Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chrissi From Nadine Jansen


change in the Arab world - civil war in Libya

Fighting between troops and insurgents Gaddafi rages on all fronts

rebels withdrew Zauiya center, its main stronghold in the west, and claim to recover hours later .- The siege of the enclave forced to close a major oil refinery .- In this, the scheme launched an offensive to regain control stop Ras Lanuf, where the attack on oil facilities caused a huge plume of smoke


The conflict rages on in Libya as Gaddafi's regime intensified its actions on the battlefield and in offices. Militarily, the fighting just have moved from the populations that had been made in recent days, both on the eastern front and the western. However, the new intensity in the battle has led to the dictator's aviation bombarding a refinery in Ras Lanuf (east) while the artillery attacked with such violence Zauiya (west) for the first time succeeded, at least for a few hours, the rebels withdrew from the city center. In diplomatically,
Gaddafi has sent emissaries to various cities, and especially to Brussels
, aware that what is decided in the European capital, which are held from morning two important meetings of NATO and the European Union to discuss a possible international intervention in Libya, may be decisive for the outcome of the war.

A couple of rebels fired at a plane for Gadhafi's forces at the entrance of an oil well in Ras Lanuf.
Libyan Army punishment on the strategic town of Zauiya
, 50 km west of Tripoli, has won at least temporarily their fruit. After a day of new bombings against the rebels entrenched in Inside, they have been forced to withdraw, but hours later again have claimed control of the area. "We have folded and they have come to the center of the square, but they will attack again and recover," said a fighter Reuters rebel. Hours later, reported that the anti-Gaddafi had achieved its objective. A physician contacted by the agency has placed the death toll of the clashes of the last hours in at least 40 people.
Fighting in the area have also forced to close, this morning, one of the largest refineries in the country, according to the oil complex cited by Reuters. "Heavy weapons have been fired in the vicinity and can not continue working under the current circumstances," said an official. Zauiya refinery is the main supplier of gasoline for cars in Libya, and can produce up to 120,000 barrels a day. The plant has been operating the last two weeks at 70% capacity. The president of the National Petroleum Corporción has assured the end of the day, due to the situation in the country, oil production has fallen by more than half since 15 February, from 1.6 million to 500,000 bpd.

