrees to pay up to $ 10 million to the families of each of the 270 victims, and states that will dismantle all weapons of mass destruction.

- 2009: Libya has celebrations marking 40 years of Qaddafi in power. Al-Megrahi is freed from a Scottish prison on humanitarian grounds because they have prostate cancer. Is given a hero's welcome in Libya.

- February 16, 2011: Riot police has a confrontation with protesters in the second largest city in Libya, Benghazi. Protesters set fire to the headquarters station of the security forces and police in two cities. Gadhafi's government seeks to dispel discontent by proposing a doubling of salaries of government employees and the release of 110 suspected Islamic militants.
- February 17, 2011: Protesters defy repression and take to the streets in five cities. At least 20 people killed in clashes with pro-government groups. At first there were reports that disrupted Internet services.
- February 18, 2011: Security forces suppressed the protests escalated. In Benghazi, 35 people died when protesters tried to march towards the residence of Kadhafi.

- February 19, 2011: pro-government forces opened fire on mourners were leaving a funeral to the demonstrators killed in Benghazi, killing at least 15 people. The special forces also attacked hundreds of protesters, including lawyers and judges, who have camped outside a courthouse in the city. The authorities cut Internet service throughout Libya, further isolating the country.
- February 20, 2011: Protests spread to the capital of Tripoli. Al least 60 people are killed, bringing the death toll in five days it goes over 200. Moammar Gadhafi's son, Seif al-Islam, claims on state television that his father remains in office with the backing of the army and the will to "fight to the last man, the last woman, the last bullet."

- February 21, 2011: The open deep gaps in the Gaddafi regime, with the resignation of foreign diplomats and the minister of justice in the country, two Air Force pilots defected to Malta and a voracious major fire destroyed a government building after the occurrence of further unrest in Tripoli. Demonstrators take control of Benghazi after some army units are allied with them. Meanwhile, in New York, Human Rights Watch puts the death toll at 233.

- February 22, 2011
Gaddafi orders the army 'to crush the protesters' and threatens the death penalty.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 الثلاثاء 22 فبراير
Tuesday 22
Libyan diplomats and senior officials resigned in outrage at the attacks against civilians as soldiers fled their units and joined the opposition.
Ibrahim Dabbashi, Libya's deputy ambassador to the United Nations, Gaddafi accused of killing his own people and urged the international community to act against the regime.
[Washington Post] [Washington Post]


Tuesday, February 22
(Bloomberg) - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said he had not fled the country by diplomats and soldiers deserted resigned in protest against the repression of anti-government protesters that left hundreds dead .
"I'm here in Tripoli and not in Venezuela," the Libyan leader said in remarks broadcast on state television.
"I do not think the dog news agency," he said, leaning out of his car to talk into a microphone while holding an umbrella
and white on its
Gaddafi's comments
came after his son threatened "Rivers of blood" in the midst of an outbreak of violence that the International Federation for Human Rights says it has killed more than 300 people.
As oil prices rose to its highest in more than two years, Libya's deputy ambassador to the United Nations accused his government of "genocide."
Tuesday, February 22, 2011: Libya
sovereign credit ratings were cut Bahrain and the Arab two countries to contain the protests
Persian Gulf and North African stocks decline.
Persian Gulf and North Africa
stocks declined.
Bahrain's long-term rating by one level WAS Reduced to A-, the Fourth-lowest investment grade, and the short-term rating to A-2 Lowered at Standard & Poor's Ratings.
within Bahrain long-term rating was reduced one notch to A-, the lowest investment grade session and qualifying to
short-term reduced to A-2
to Standard & Poor's Ratings.
Libya's long-term Foreign and local currency issuer default ratings to cut Were BBB, two notches Above non-investment grade, from BBB + at Fitch Ratings.
Libya and local long-term foreign currency issuer default ratings were reduced to BBB, two notches above
degree of investment
not, BBB + by Fitch Ratings.
The Madex Free Float Index tumbled 3 Percent in Morocco, The Most in two years, at the 3:30 pm close in Casablanca.
The floating Madex Morocco index fell 3 percent, the biggest amount in two years, at 3:30 pm in
The Bloomberg GCC 200 Index of stocks lost 0.4 Percent Gulf, Bringing the seven-day drop to 5.3 percent.
Bloomberg GCC 200 Index of stocks in the Gulf lost 0.4 percent, which fall on seven to 5.3 percent



Tuesday, February 22, 2011: European governments are under pressure to explain the procession passed the leader ears Libyan Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and sign dozens of lucrative contracts with Libya

to despite the country's rights record human oppressor.

