Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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LAST TIME on video.

U.S. supports "direct and clearly" the protests in Iran against the regime
Clashes between opposition and police in a demonstration Tehran .- At least one dead and several injured in protests .- The Iranian government banned the conference, organized to support the Egyptian and Tunisian peoples .- The English Consul, Ignacio Perez Cambra, was detained for four hours
- Sana'a (Yemen) - 14/02/2011

Videos: First images of the demonstration in Iran authorities have tried to assimilate the Arab riots of the Islamic revolution that brought them to power 32 years ago, critics of the regime turned to go out 14 months after the crackdown to silence their protests. Dozens were arrested, and at least one person was killed and several others injured by firearms, according to official news agency Fars. The U.S. has already expressed his "clear and direct support" to the protesters who took to the streets of Tehran, in the words of Hillary Clinton.

The Army begins with youth political dialogue

Iran intensifies the pressure on opposition groups

Algeria, is the third revolution?

"It's about time something happens in Iran and Egypt"

Tension in Algeria

Iran makes an opposition leader under house arrest

Affairs Ambassador of Iran summoned after the arrest English consul in Tehran for four hours

Clinton's support has come when the echo of the protests have not gone off. And it has been straightforward: "Let me directly and clearly, support the aspirations of the people in the streets of Tehran," has emphasized the secretary of state, who added: "What we have seen in Iran today is the testimony to the courage of the Iranian people and a clear sign of the hypocrisy of the regime in that country, which in the past three weeks has consistently hailed what was happening in Egypt. We wish the opposition and the brave people of Iran that has come to the streets in several cities in Iran have the same opportunities that they have seen that citizens have of Egypt. "

" According to eyewitnesses, security forces have arrested dozens of demonstrators in different parts of Tehran, " reported last night
Kaleme, the web of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi

. Among those arrested, was also, for four hours,
Spain's consul in Tehran, Ignacio Pérez-Cambra

Thousands of people defied the official ban and answered the call "in support of the peoples of Egypt and Tunisia, "released last week by himself and by Mehdi Mousavi Karroubi. Both are contesting the election of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad in the 2009 elections, but had not dared to call a new protest since February 11 last year fail your call to rally

on the anniversary of the revolution.
During the six months
, about eighty people were killed, hundreds injured and thousands arrested in a crackdown unprecedented since the early years of the Islamic Republic.
Mousavi and Karroubi
took advantage of the enthusiasm with which the regime has embraced the Arab riots to try to regain the momentum lost, or at least bring out the cynicism of our rulers. Since
Tunisian triumph lifting
, many young Iranians have been wondering why Tunisia could, but Iran could not? The answer is found. Unlike in Tunisia and Egypt

, where the military decided not to fire on its citizens, the monopoly of force is exercised by Iran's Revolutionary Guards, the Pasdaran
feared, a kind of army ideological loyalty to the regime which is beyond doubt.

Many activists complained that the call was made so early. "I have given enough time to prepare for and thwart any attempt", said last weekend a young professional who is sympathetic to the reformists. In fact, the riot police were waiting for the protesters since before three in the afternoon and, according to testimony gathered by news agencies, the agents fired tear gas to prevent from reaching the square of Azadi (Freedom). They also found that Basij militiamen
motorcycle through the streets.
"About five o'clock when I left my job in the area Fatemi, I heard shots. Some people said they had been in the air, others were injured and even killed. I do not see it, but there were quite a riot," he told the day a young engineer who was surprised to see more people than usual on the street. "It was as if waiting for something," he said.
At first the demonstrators were gathering in silence, but gradually began to hear the cries of "Death to the dictator" and "Ya Hossein, Hossein Mir", which became widespread during protests in 2009. Some even burned rubbish bins.

forces Security also surrounded the homes of Mousavi and Karroubi to prevent would join the demonstration, said on their Web sites. "Even the guards have threatened not to allow Mousavi to leave the house by all means," claimed Kaleme, implying stress.
Both leaders are in virtual house arrest since

protests of 2009
, but on Thursday the authorities tightened security around the house Karroubi and even cut off the phone after grant an online interview to

The New York Times
. The head of the judiciary, Sadegh Larijani, recognized that they had not been arrested was not to become heroes and that the decision was not in the hands of the judges but the Supreme Leader.

As usual since the 2009 elections, the Iranian authorities banned the foreign media accredited to Iran that came to the event. Hence, the information is very fragmentary and difficult to estimate the extent of the protest. Apart from Tehran, there were also demonstrations in Isfahan, Shiraz, Rasht, Mashhad and Kermanshahr, according to various testimonies. Reuters reported "dozens of arrests" in Isfahan, the third largest city. At night, they again heard the cries of Allah-u Akbar (God is Greatest) from the roofs of the capital.

protest to Iran over the arrest of the English consul
Ignacio Pérez-Cambra spent four hours at a police station after be stopped when I strolled through downtown Tehran while protests occurred .- "I have not been mistreated, although there have been a few very tense moments," says

ANGELES ESPINOSA - Sana'a (Yemen) - 14/02/2011

Spain's consul in Iran, Ignacio Pérez-Cambra, detained Monday for four hours at a police station for foreigners in Tehran. The diplomat, who together with the ambassador had taken a walk through downtown Tehran while producing
the reformist opposition demonstrations
prohibited by the regime, was arrested nine men in civilian clothes at the gates of the embassy English diplomat in the Iranian capital after the ambassador had been withdrawn. The Foreign Ministry has called the Iranian ambassador in Spain to demand an explanation for the "unacceptable" and "very serious" incident.

