Monday, March 7, 2011

The Agitator Diego Rivera

NOW LEBANON: Thousands protest against the regime / / IS ACTIVE AGAIN THE STRENGTH OF CHINESE COMMUNISM (Videos, photos, reports)

08 Mar 2011 border with Libya can be a sign of a possible military operation against the Arab state.
So, yesterday, March 7, President Barack Obama warned again that the Libyan authorities should assume full responsibility for the "unacceptable violence, sparked by Muammar Gaddafi's supporters against his opponents. The president also reported that NATO is considering all options for providing adequate response to the tragic events that shook the north African country recently. Among the options include the West deck military intervention.
Barack Obama. Picture: AFP / Jewel Samad
''I mean it clear to those close to Colonel Gaddafi, who themselves choose how to act, but will be responsible for any violence that follow happening. EE. UU. always will stand shoulder to shoulder with the Libyan people, who had to deal with unacceptable violence, "Obama said after a meeting with Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, who is in Washington for several meetings. The decision a possible NATO military operation to correct the situation in Libya is likely to be adopted at the next meeting of defense ministers of the Alliance, to be held on 10 and 11 March in Brussels, as reported by the U.S. Ambassador . to NATO, Ivo Daalder. In a conference call, the diplomat did not rule out at this meeting the ministers seek ways to implement the decision of the Security Council of the UN, to enforce the embargo on arms supplies to Libya and create no-fly zone for military aviation in this country. further stated, that pending the resolution of the Security Council, NATO has decided to expand from 10 to 24 hours daily operation of the surveillance system for early warning AWACS can detect long-range aviation activities and movements in the area of \u200b\u200bLibya. Thus, the international community will have greater clarity about what is happening in that country, in particular the attacks launched by forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi against the rebels, said the ambassador.
Yesterday, March 7, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, strongly urged to stop violence in Libya

and resolve the problem by political means.
Sergey Lavrov. AFP / Fabrice Coffrini
"The situation in Libya causes serious concern, because in fact it is already a civil war. It is necessary to stop the violence against the population. The crimes committed must not go unpunished. We also support the efforts of the international community on humanitarian aid. Russia supports "the initiative of UN Secretary General to assign a special representative for humanitarian issues in the region," said the diplomat Russian at a news conference. of potential military operations, freezing financial assets of the Gaddafi family and exclusion of that country's Human Rights Council UN
Latin American countries have similar positions to the Russian. In this regard, on Friday announced that the Libyan Government Caracas authorized to make the necessary arrangements for selecting members of an international peace committee, whose creation was proposed by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to seek a negotiated settlement . Among other reactions should be noted that of the Arab League, which like many other countries have spoken out against any invasion of Libya.
At this time of tension and international uncertainty
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi
, son of Libyan leader expressed its clear anti-Western attitude in an interview to the channel 'Al-Jazeera' saying 'no foreigners ever understand the Libyan people. "
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, RIA / Vladimir Fedorenko
"You do not You are Libyans. All your opinions about our country not only do messages basing on Libyans. I have repeated many times - if you want to know the truth - id to Tripoli and ask anyone there. I, meanwhile, know absolutely everything about what is happening in Libya ... received many calls from people asking deliver the chaos that has engulfed our country by armed gangs ... The latter can not lead people towards democracy. We will not allow two or three hundred people hostage to irresponsible keep the entire country, "Gaddafi stated. "Foreigners think that we do nothing and we do not care what happens. Not so. Libya to us is a big family. And every day we make every effort to return peace and harmony. "
Media announced that despite the obstacles of Gaddafi's supporters, more than 100,000 people have already crossed from the beginning of the conflict, the Libyan border -Tunisian, said the International Committee of the Red Cross. Today with the help of European countries and USA. UU., It makes a constant evacuation of refugees from the territory of Libya, between those who are workers from foreign countries, mostly from Egypt.
few hours ago, has landed on the Tunisian island of Djerba, the second plane of the Russian Emergencies Ministry with 30 tons of humanitarian aid for refugees Libyans. On March 6 was the first relief plane from the Russian Federation. Source: CNN
There have been further protests in the streets of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, where thousands of people demanding the abolition of political sectarianism and calling for national unity.
Some 8,000 Lebanese gathered on March 6 at the Ministry of Electricity, who is considered responsible for the shortages in electricity supply. Inspired by
protests that shook the Middle East and North Africa
since early this year, protesters chanted the song "the people want the fall of the regime", as used in Tunisia and Egypt.
The current confessional system of Lebanon is in force since 1943, when the recognition of independence. The agreement establishing the "confessional" provides a power-sharing among the 18 sects and religions living in Lebanon. For this rule, the president is chosen from the Maronite Christians, the prime minister must be a Sunni Muslim and the Speaker of Parliament from the Shiite Muslim community.
This is the second demonstration against the Lebanese confessional system. The first, held on 27 February, was attended by several hundred people.
Meanwhile the epicenter of the protests in the Arab world is currently in Libya
, where fighting continues between opponents and supporters of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
Lebanese Revolution against sectarianism