On Monday, senior European officials intensified their condemnation of violence that has claimed hundreds of lives UK Prime Minister David Cameron Called Libya's actions "completely appalling and Unacceptable." British Prime Minister, David Cameron, asked Libya's actions "completely outrageous and unacceptable
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi voiced alarm over "the Violence Against Unacceptable use of the civil Population," echoing words by the French Government Condemned Which Also the régime's "Disproportionate and Unacceptable use of force. "
Prime Minister
Italy, Silvio Berlusconi
expressed alarm about" the unacceptable use of violence against civilian population

", echoing the words of the government French, who also condemned the regime "and unacceptable use
disproportionate force."

Yet Many Critics say the hard words come too late Against Libya.

However, Many critics say harsh words against Libya
too late.

[Wall Street Journal]
[Wall Street Journal]

More Tuesday, February 22, 2011: The federal government is considering evacuating

The Federal Government is considering Evacuating Australians from Libya as the Violence There intensifier.
to Australians in Libya as violence intensifies.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Tuesday Said the 80 Australians Estimated Believed to Be in the North African country Should get out.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard said on Tuesday that the estimated 80 Australians believe that the country

North Africa must go.

"We are Starting to canvass evacuation options NECESSARY Should That Be," She Told reporters in Canberra.

We're starting to sound disposal option should be necessary," he told reporters

in Canberra.

Advertisement: Story Continues Below The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has Lifted ITS Libya travel warning to the Highest "Do Not Travel" level as deadly clashes entre anti-government protesters and security forces Into a second rage week.

The story continues below, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has upgraded its travel warning to Libya highest "do not travel"

level clashes between protesters deadly anti-government and the forces of anger

a second week.

"Australians Are Advised to Avoid all travel to Libya Because of the volatile and Uncertain security situation," DFAT said.

"Australians are advised

avoid all travel to Libya

due to the uncertain security situation and volatile," DFAT said


Tuesday, 22 February, 2011: European Countries

lay flat and ferries to Libya on Monday to evacuate Their Citizens, and Some oil and gas companies pulled out and Their Foreign Suspended Operations staff, as anti-government prosthesis spread to Tripoli for the first time.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011: The

European countries sent planes and boats
Libya on Monday to evacuate their citizens, and a little oil and gas brought
its foreign staff out and operations were suspended, as
protests against the government extended to
Tripoli for the first time.
Passengers Returning to Rome Monday night aboard an Alitalia aircraft from Tripoli Said They Had Gunfire Heard Through the Night in the Libyan capital, pero Had an eerie silence blanket the city As They Drove to the airport in the morning.
The passengers returning Monday night to Rome aboard an Alitalia airliner departing from Tripoli said they heard gunshots during the night in the Libyan capital, but a strange silence had covered City
when way to the airport in the morning
"We had Civilians with guns on Every Corner, so it is Not safe at all," Said Siljak Zoran, a Serbian working in Libya for a paint company.
"We had civilians with firearms in every corner, so it is not safe at all," said Zoran Siljak,
a Serbian working in Libya for a painting company.
"Last night, There Were shots Through the Night, There Was fighting in the streets." Italy and Stock Had not ordered evacuations for the Italians in Libya Estimated 1.500, pero state-owned Alitalia WAS sending in larger aircraft on routes to accommodata INCREASED ITS demand, a Spokesman said. Durant

"Last night, shots were fired,
was fighting in the streets." Italy had not ordered any evacuations for about 1,500 Italians in Libya, but state-owned Alitalia was sending more planes on its routes to accommodate increased demand , a spokesman said. [Wall Street Journal] [Wall Street Journal]


Tuesday, 22 February, 2011: The United States has Condemned Violence Against the anti-government protesters in Called on Libya and Moammar Gadhafi's Government to stop the "bloodshed Unacceptable" taking place in the North African nation. Tuesday, February 22, 2011: United States has condemned the violence against anti-government protesters in Libya, and calls on the government of Moammar Gadhafi to stop "Unacceptable to outpouring of blood" that will place in the North African nation. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Said Monday the world is watching events unfold in Libya "with alarm." U.S. The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday that the world is watching events unfold in Libya "with alarm." meat Her statement AMID reports from the Libyan capital, Tripoli, helicopters and Warplanes That Were besieging parts of the city and Foreign mercenaries Had Begun to open fire on protesters. His statement came amid reports in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, helicopters and fighter jets were besieging parts of the city and foreign mercenaries had started opening fire on demonstrators. Qatar's Prime Minister Told the satellite television channel Al Jazeera the International Community Must Act Immediately to end the crackdown. Qatar's prime minister, told the satellite television channel Al Jazeera that the international community should act immediately to end the repression .

