Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Make A Baby Diaper Scooter


MORNING: Pilots protest in Tripoli Gaddafi ■ "look miss the mark"
Posted 03/03/1911. at 3:56 pm Fotocrédito: AFP - Al Jazeera - Benghazi
NC: After 2 weeks of rebellion, the conflict shows the consolidation of the rebels in most cities and regime entrenched in Tripoli
GIVEN that illegally-mouth-is calling for protests in the capital tomorrow after the noon prayer.
THE PRESIDENT BARAK OBAMA consulted with the Secretary General UN Ban Ki-Moon
joint action with the international community to implement the "exclusion zone" for military aviation gadafiana
Spokesmen said they pilots apparently "look miss the mark"

want to "nail the ground "Gaddafi Aviation ■ PROPOSED
Gaddafi's son rejected Chavez's proposed .
Gaddafi's son, said friendship with the Venezuelan "but they are far and have no idea" what happens in Libya

■ ICC announced TAX

Luis Moreno Ocampo, announced Thursday that it is investigating the alleged perpetrators of crimes against humanity committed in Libya since 15 February.
LEAGUE OF LIBYA HUMAN RIGHTS: repression in Libya has caused 6,000 deaths,
of whom 3,000 have occurred in Tripol

BBC World,
03 Mar 2011 am - For EFE Head of the Lebanese Parliament reminded Chavez that Gaddafi is a "murderer" Berri said his letter was intended "to clarify the picture of Gaddafi criminal" and said he hopes that "the Magnet Sadr and his companions are released from the prisons of this murderer "
Gaddafi and Chávez decorated him with the sword of Bolivar during his visit to Venezuela
that qualifies Muammar Gaddafi a "murderer" and ensures that your crimes "have crossed the borders of their country." According to the National News Agency of Lebanon, in his letter, Berri, leader of the Shiite party Amal, said the Libyan leader "committed a crime against humanity in Lebanon and get rid of the Imam Musa Sadr and two of his companions , Sheikh Mohamad Yaakub and journalist Abbas Bard, after inviting them to visit Libya. " Berri said his letter was intended "to clarify the image criminal Gaddafi" and hoped that "Imam Sadr and his companions are released from prison of the murderer. " " The current Libyan revolt reflects the suffering of its people under the Qaddafi regime, "the president of the Lebanese Parliament. The letter is addressed to Chavez coinciding with the initiative announced in the last few hours from Caracas where Venezuelan President offered to mediate in order to create a peace commission to resolve the conflict Libya.
World 03 Mar 2011

"Any mediation that allows the Colonel (Muammar) Gaddafi succeed himself unwelcome," said France's Foreign Minister told reporters after talks with his British counterpart , William Hague Margarita Chávez Gadhafi Hugo Chávez . "Any mediation that allows the Colonel (Muammar) Gaddafi succeed himself is not welcome," said Juppe told reporters after talks with his British counterpart, William Hague. The British foreign minister, meanwhile, was less clear-cut and left the door open to Chavez's proposal to create a Peacebuilding Commission to mediate in the conflict between the government and rebels Gaddafi suffering the North African country. However, Hague recalled that Chavez "is not known for achieving consensus." Furthermore, Juppe reiterated that "a military intervention could backfire "in Libya . also stressed that with his British colleague prepared the next EU Council of 11 March and revealed that contemplate tougher economic and financial sanctions against the Libyan leader because he has" lost legitimacy. "
Nation 03 Mar 2011
A group of Venezuelans protested in front of the Libyan embassy in opposition to Gaddafi


Mar 2011 Libya "Chávez condecoró a Gadafi y le entregó la espada de Bolívar durante su visita a Venezuela

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court could not give an exact number of people that will be investigated. "We researched and listened to the individuals most responsible, I can not give the exact number, but there are various"


Libya rebel militias were formed by volunteers and ex-soldiers and
guerrillas blamed Gaddafi rebel deaths in Libya
Luis Moreno Ocampo, Prosecutor International Criminal Court

will be investigated. "There will be no impunity in Libya ," noted the prosecutor.

could not give an exact number of people that will be investigated. "We researched and listened to the individuals most responsible, I can not give the exact number, but there are various ," said Ocampo.
The ICC fical stressed that according to the rules could start an investigation and what they have done. They hope to soon provide research to the judges.

Chávez y Gadafi en Margarita
03 Mar 2011 Crespo
Barack Obama has warned that America "must have full capacity to act
Presidents of the USA and Mexico, Barack Obama Felipe Calderón, during an appearance this afternoon in Washington.