"I have not done anything wrong, it is you who are violating the Vienna Convention," he replied Colonel Pérez-Cambra said it in English "You have done Something Wrong "(You've done something wrong). Iranian police have accused the English consul to have attended the unauthorized demonstration of the opposition reform in central Tehran.
"It is true that I was in Enghelab Avenue. I went to the ambassador, always within the capability that allows the Vienna Convention," admits Pérez-Cambra by telephone, shortly after its commissioning freedom. "He then accompanied the ambassador to his residence and his driver brought me to the Foreign Office to pick up my stuff and my car," he says. There was little time to get off the official vehicle. "Nine policemen surrounded me and I urged them to introduce me back into the car of the ambassador." Three officers jumped him and forced the driver to take them to the police station.
It appears that the police had been following the diplomats during their walk through the center of the Iranian capital and waited for the ambassador had withdrawn to stop the consul. The move appears designed to convey a message of discomfort, although Article 5 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations allows the collection of information "by all lawful means conditions and developments on the commercial life, economic, cultural and scientific the country "where it is accredited.
During the trip to the commissioner of the junction of Vali Aser with Hoda Parashtu, Pérez-Cambra received a few calls, one of his wife, and was able to report his arrest. Once there, he was confined to a small room on the fourth floor. "Even I could use the phone and call the ambassador to tell him where I was," says the consul that all the time repeated his interlocutors that he was a diplomat and was protected by the Vienna Convention. Finally, an officer prohibited him from returning to use your mobile phone and was also the driver, also arrested, who until then had been an interpreter.

Problem with your
Colonel also wanted to requisition the phone. "He asked me in English and I refused, then told a big as a house agent 'cójaselo' and saw approaching, I decided to give it," he admits. But Perez-Cambra, a passion for gadgets
technology, had blocked their mobile security program and the agents, unaware of the system were not able to open it.
When he took over three hours in detention, finally reached the official protocol. "He sat beside me and told him what was happening was 'intolerable', he would not go unnoticed" Pérez says Cambra. Finally, there was no interrogation, but when told he could leave, wanted to stay with your mobile phone, to which the diplomat refused. Half an hour of give and take then finally regained freedom. "I have not been mistreated, although there have been a few very tense moments, trust still surprised by what happened.
The day was tense in Iran. Protesters and effective security forces clashed in different parts of Tehran, where the opposition had called a demonstration was banned by the regime. One person was shot in the confrontation, The police used tear gas and blanks to disperse the crowd, silently, he held the Azadi Square in the southwest of the city. The opposition Mir Hussein Mousavi, who is under house arrest, has said through his website that there are already dozens of prisoners. "Witnesses say that in some parts of Tehran security forces have arrested dozens of protesters," indicated.
"No, Chávez: They are 12 years and 12 centuries seem "("... awaits The Hague International Court ...")

Source: http:// epicentrohispanico.blogspot.com/2011/02/no-chavez-son-12-anos-que-ya-parecen-12.html

A Mubarak ran out of rope. I can assure you that shiver that burst in Tahrir Square and threw him from power is emerging within our people. And of all the peoples ruled by tyrants. A Mubarak took him no matches. We took the town. It is the inexorable fate that awaits you. To end this abuse of twelve years and look 12 centuries. Cree
Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez when on camera - like this morning with whom was his go-between - you keep talking to their recruits, and those who are obliged to listen to are idiots. Without which we realize can take from him the target word when your tongue utters the word black.
proclaiming He struts his infinite generosity to an opposition to the pursued, cornered, imprisoned and pushed into exile. If you have not settled and ordered to death, including the chief, Pena Esclusa to Pillieri and fifty political prisoners are crammed into our filthy jails. Ensures, with his face at the point of all this gorging reventársele Power - every day more like Mubarak - That at the height of his greatness has defended Manuel Rosales and demanded that his followers not to touch the opposing authorities or the petal of a rose. As if we did not know that it Rosales had to take refuge in Lima, which has sought to crush with his overbearing arrogance Antonio Ledezma, who at the height of cruelty has robbed the budget to pay and keep the six thousand families depend on their salaries. As if we did not know who uses her sigüises assembly to turn our members, expression of the majority of citizens in the service of his puppets embarrassing tragicomedy. And after her mother swear by respecting the opposition believes that they have nothing, who have no moral, which have no principles. It says a traitor, a coup, an assassin. The reason is clear: democracy we aspire to will seem sappy. Only his tyranny
you deserve respect. Consumed in his megalomania, his egotism, his narcissism, his psychopathic condition.

You will look like twelve days. Like their thirties Mubarak seemed to him a month. It is the particular timing of the tyrants: those whom you obey fifty-two years are torturing Cuban pushed into hunger and poverty.
Castro considers that just five years only, but should be eternal to meet Matusalem's dream. Biblically rule forever and ever.
already wish I could interview him for not allowing, as it has done and worn slimy courtier who serves as a paperweight, not a single fallacy, not a single lie, not a single trick. To respond point by point, fact to fact, corrupt act after act of corruption, fraud after fraud to the real truth that seeks to cover with his tongue.
not escape this, I expected the World Court in The Hague. There will have to sing their truths.

A Mubarak ran out of rope. I can assure you that shudder that burst in Tahrir Square and threw him from power is emerging within our people. And of all the peoples ruled by tyrants.
A Mubarak not removed the games. We took the town. It is the inexorable fate that awaits you.
To end this abuse of twelve years and look 12 centuries.

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TRIBUNE: Frank Emmert The youth uprising in Egypt is not for bread and work. People educated and middle class has risked his life for something else: the freedom of debate and dissent, democracy, dignity

Venelib Published by the / s 3:17 PM

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