Hamad bin Jasim bin Jabr al-Thani call for an Arab League meeting Tuesday to discuss the crisis in Libya. Hamad bin Jasim bin Jabr al-Thani called for an Arab League meeting Tuesday to discuss the crisis in Libya. [VOA] [VOA] More More Tuesday, 22 February, 2011: CAIRO - Deep cracks Opened in Moammar Gadhafi's Regime Wednesday, with Libyan Government Officials at home and abroad resigning, air force pilots defecting and a bloody crackdown on protesters in the capital of Tripoli, where, Were burned cars and buildings. Tuesday, February 22, 2011: CAIRO - Deep cracks opened its doors in Muammar Gaddafi regime Monday with Libyan government officials at home and abroad resignation force pilots
desert air and a bloody crackdown on demonstrators in the capital Tripoli, where cars and buildings were burned .

World Leaders voiced outrage at the Tactics Used Against the demonstrators.
World leaders expressed outrage at the tactics used against protesters . The mercurial Libyan leader appeared on state television for less Than a minute early today to dispel Rumors That He Had Fled. mercurial leader appeared on Libyan state television for less than a minute madr ugada today to dispel rumors that he had fled . Sitting in a car in front of What Appeared to Be His residence and holding an umbrella out of the door, I Told That I Had an interviewer wanted to go to the capital's Green Square to talk to His supporters, pero rain stopped him. Sitting in a car in front of what appeared to be his residence and holding an umbrella in the door, he told an interviewer that he wanted to go to the Green Square of the capital to talk with fans but the rain stopped . "I am here to show That I am in Tripoli and Not in Venezuela. "I'm here to prove I'm in Tripoli, and not in Venezuela . Do not Believe Those misleading dog stations, "He Said, Referring to the reports That He Had half left the country. not believe the dog stations misleading, "he said, referring to reports the media had left the country. [Courier-Journal] [Daily Mail] More More Tuesday, 22 February, 2011: LOS ANGELES (AFP) - The UN Security Council Will Meet Tuesday to discuss the crisis in Libya, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Said, noting Had I spoken to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and urged restraint.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011: LOS ANGELES (AFP) - The Security Council UN will meet Tuesday to discuss the crisis in Libya, the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, noting that he had spoken with the leader libi
or Muammar Gaddafi and called for restraint. Gadhafi Violently anti-regime crushed prosthesis historical raging across country Monday. Gaddafi crushed violently anti-regime protests that hit his country on Monday . Some reports say Hundreds Have Been Killed in the oil-rich African nation. Some reports indicate that hundreds of people have been killed in the rich African nation oil. [Wall Street Journal] [Wall Street Journal] More More Tuesday, 22 February, 2011: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon spoke longtime Libyan leader Moammar with Gaddafi on Monday, Reuters reported. Tuesday, February 22, 2011: The Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon , spoke with his former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi on Monday, Reuters reported . Ban Had Extensive discussion with an Kadafi, Condemned the Escalating Violence in Libya and Told him it "must stop Immediately," a UN Spokesman Told Reuters. B an had extensive discussions with Gaddafi condemned the escalating violence in
Libya and said that "must cease immediately," said UN spokesman to Reuters.
Meanwhile, Libya's deputy ambassador to the United Nations, Ibrahim Dabbashi, Condemned Kadafi, Saying That His Regime have declared war on Libyans and WAS Committing genocide, According To CNN reports. Meanwhile, Libya's deputy ambassador to the United Nations, Ibrahim Dabbashi, Gaddafi condemned, saying that his regime has declared war on Libyan and was committing genocide, according to reports from CNN .
Dabbashi Did not step down, Saying He Was at the UN to serve the Libyan people and Not the regime. Dabbashi not to resign, saying he was at the UN to serve the Libyan people and not the regime. The whereabouts of the head of Libya's UN mission Was Not Immediately clear, According To CNN. The whereabouts chief of UN mission was not clear Libya de inmediato , según la CNN. [LA Times] [LA Times] More Más información Tuesday, 22 February, 2011: Two high-ranking Libyan air force pilots have who fled to Malta in their aircraft are reported to have told officials they escaped rather than carry out orders to bomb civilians. Tuesday, February 22, 2011: Two senior air force pilots who fled to Libya with Malta on aircraft reportedly told officials that got away instead of carrying out the order of bombing civ iles. officers deserted Libyan diplomats in several countries and international organizations resigned to protest the regime's violent response to the deepening crisis.