Gaddafi tanks have been approaching increasingly the main square of the city and a stronghold of the rebels in the western part of the country, while snipers firing from rooftop system, according to the account of combatants and witnesses. They claim that among the ruins of many buildings destroyed by artillery piled corpses. The streets of this city of about 300.00 inhabitants have been deserted for hours. "We can see the tanks. They are everywhere," Ibrahim told Reuters, a rebel militia. The guerrilla claimed that forces loyal to the dictator were already controlling the main access road to the city and neighborhoods on the periphery. situation right now is confusing. After confirming his withdrawal, the rebels have said after they had retaken the central square of Zauiya, information that the Government has not reacted Gaddafi. Meanwhile, the regime has used to get chest and score a victory. In the same information, has secured the city, virtually the only West who joined the protests vehemently anti-Qaddafi, was living a "long march" led by supporters of the dictator and showed pictures, allegedly obtained there, with several Hundreds of people chanting slogans prorrégimen.
attack on a refinery in eastern
clashes east of the country have had the main stage today in the town of As Sidr, west of Ras Lanuf, where the dictator planes have bombed rebel positions near the refinery with the aim of taking back to control area, which lost late last week.
The rebels have responded by launching several rockets but has retreated to the outskirts of the city with the intention of returning to it later. A thick column of black smoke has risen around the oil facility, as has been shown pictures of Al Jazeera. The network should ensure that Qatari an air strike against Qaddafi faithful to oil facilities, though the regime, in another attempt to sow confusion, has secured through state television that it is an attempt by Al Qaeda.
addition, several air strikes have also hit
Ras, 650 km from Tripoli, a desert area crucial for its oil facilities, according to witnesses quoted by Reuters.
sown confusion in the opposition
Muammar Gaddafi Isolated before the world and backed into Tripoli
, although
still strong in the fight against the rebels Libyans, proposed yesterday the rebels give up power in exchange for an honorable escape with their loot in tow. Very probably knew that the response of the rebels would be negative. But the dictator managed to divide the National Council, the de facto government of the rebels in the eastern Cyrenaica. As president, Mustafa Abdelyalil, Gaddafi offered 72 hours to abandon power with the promise that it would not be prosecuted for his crimes, spokesman Abdelhafiz Ghoga, was quick to reject any commitment. First he should resign. Then we'll see. leader who heads the North African country since 1969 called the National Dialogue on Monday night and early yesterday launched its proposal. A leader of the Council confirmed. And Ghoga had to hurry. He grabbed a microphone, looked out a window in the courthouse, and digested those gathered in the square of Mahkama. "Who is going to allow safe passage Gaddafi?" Cried Ghoga, who left the room angry after addressing the angry neighbors they endured the rain. Soon after, the dictator declared Abdelyalil had three days to escape. And Ghoga appeared again in the afternoon to deny everything. State dismantled in Benghazi -public buildings, cornices painted with the green revolution Gaddafi, were burned or destroyed, "the nascent rebel organizations will show as much as inexperience. The dilemma was: is it worth getting rid of the autocrat at the expense of impunity in Libya? The dissension in the Council is clear. As it is clear that the vast majority of Benghazi, which have suffered appalling repression during decades, would not allow such a compromise. Although this impunity will never be complete because the record of Gaddafi and is in the
ICC . To square the circle of confusion, both the Council and the Government finally Gaddafi denied there had been any initiative from either side. Gaddafi has to know that time is against him, however much you try to be confused with the European Union offer to send a delegation to Libya to investigate human rights violations.
NATO AWACS watch the sky Libyan to gather military information and the United Kingdom and France in the UN promote the establishment of the no-fly zone, an initiative which had become Persian Gulf countries and
Organization of Islamic Conference
something fundamental because the request of the Emirates and Saudi Arabia gives legitimacy to foreign intervention in the Arab State, always a delicate matter. And
the EU has decided to freeze the funds invested by the Executive Libyan Europe, a large portion of the 50,000 million euros Gaddafi treasures abroad. Gaddafi attempt to deploy their skills in all fields, and surges in their propaganda campaign when you've gone six days without Internet connection possible, unless it is available via satellite link. The tyrant is determined to instil fear in the population and the Western powers, with the idea that supporters of drugged top Al Qaeda rebellion, with the division of the country, with the alleged conquest of cities in Cyrenaica to reveal false, with supposed Western conspiracies to robbing oil resources, which in any case and go to Europe. The National Council reacts to some of these diatribes. Sometimes with success. immediate expulsion, days ago, the British delegation remains illegal assets Gaddafi, always ready to exploit the anti-colonial sentiments of the Libyans. "They can come whenever they want, but they must coordinate with us," he told this newspaper a spokesman for the Council, which would be formally recognized as the legal authority of the country.
Foreign Minister Gaddafi, Musa Kusa, however, insists U.S. wants to divide Libya. The imams insist on their weekly sermons on the theme sung by the rebels: "Tripoli is our capital forever." The unit the country is sacred.
Gaddafi offers 300,000 euros for the capture of the head of 'government' rebel
Muammar Gaddafi's regime offered a reward of half a million dinars (294,000 euros) for the capture former Justice Minister Abdel Jalil Musfatá, current leader of the rebel Libyan National Council, as reported by state television.
The bill also contemplates the payment of 200,000 dinars to anyone who provides information leading to the arrest of Abdel Jalil, the Libyan authorities described as a "spy." President facto government established by the rebels in Benghazi, Libya's second city, yesterday gave a deadline of 72 hours to relinquish power Gaddafi without being persecuted for his crimes. REUTERS

Russia takes advantage of the Arab revolution

Gaddafi launches diplomatic offensive aimed at NATO and the EU

  • U.S. officials met with Libyan opposition

    • 'Against Gaddafi just war ", by Lluís Bassets
      Graphic: A map of the war in Libya and sites
      Photo Gallery: the fighting in Libya

