Monday, March 7, 2011

Can There Be A 12cm Cyst In The Kidndey

IN GOOD TIME: NATO Libya monitors 24 hours a day with spy planes / / Spain seeks Arab and African endorsement for military intervention in Libya (Video, photo galleries, maps, reports)

The rebels are preparing for a new offensive by the forces of Gaddafi

forces Gaddafi continue their counter-offensive in the east

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A Tunisian worker jailed along with his cousin tells of the death of his family in a prison in Tripoli - The forensic report torture test track
victims of the repressive regime of Colonel Gaddafi Libya. Sharafbin called Mohamed and died on 26 February in the dreaded Abu Salim prison in Tripoli. The identity of the deceased is one of the few who know after two weeks of conflict in Libya, a war in which the dead do not know if there are hundreds or thousands, and in which their names are not known.

agents beat prisoners with wooden sticks Sabr and Sharafbin of the Tunisian city of Sbitla, about 500 kilometers from the border with Libya, worked for three years in the Libyan capital doing work to improve the streets and paving. The Revolution were caught by 17 February. Gaddafi's police began to chase the protesters with clubs, and many foreigners were arrested. The two men, Sabr, 28, and Sharafbin, 35, then began to think about the possibility of leaving the country for a while. Four days later, packed their bags, clothes for the trip, insulin to treat diabetes Sharafbin and 5,200 Libyan dinars (2,000 euros).

Their desperate flight to the Tunisian border, 200 kilometers from the Libyan capital, he soon stumbled upon the chaos that reigned in those days on the outskirts of the city. Gaddafi's agents stopped them at an early checkpoint of the coast road. "Why is this money? To pay the rebels or to pay to the Islamists? Libya does not need another revolution like Tunisia," he told the police before stopping, according to the account of Sabr. From there they were taken to the Abu Salim prison, where the regime has imprisoned thousands of political prisoners and Islamists. "There came prisoners of all nationalities: Nigerian, Tunisian, Egyptian, Sudanese. In my area there were about 30 Algerians. Many had been arrested in those days and accused them of collaborating with the revolution."
Los huérfanos
Gaddafi's agents showed no mercy on the first night. In addition to punches and kicks were used to fund a large wooden stick. The two men were wounded. They had no food or water. The situation was particularly acute for Sharafbin, who cried out to bring him insulin, confiscated by the agents at the roadblock. Nobody listened. His body increasingly weak it was curving in a corner of the cell. Sabr not stop seeking help from the police. These stifled her cries with more sticks. "It was five days after the arrest when my cousin and did not wake up. I was sitting with his head in his hands. He said: 'I am sick, I'm sick. Why do not you come help?" Then he stopped breathing. "

died about half past five o'clock. When his captors took him to hospital and there was nothing to do. According to the forensic report, Sharafbin was dehydrated and had bruises on the body. Had an abdominal patch of green, his liver was pale and showed necrosis in some parts. "Your cousin is right. Will recover," he told Sabr hours after they take the body of the cell.

March 1, Gadhafi, who knows why, decided to allow 350 Tunisians to leave jail and could Sabr Sharafbin going to get to the morgue. After the paperwork and a few phone card call costs Tunisian Ambassador in Tripoli, Sabr took the road again bound for Ras Ajdir, the border between Libya and Tunisia this week have crossed over 100,000 refugees.
From there, to Sbitla. In total, 700 miles by road of death in which little by little leaving the desert behind and the landscape is taking more vivid colors.
After a few laps, Sabr and Sharafbin families waiting at the entrance to the humble home. Men sit at the table and women with children left behind. Surrounded by his three children, one of them diabetic, Hadriya, the widow of Sharafbin shows the wounds that she has been in the face, scratching her face with rage. It is six months pregnant.
Gaddafi counterattacks stop the offensive rebelde en Libia


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The Battle of Ras Lanuf

March 7, 2011

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Goran Tomasevic (Reuters) A group of rebels running in the dust caused by the air raids on army positions Gaddafi Ras Lanuf.
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Libya NATO monitors 24 hours a day with spy planes