Lebanon joined the Arab spring through Facebook in protest of the discriminatory system that distributes power in the country between religious communities Some
8,000 Lebanese took part in the second round, held last Sunday in Beirut

08.03.2011 ·
Monica G. Prieto

· (Beirut)

"Sectarianism kills workers," reads the banner of a Lebanese protester. / Monica G. Prieto
All Middle East
standard for democracies, and the country of the Cedar
rises to overthrow his
. Who said that Lebanon has no reason to conduct their own revolution? Some 8,000 Lebanese demonstrated willingness to Sunday rise up against tyranny very different from those of Mubarak, Ben Ali and Gaddafi, that of "dictators
18" paths "leading religious communities, who run the plans of the country thanks to the National Pact of 1943, which devoted
the confessional system has already been deployed in the Lebanese Constitution of 1926

, discriminating against citizens and Lebanese democracy turning into a farce.
all started by an attempt to maintain an impossible balance between the 18 sects in the country. For any to impose the rest created a system of quotas circus, where each confession was guaranteed a share of power based on their demographic weight of time, whatever the ability of its politicians. or the unsuitability of the same . Thus, the presidency is reserved for a Maronite Christian, the head of a Sunni Muslim government, the Parliament a Shiite, the army chief also a Christian ... a discriminatory system that the new generation Lebanese not accept
and is considered the main source of problems in the country: while there is no equality between the sects and the imposition of national sentiment rather than religious sentiment, Lebanon, say,
never live in peace.

A young man holding two banners: "For a democratic and secular state," reads one. "We have electrocuted," says another, referring to problems with electrical power. / MGP

A Lebanese holding a banner with the slogan of the protest: "The people want to overthrow the religious system." / MGP
"REVOLUTION. We want to end the sectarian system that political leaders to settle on the term in prison "said Ali Dirani, one of the activists, raising his finger and raising his voice to be heard among the crowd Korean slogans. "For corruption, for his crimes in civil war, for their crimes after the war ..."
Dirani is a good example of the Lebanese confessional system diabolical. 26, this graphic designer is Shiite, but secular, and has been "unemployed life. I can not ask for a job in a Sunni neighborhood or Christian because when they see my name [which he identifies as Shia] not hire me. And I can not ask in a Shiite neighborhood because they do not participate in any religious party, and that means not hire me, "he says shrugging his shoulders theatrically. "That's why we can not continue in this situation not a day longer. We need to return power to the people. Are resilient and reject the constitution because it is a way to get kidnapped by the Lebanese confessional system in the hands of political mafias . "

A young man holds a banner with the following legend. "Our goal is clear and unique: The people want to overthrow the corrupt regime. The people want to override the political sectarianism. The people want to regain their stolen rights. The people 'like' this (referring to Facebook) ". / MGP

" We demand that this sectarian system falls and the establishment a secular state based on equality and non-privileged " , explained sharp Abdallah Salim, one of the organizers of the march, after completion of heating the mood in front of a megaphone. The march on Sunday was the culmination of weeks of preparation unimaginable last year, although progress by secularism can be considered a precursor movement. "After the fall of Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak
, we understood that change was possible,"
trust. "We found they were appearing many Facebook groups dedicated to criticizing the confessional, a total of 15 groups. It occurred to us and add them together activists, bloggers and civil organizations, and three weeks ago we met to map out a strategy to follow. " The strategy takes the form of demonstrations that promise to be weekly
. Spontaneously, have, has erected a tent in the gardens of Sadnayel, compared with the Lebanese Ministry of Interior to report on the initiative and add visibility: an open sitting populated by a greater or lesser number of activists who keep alive the flame of protest. The camp also serves as a meeting point of frustration
courtesy of confessional system.