    The map of the civil war in Libya

    - 09/03/2011

  • Photo Gallery: Camp Ras Ajdir - 20110308
  • Photo Gallery: Fighting in Libya - 20110309
  • var id = 'id1718589933'; document.write ('
  • '); var ADM_PAGE = 'www.elpais .es/internacional/noticias/L36 '; ADM_DIM var = "WIDTH = 600 HEIGHT = 90'; was ADM_VARS = {site:'', page:'', width:'', height :''}; try { = /(.*?) \\ /.? / i.exec (ADM_PAGE) [1 ]; = / \\ /(.*) \\ / L \\ d / i.exec (ADM_PAGE) [1];} catch (err) {} try {ADM_VARS.width = / width = \\ "? (\\ d +) \\ "? / i.exec (ADM_DIM) [1]; ADM_VARS.height = / height = \\"? (\\ d +) \\ "? / i.exec (ADM_DIM) [1];} catch (err) { was ADM_PL} = {tp: 'SPT', tagId: id, pbId: 57, Site:, Page:, Width: ADM_VARS.width, Height: ADM_VARS.height, Rank: 1, clk ' "} Portugal and Egypt are two separate outfalls to the Libyan regime Portugal, nopermanente member Security Council UN envoy welcomes a Gaddafi later in the day .- Differences between the U.S. and France on how to carry out the no-fly zone .- The Libyan dictator says the people "rise up in arms" if the international community is taking this action
  • FRANCESC RELEA / AGENCIES the crucial meetings of the European Union and NATO held before the weekend, the Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi, has decided to launch a diplomatic offensive. Libyan government representatives arrive in the next few hours to Brussels to meet European Union officials and NATO. Before, one of the emissaries of the dictator will be received in Portugal. "It looks like two planes of the Libyan regime [other sources have said that is just an aircraft] have gone to Libya to try to Brussels for a meeting of envoys to Gaddafi with representatives taking part in the summits of the European Union and NATO and gone tomorrow, "he assured the Italian foreign minister, Franco Frattini. In those days, the defense ministers of NATO will hold a meeting in Brussels to discuss Libya. On Friday also the Arab country's situation will be the subject of a special session of the European Council to meet, also in the Belgian capital, the heads of State or Government of member countries. NATO has ruled out meeting with them, according to sources close to Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, quoted by Europa Press. -----------------------------

    'The Gaddafi cuffs' in International Waters blog fly: viable but difficult to measure consensus

    • Gadhafi intensified the assault with artillery and aviation to conquer and Ras Lanuf Zauiya
    Fighting between troops and insurgents Gaddafi rages on all fronts
    air exclusion zone, a viable measure but difficult to agree
    The wave of immigrants overflows Italy
    NATO is prepared to intervene in Libya
    • __setCookie function (name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) {var curCookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires)? "expires =" + expires: "") + ((path)? "path =" + path: " ") + ((domain)?" domain = "+ domain:" ") + ((secure)?" secure ":" ") document.cookie = curCookie;} function __getCookie (name) {var dc = document.cookie var prefix = name + "=" var begin = dc.indexOf (";" + prefix); if (begin == -1) {begin = dc.indexOf ( prefix); if (begin! = 0) return null;} else begin + = 2; was end = document.cookie.indexOf (";", begin); if (end == -1) end = dc.length; return unescape (dc.substring (begin + prefix.length, end));}
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    El frente este de la guerra libia As Frattini himself has acknowledged, the message is uncertain that the Libyan representatives sent to the international community. Lighter seems in any case, that Gaddafi is trying to prevent at all costs foreign intervention in civil war in Libya. Representation to Brussels is not the only one that has sent today the regime abroad. One of the emissaries that the Libyan leader has sent several countries in an apparent diplomatic mission travels to Lisbon. It is the Libyan Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Siala, as confirmed by diplomatic sources told El Pais. They have transcended details of the mission, but more than likely Siala meet with the Portuguese foreign minister, Luis Amado. Portugal will chair the committee sanctions on Libya in Security Council of the UN, where it occupies a non-permanent seat for this year and next, in a decision that was passed on 12 October and which was supported by Libyan . Portuguese MEP Ana Gomes (Socialist), rapporteur of the European Parliament on Libya, told this newspaper that "the only thing I could offer Portugal Qaddafi is temporary asylum, to end massacred and dictatorial regime. The authorities of Portugal have consulted with the EU high representative, Catherine Ashton, before accepting the visit, according to sources close to the European diplomat quoted by Efe. And another plane has already landed in Cairo, the Egyptian capital. On board was a senior Gaddafi regime with a message to the military junta led by Egypt since the popular revolt ousted the dictator Hosni Mubarak. The content of that message has transcended time. Meanwhile, another similar plane landed this afternoon in Malta. These would be the same plane has then to Portugal, according to the Maltese authorities have confirmed a meeting with representatives of Gaddafi but have not disclosed anything about its contents.
    Another meeting has been confirmed is the one that will keep tomorrow in Paris by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, two emissaries of the National Council have created Libyan opponents of Gadhafi. France has recognized the de facto Executive installed in Libya's second city, Benghazi, as the legitimate representative of the North African country. Libyan National Council representatives will also be in Brussels at the tops of the next few days, but the English Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trinidad Jimenez, has ensured that there is no meeting scheduled "formal" with them.
    U.S. asks UN backing to intervene
    Earlier, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made clear on Wednesday that the establishment of an air exclusion zone in Libya to halt the bombing of Muammar Qaddafi against insurgent population must be supported United Nations as a multilateral decision involving more countries than the United States.
    "We want the international community supports it (the no-fly zone)," said Clinton told Sky News. "It's very important not only be a U.S. initiative, because this request comes from the people of Libya, not outside, that does not come from the Western powers or any Gulf country, "he insisted in an attempt to scare off any accusation of Libyan interference in internal affairs." We ask that Colonel Gaddafi abandonde "he added." When a leader goes against their people, this means an end. "