The U.S. president authorizes the use of military and civil aircraft for transportation to their country of foreign nationals who have fled Libya

Antonio Cano

follows every minute of what is happening in Libya
Barack Obama has warned that America "must have full capacity to act and to act quickly" if the situation in Libya comes to deteriorate so that there is the threat of a humanitarian catastrophe and reported that he had ordered the Pentagon to study the appropriate military options, including the declaration of a no-fly zone, in response to Muammar Gaddafi's attempt to prolong his rule by force. "I do not want to be ambiguous: Colonel Gaddafi has to leave office and go," said the American president.

rebel forces advancing westward Brega

The prosecutor of the ICC move against Qaddafi and his environment for crimes against humanity

The Libyan regime is shaking his "grave false"
"Gaddafi has to go," he said, "those around them have to answer for their crimes and aspirations of the Libyan people must be satisfied. "is a message that tries to highlight the same time, the absolute solitude of Libyan dictator, the risk to their employees if they leave and the intention of Obama to stay on the right side of history with those who struggle for freedom, trying to prevent the possible use of military means be interpreted as an undesirable intervention.

In a press conference with President of Mexico, Rafael Calderón , U.S. President noted that, as events are developing in Libya, "there is a risk of a stalemate that could be bloody." Frente So, "I do not want us to stay still," he said. "There is a wide range of options, military and nonmilitary consideration, and take appropriate decisions based on what is best for the Libyan people, according to the international community to ensure the least possible harm to innocent civilians in the process. "

Obama repeatedly stressed that seek to act in accordance with its allies, but made no specific reference to the need for a Security Council resolution from the UN, as has been said so far, not ruled out a a strong unilateral action.

The president put more emphasis on point that "Gaddafi has clearly lost his legitimacy among his people" and that, unlike the case Egypt, where the regime was minimal use of force against demonstrators, "in Libya are seeing the use of violence against unarmed citizens. " Although Obama also announced an immediate deployment of

Wave of change in the Arab world - popular revolt in Libya rebel forces advancing westward Brega Elpaí Aviation bombards the dictator's oil city airport and another rebel position Ajdabiya .- The opposition captured several mercenaries

JUAN MIGUEL MUÑOZ Reuters three young Africans, who appeared to be about 20 years old, arrested in the town of Al Uqayl and possessed small suitcases. The two arrested by the opposition seemed intimidated and frightened by the rebels. "They admitted that they were mercenaries. The Arabic speaker admitted," said the volunteer Zwei Salah rebels, after the two alleged mercenaries were introduced into a vehicle for transfer to Ajdabiya. The Libyan Army has failed in his attempt to reconquer Brega although aviation bombs Libya have reached the city airport and another rebel position in Ajdabiya, 80 miles Brega, according to of the insurgency. Corner away from the opponents, they have advanced its line to the coastal town of Al Uqayl, located about 40 miles west.
Luis Moreno Ocampo, fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional
dictator warns of "another Vietnam"
"Our capital is Tripoli, here we go"
War guerrillas in the border

"Those responsible for Libyan repression will be prosecuted and punished " speed chain coils to Al Qaeda

Three Dutch soldiers are arrested by troops loyal to Libyan leader Gaddafi

Spain begins airlift to repatriate 4,000 refugees to Egypt U.S. says to close the Libyan airspace is an act of war
The Libyan mirror
The Libyan regime is shaking his "grave false"

Libyan Revolt
CHART - El Pais - 03/03/2011
- COUNTRY Barack Obama y Felipe Calderón

Rebels in Benghazi
DEPTH Capital: Tripoli
Government: Socialist Republic
. The city is key to seize control of the arsenal of Ajdabiya
"I heard the plane's engines, then bang and then I saw the crater left by the bomb," said Mohammed Shibli, who added that the bomb fell near the School of Engineering, Oil Drilling, 2 miles the oil terminal. "There was an air strike for an hour and a half. I've seen with my own eyes," said Mohammed Awadh meanwhile, a volunteer assigned to the rebel forces.
proof that Gaddafi has used mercenaries to fight the rebels have found defectors from the ranks of the army, which confirmed his suspicions. Today, after the attack on Brega, the rebels have got a little booty: three young Africans who have been arrested in Al Uqayl. Bear arms, yes or no?. You were with the brigades of Gaddafi, yes or no? "He shouted one of the rebels to the alleged mercenaries, who were kneeling on the ground with an armed man pointed at his head. An opponent of the regime has explained that the detainees had security documents in which Qaddafi demanded that they were not hurt. Unless one of them, those arrested have maintained a single version of why they were in Brega, came from Niger and worked for a Turkish company. The rebels have not hesitated to ignore the one who spoke Arabic were mercenaries for Gaddafi. The defectors, informants
One of the main roads in the country runs along the Mediterranean coast, going from west to east, controlled by rebel forces who have risen up to end the 40 Gaddafi years in power. "There is a checkpoint with Gaddafi forces about 80 kilometers from Al Uqayl with Gaddafi about 50 soldiers there.
about 20 miles Gaddafi is a base with about 100 vehicles with anti-aircraft guns were" explained the Ali Nasr rebels, an army deserter who was driving eastbound. The Libyan Army deserter, has come in his car from Ras Lanuf, reported in the town of Al Uqayl has accumulated a large number of forces Gaddafi.
Ras Lanuf is, like Brega, a major oil terminal. Like many other citizens in the east, Ali has expressed his support for the establishment of a no-fly zone to prevent the bombings that are occurring with some regularity on the cities of Brega and near Adjadiya, where one of major weapons caches under rebel control.
The rebels have said they have been expelled from the area Brega to foreign mercenaries and the troops sent to the east of Libya Muammar Gaddafi, who now would be concentrated around the town of Ras Lanuf, 600 kilometers from Tripoli and where there is also a large oil terminal. "Gaddafi's forces are in Ras Lanuf. Our troops, in Brega and Ajdabiya", summed up the rebel commander Abdul Bashir Gadre. "Bring Bush!" Despite the attacks, no one doubts that Gaddafi in Benghazi is a political corpse. But the tyrant will not falter. Yesterday, for the first time, launched his foreign mercenaries to attack in eastern Libya and this morning began its assault Brega. The loss of his place would have meant a serious setback for the rebels. However, mobilization of the insurgents was immediate. "Bring Bush!! Create a no-fly zone! Bomb the planes!" He cried Ali, in reference to U.S. president George Bush, who has already taken the same action in Iraq, followed later by his son, also a former president George W. Bush.