Nadine and her daughters in the protest. "For us to stop paying two bills," the poster says, referring to power public and private generators necessary for the gap. / MGP
"I want my daughters to enjoy
a better future offered by the sectarian division," trusted Nadine, eight months pregnant, who came to protest the hand of his two daughters. "This system allows us to participate equally, we want to stop being discriminated against by our sect , we have not even elected," Shahin complained Hanan, 60, with a banner reading " down the confessional system" way of coping. Tatiana Azzi, a 22 year old stuffed in a Lebanese flag with another teaches cross on the forehead, extending their resentment. "Everything has to change, as we continue dividing by sects, youth will want to escape abroad he finished college. Thus, the only future that awaits us is the instability and insecurity. "
"We are tired of this nonsense," complained Khamiyeh Hussein, a secular Shi'ite Dahiyeh-settled in the suburbs controlled by Hezbollah, on the dole since he returned last year in Germany with his European wife and their son, year and a half. The little red attend the demonstration into the arms of his mother while his father holds a placard. "Nobody feels Lebanon: one is Saudi, other Americans or French. What legitimacy have some political leaders who do not work for the country but for their foreign sponsors? The confessional system is corrupt by definition. " His wife nods. "Because of this system, my husband is unemployed, do not let us legalize our civil marriage and therefore our child does not have Lebanese papers," she added.

Hanan Shanin, with a banner that says "down the confessional system." / MGP "We just want religion longer meddle in our affairs" Sajida Massoun added a veiled young designer by profession. "This system only benefits the political leaders, not the Lebanese. And we are not against political parties, but that leaders
leave office in
heritage rather than letting it choose the candidate most valid. Until that happens, while forcing me to vote for sectarian quotas, my vote will be kidnapped. " There are more reasons to protest, and across the region. The high cost of living, minimum wage bordering on the ridiculous, the high cost of housing ... This is why many signs would reflect the these problems. But the primary objective, as in the rest of the Arab riots, is win freedoms.

"For a democratic and secular state. If the collapse of the confessional system," the first banner. "Sectarianism is a fatal disease that attacks the brain first and penetrates into the bones." / MGP

Some Lebanese politicians, with extensive experience in manipulating the masses, have dared to try to capitalize on the movement antisectario. "Now two political figures show their support, a ironic considering that they are a symbol of sectarianism, "said Abdallah, referring to Nabih Berri and Michel Aoun , the Shiite and Maronite Christian leader, respectively, who sent their delegates to a meeting prior to the event where the activity designed strategies. "They booed until they left," says the activist. The motives of both are clear: Aoun is a close ally of the Shia, who according to the current demographics of the country, nothing to do with the 40 - are most Lebanese population.
She Tatiana Azzi, wrapped in the Lebanese flag. / MGP
But how do you overthrow a system that has prevailed 68 years ago and maintaining the perquisites of the entire political class? "There are two ways to do it through a constitutional reform through a citizen's revolution
. But in my opinion can not be done by Parliament because the Members are the result of the confessional system. We must build the foundations of the revolt, each in their area, and it will take time, "explains Abdullah before the march cross bound for Beirut suburb of Mar Mikhail. " This is the beginning of
a long way to go
Revueltas for freedom

Lebanese Revolution against sectarianism
Monica G. Prieto
· (Beirut) Lebanon joined the Arab spring to protest the discriminatory system that distributes power in the country between religious communities.
Libya under fire 3

07.03.2011 · Javier Bauluz · Edition

update information, pictures and videos on revolt in Libya (3) Read more

THE Chinese government is nervous about "Jasmine Revolution"


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