L E Nuea York Monday, members of the Libyan Mission to the United Nations denounced Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi for his bloody response to protests and called for his resignation .
limited Internet access makes it difficult information of l country. Libya is a smaller country of Egypt, and has fewer service providers, which appears to have made the task of disconnecting everything a little easier. Tuesday, February 22, 2011: By observing the protests and violent repression develop in Libya, it is important to note the key differences between Egypt and Libya, and we should not expect a course identical to develop there. An important distnction how difficult it is get Libya information about what is really happening . ew P journalists are in the national reporting on developments in this time.

Demonstrations in Libya left 300 dead VGN Globovisión / AFP 02/22/2011 4: 26:41 pm addthis_language var = "en"; addthis_localize var = {email: "E", more: "More s. .. " }; The violence following the popular revolt against the Libyan regime left 300 dead civilians and 58 military -242 ", according to data presented on Tuesday night before A press conference by Saif al-Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. About half of the victims were counted in Benghazi, the second largest city, located 1,000 km east of Tripoli and the focus of the insurrection. These are the first official figures on casualties from the popular rebellion started a week ago. few hours before the announcement, Colonel Qaddafi vowed in a televised speech to restore order and brandished the threat of bloody repression, ensuring that the scheme had "not yet used force." Witnesses contacted by AFP, the first concentrated violence in Benghazi, reached the capital on Sunday night while calm had returned to Benghazi on Monday night.

Libyan resign eight ambassadors and other senior diplomats Security Council UN condemns violence in Libya The highest body of decisions of the UN is very "concerned about the situation in Libya and strongly condemns acts of violence that took place there" FILE PHOTO: Gaddafi visit to Venezuela during ASA Summit II and Gallery: continue protests against the government of Gaddafi in Libya and Community Libyan international protest against Muammar Gaddafi Video: Gaddafi appears briefly on Libyan television The Editorial: Libya and Venezuela a group of protesters old flag Tobruk Libyan the situation in Libya and strongly condemns acts of violence that took place there, "said Council's rotating president, Ambassador of Brazil, Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti. The fifteen members of the Council , who met Tuesday on two occasions, unanimously adopted a condemnation of repression in the North African country , while urging the Libyan Government to put an immediate end to such acts of violence and respect human rights and the freedom of information and association. "It's a very strong conviction and we speak with one voice" said following the meeting of the British Ambassador, Mark Lyall Grant. For its part, Libya's deputy permanent representative, Ibrahim Dabbashi, who clearly has positioned itself as an opponent of the government of Tripoli, said that the Council's statement "is not strong enough, although a good message the Libyan regime to stop the bloodshed. " reported that apparently "have begun the attack (of the forces of the regime against the population) in the west of the country" and that "some military units" have joined the opposition. In this sense, the fifteen stressed "the need for those responsible for attacks on civilians are brought to justice" , while expressing concern about the safety of foreigners still in Libya. During the meeting the highest security body of the institution intervened UN Undersecretary for Political Affairs Lynn Pascoe , who was critical of Kadhafi's speech this day, which said that "there will power "and called on his supporters to come out to the street" to protect the revolution ". Pascoe, who said "inciting people to go against itself, particularly if they are peaceful demonstrators is a dangerous and bad", he underlined the concern of the UN for "threats of retaliation in the discourse" of the Libyan dictator. Regarding the number of deaths that have occurred as a result of violent reprisals by Gaddafi on Monday against demonstrators, Pascoe said the United Nations, for the moment, "is not in a position to confirm the number of victims because they do not have all the information. "
"What we know for sure is that many planes have been flying the sky as well as helicopters, tanks and gunfire have occurred, besides that there are snipers "
he said Pascoe, who estimated that the victims could" go from 200 to 800 ".
violence Gaddafi's repression against the civilian population, which included the shelling and firing from helicopters and military aircraft from the Air Force, has caused at least 400 people, according to humanitarian organizations, and has caused outrage and condemnation of the community internationally. Related News
07:04 PM Security Council begins its second meeting on the crisis of Libya 06:01 PM Gaddafi says not leave the power and willingness to die in Libya 5:47 pm Libyan Ambassador in Washington asked Gaddafi progress 4:48 pm resign eight ambassadors of Libya 3:34 pm Clinton condemned as completely "unacceptable" violence in Libya 03 : 5:00 p.m. clashes and exchanges of fire in Tripoli after Gaddafi's speech 12:45 p.m. release from MUD to events in Libya


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