The Atlantic Alliance is launching a notice to Gaddafi to halt the systematic attacks .- Obama warns supporters of dictator to "answer for their acts" .- United Kingdom and France will pose to the Security Council the creation of an air exclusion zone .- The EU is preparing new sanctions

ELPAIS.COM AGENCIES - Brussels / Washington -

Follow the minute the wave of change in the Islamic world NATO has deployed a plan for aerial surveillance 24 hours a day in Libya reconnaissance aircraft AWACS

. According to the explanation of the U.S. ambassador to NATO, Ivo Daalder, has decided to tighten control these aircraft to provide "a more accurate picture of what is really happening in this part of the world." AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System or System Airborne Warning and Control) have a radar capable of covering over 300,000 square kilometers and the data from early warning system are sent immediately to all NATO countries.
Gaddafi counterattacks curb the rebel offensive in Libya

Gaddafi warns of the arrival of "millions of blacks" to Europe if you lose power in Libya

Spain seeks Arab and African endorsement for military intervention in Libya
the Libyan regime's counter
CHART - El Pais - 07/03/2011
Hours before the announcement, NATO increased the pressure on the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. The secretary general of the military organization, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, has called for a transition to Libya democracy and warned that there will be an international response if continue to use violence
. "If Gaddafi and his military are systematically targeting the population, I can not imagine that the international community is facing," said Rasmussen, who added: "Many people around the world will be tempted to say: do something to stop this slaughter. " then Barack Obama has expressed a similar line and ensured that NATO is considering "potential military options" to the Libyan crisis. The U.S. president has also launched a warning to the followers of Gaddafi: "I mean those who are with him, that depends on them make the decision about how they want to operate from here on out and have to answer for any violence that remains there."
    In parallel to the manifestations of Rasmussen and Obama, the European Union has agreed to extend its sanctions against Libya and in particular, to block the resources of certain entities controlled by the regime, diplomatic sources reported. The Twenty
already have in place restrictive measures
fly zone

Rasmussen has warned further that to declare a no-fly zone over Libya is an issue "complex" and has said that NATO currently has no received any request for intervention. United Kingdom and France are preparing a draft resolution presented this week at the Security Council United Nations to impose an air exclusion zone, as reported by diplomatic sources. Gulf Arab states have joined this week its support for the immediate implementation of a no-fly zone.

the east. Forces loyal to the Libyan regime Ras Lanuf now trying to recover the oil enclave that fell the rebels three days ago, and its aircraft bombed for hours near the place.
The European diplomat, Catherine Ashton, has been sent this weekend to Tripoli on a mission of a technical nature, as the Commission has described today. "It has political contacts" and with the Gaddafi regime, or representatives of the opposition. The observation mission has about five experts who have arrived in Tripoli after ensuring that the authorities give them visas and it is unclear whether visit other areas before returning to Brussels. Their meetings are limited to "NGO and people on the ground in the country, "spokesman summed up the Ashton, Michael Mann.

The International Criminal Court opened an official investigation into the crimes committed in Libya

Gaddafi counterattacks curb the rebel offensive in Libya

"The change in the Islamic world is inevitable and will be late Sooner or "

Gaddafi warns of the arrival of" millions of blacks "to Europe if you lose power in Libya
Spain seeks Arab and African endorsement for military intervention in Libya

Chart: Evolution of the conflict in Libya

- 03/06/2011
Chart: the Libyan regime's counter - 03/07/2011
Photo: Secretary-General NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, told a news conference in Brussels
Photo: Barack Obama recognizes that NATO could intervene in Libya if it does not stop violence
Source: Published in