    However, on the eve of the NATO meeting, there have been some differences between Paris and Washington over how to carry out the operation. According to a senior U.S. official quoted by Agence France Presse , USA believes that once United Nations approves it, the Atlantic Alliance is the "natural choice" for the mission to convert the airspace Libyan Free Zone flights. In contrast, French Foreign Minister, Alain Juppe, said that "NATO is not the right organization." Paris believes that NATO intervention would not benefit its image in the Arab world, who see it as an aggressive organization, especially after the Iraq war in 2003.

    For his part, Gaddafi said today that the imposition of an air corridor to the Libyan people will "get up in arms" against the West. In an interview with Turkish television, the Libyan leader said that Western countries that seek to gain as his country's oil. "The Libyan people know the truth that what they really want is to steal their oil, "he explained.

    Paris and London are finalizing the resolution

    France and the UK finalized a draft resolution submitted to the Security Council and envisages the creation of the space on Libyan territory.
    Russia and China, with veto power at the maximum security organ of the UN,
    have already warned they will oppose any unilateral intervention in the country and magebrí have called for a negotiated solution to the current situation.

    Taxation air corridor is technically feasible but will require
    as military experts consulted by this newspaper, a major military deployment in the area and possibly a previous attack targeted to cancel Gaddafi's defenses. The initiative has received in the last hours with the support of Gulf countries and the Organization of Islamic Conference, which is essential because the request of the Emirates and Saudi Arabia gives legitimacy to foreign intervention in the Arab State, a question always delicate.

    U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron agreed yesterday that the "common goal" was to end the violence and force out Gaddafi, explained in a statement the White House. In a telephone conversation, the two leaders "agreed to continue appreciating, also in the context of NATO, the range of possible responses, including monitoring, humanitarian assistance, strengthening the arms embargo and the no-fly zone."

    humanitarian operation in the U.S. and the EU Parallel to these efforts, the U.S. and its European allies are considering the use of naval forces to deliver humanitarian aid to the population Libyan and to block the arrival of new weapons to the regime of Gaddafi,
    as U.S. and European sources consulted by The Washington Post

    NATO military commands began to contact with governments on a range of possible actions to stop the civil war in the North African country to be presented to the defense ministers who will meet this Thursday in Brussels.

    Obama Administration, NATO and other international organizations agree on the need for military action in Libya require consensus and international support

    . But difficulties soon have a UN resolution authorizing the use of force, forcing those countries to an intervention-USA, UK, France and Italy, to evaluate other possible scenarios, according to the newspaper Citing U.S. officials in these governments. These same sources claim that could support regional blocs, and remember in this connection that the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 did not have the blessing of the United Nations. "If you have the backing of the Arab League, African Union, NATO and the EU potentially, you're on your side all countries except 8,000 kilometers of Libya ", said a NATO source." That gives you some level of legitimacy. " Western Plot

    Meanwhile, the Libyan leader,
    a born survivor Playing the dismissal with the opposition with the intention of dividing

    , has relaunched a defiant speech on Libyan television in which he accused of being traitors to the rebel leaders. From a room surrounded by faithful jaleándole, Gadhafi has insisted where are the riots by young drugged by Al Qaeda and foreign elements involved in the uprising. This, according to the Libyan leader, of plotting to colonize Libya, as evidenced by the arrests last article of "several foreigners." "Yesterday, security forces regained control of a mosque inside and found weapons and alcohol. There were Afghans, Egyptians and some Algerians, who seek to deceive our youth," said Gaddafi, who added that "foreign forces" were recruiting young people in cities like Zentain, Az Zawiyah and Benghazi, all controlled by the rebels. Gaddafi's speech came hours after the rebel leaders issued an ultimatum of 72 hours for down from power. "If you leave Libya immediately, 72 hours, and stops the bombing, Libyan us as we will not pursue him for his crimes," said Mustafa Abdel Jalil, a leader of the National Council, a sort of transitional government in Libya released.


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