Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fluttering Sensation In Upper Right Abdomen

"... When he traveled to Rome as the guest of honor of Silvio Berlusconi put his tent in a park in the center of the city. It took the camels, but 200 women bodyguards to make several rings of security, armed with Kalashnikovs.
women who guard Gaddafi are experts in martial arts, in the use of firearms and bladed weapons in flying planes, helicopters and barges, are trained as snipers in the handling of explosives and espionage. Berlusconi honored him with a fancy dinner for 800 people, suitable for a King.
Despite the attention and the blandishments of Berlusconi, Gaddafi was particularly severe with their Italian hosts. Were too many crimes and abuses committed by Italy during its occupation and colonization of Libya from 1911 to 1943. When you least expect Berlusconi, Gaddafi took off his clothes and dressed Bedouin military.
Along with his military decorations, breast hung a black and white photograph, 1931. In the photo is, humiliated and chained, the Libyan hero Omar Al-Mukhtar, surrounded by his Italian captors. Al-Mukhtar for twenty years he led the struggle of the Bedouins against the brutal Italian occupation.
was for him that he coined the nickname " Lion of the Desert ". Her figure is venerated in Libya. The Italian Fascists was hanged in public a few days after being taken and reported that humiliating picture. Just before he died said: 'The Edge of my tormentors'..."

Fragment of a mail received today; here to access the full text version; photo: linkillo .


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