in section International
  • María Dolores Delgado travel to The Hague seconded to join the team of the Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo JOSÉ Yoldia
  • - Madrid -
  • 07 / 03/2011
  • The prosecutor of the Audiencia Nacional María Dolores Delgado will be leading the team of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate possible crimes committed by the Libyan regime of Muammar Gaddafi in suppressing the revolt began on Feb. 15. Delgado, once resolved some outstanding issues in the High Court, will join on secondment to the tribunal based in The Hague. The prosecutor must participate in the drafting of the warrant the court to make if applicable against the Libyan leader his inner circle.
  • The prosecutor of the ICC move against Qaddafi and his environment for crimes against humanity
  • "Those responsible for the repression Libyan be prosecuted and punished"
  • Delgado intervened in the case against the Argentine exmilitar Adolfo Francisco Scilingo, sentenced to more than 1,000 years in prison for murder and unlawful detention in the School of Naval Mechanics (ESMA). The tax is currently coordinating the cases on Islamist terrorism in the Audiencia Nacional.
  • The chief prosecutor of the ICC, Luis Moreno-Ocampo
  • , announced on 3 March that his office will take action against the Libyan dictator Muammar Qadhafi and his inner circle for crimes against humanity. Moreno-Ocampo said the prosecution has collected ample evidence in recent days that suggest the commission of serious crimes against the people of Benghazi, where he first won the uprising, Misrata and Tripoli, the Libyan capital and the scene of the bombing of the dictator against their own people in response to the demonstrators.
The new transitional government of Tunisia's political police dismantled Ben Ali Third country's interim executive since he left the dictator is made up of technocrats

AGENCIES - Tunisia -


. The first step in the new government has been dismantling the regime's political police

Ben Ali, as reported by an Interior Ministry source.
Interim President of Tunisia, Fouad Mebazza, had appointed a new government of technocrats, the third

Acting Executive
the country since President Zine al Abidine Ben Ali left his post after weeks of protests on 14 January.

key ministers have kept their previous executive positions in the new cabinet headed by prime minister, who was appointed on 27 February. Only has appointed four ministers who resigned last week, including the International Cooperation and Industry.

The previous two interim governments have fallen because its members included people who saw pro-democracy demonstrators near the old guard Ben Ali, as the former prime minister Acting Mohamed Ghannouchi.

new cabinet members can not stand as candidates in future elections. With the formation of an executive composed of technocrats rather than politicians, Sebsi is seeking to reassert its authority and move forward in the difficult process of transition which the country is undergoing, which will hold elections to the Constituent Assembly on 24 July.
British Foreign Minister says that the detention of diplomats in Libya was a "grave misunderstanding" William Hague
appear in the House of Commons to admit that he personally authorized the operation
The arrest of a British diplomatic team in Libya, which
entered the country escorted by units of special forces assault
(SAS), was a "grave misunderstanding", said today the Foreign Minister of the United Kingdom, William Hague.

The diplomats in London and Paris support the rebel leadership
During a hearing in the House of Commons, Hague has admitted that he personally authorized the operation and explained that the mission was withdrawn yesterday (Sunday) after a serious misunderstanding about its role, which led to his temporary detention. "

The Foreign Secretary pointed out that, after opposition groups in eastern Libya


Saturday an interim national council in Benghazi, his department contacted members of the same, that "welcomed positively the idea of \u200b\u200ba British diplomatic mission in Libya."
"This commitment is vital to get a better understanding of political, military and humanitarian field," said the Minister, who has stated that the uncertainty in Libya recommended the military escort of the diplomatic mission .
In his words, was "to increase the initial contacts and to assess the chances of a diplomatic dialogue." Hague has said that the situation that led to the arrest was determined and that diplomats were finally able to meet with the chairman, Mustafa Abdel-Jalil. However, Hague said that "the best for this team clearly was withdrawn, but the British Government's intention is to send new diplomatic missions in eastern Libya" in due time. "

The Labour opposition has scoffed at the failure of the mission and foreign affairs spokesman, Douglas Alexander, said that what happened is an example of the inability of the government. "I think I speak for many when I say that the news that British diplomatic and military personnel were retained (in Libya) was seen as another setback for the United Kingdom and raised questions about the ability to control and Government's response to the situation that develops in Libya, "said Alexander.


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