Although some rebels have expressed their rejection to any foreign intervention, others have expressed support for the creation of a no-fly zone. The last checkpoint in the town of Al Uqayl operated by the rebels is composed of a few troops armed with assault rifles and RPG launchers projectiles. The rebels have said they are moving forces within, towards the Sahara desert, to protect their flanks. In the rear, the rebels, which are not always experienced fighters are armed with tanks, antitank missiles, antiaircraft guns and portable missile launchers and have strengthened their positions in both Adjabiya as Brega. Moreover, the rebels have also accused forces loyal to Qadhafi to release prisoners from the prisons since the start of the demonstrations in order to counter the protests and mayhem. "There were murderers in there. The government forces opened the door and abroad were focused people who wanted the blood of prisoners," he told Saeed Jumah, 28, who participated in the looting of the prison in Benghazi. According to Libyan prisoners were released to counter demonstrations against Gaddafi, in a performance similar to that of the Egyptian authorities during the protests, in which the police decided to disappear to allow prisoners to escape.

Ajdabiya, another goal of Gaddafi In Ajdabiya, in the desert, the frenzy dominated the landscape. Just after ten o'clock, a large explosion was heard in the last control of the rebels in the south of this city, in an area that receives huge arsenals. The confusion took hold of the wrestlers when the rumor broke that Gaddafi's henchmen advancing toward it. Never confirmed. As it was difficult to verify the demolition of helicopters. "Gaddafi has kidnapped relatives of pilots, but some drop out," said a colonel pilot, who joined the rebel ranks on the first day of the uprising started on 15 February. Aware of failure, Gaddafi yesterday again clung to the view of the murky plot. "There is a conspiracy to dominate the oil from Libya and that his land is colonized again ... never again be slaves as we were Italians," said the satrap, who warned: "We will enter into a bloody war and thousands of Libyans will die if the U.S. or NATO intervene. "Meanwhile, Qadhafi's son, Said el Islam Gaddafi has denied it has bombed civilians in Brega, argued that" the militia wanted to control the port "as that is something that the Libyan Government can not consent, because it is a key infrastructure for the country's economy. "Bombs were thrown to the militia to withdraw. We can not leave the militia that controls Brega, is like letting you control the port of Rotterdam, "he said.

The prosecutor of the ICC move against Qaddafi and his environment for crimes against humanity



warns that "no impunity in Libya"


Garzón advice on the cause of the International Criminal Court against Gaddafi Gaddafi
accept Chavez as an international mediator
Libyan leader and "one of their children" are among the main suspects of crimes committed in Libya in the past two weeks, said the prosecutor. They would be responsible for the crimes under investigation because they exercise "the authority of 'de facto' or formal" on the troops. Among the other defendants listed the Libyan foreign minister, the head of security and intelligence services, Musa Kusa, the personal security chief of the dictator, Yusef Abdulqader Dibri, and is responsible for external security, Abu Zaid Dorda.
Moreno-Ocampo has said
the prosecution has collected ample evidence in recent days
pointing to the commission of serious crimes against the people of Benghazi, where he first won the uprising, Misrata and Tripoli, the Libyan capital and the scene of the bombing of the dictator against his own people in response to the demonstrators.
The ICC prosecutor added that the court is impartial and is aware that opponents also have guns, so that could be investigated. "There will be no impunity in Libya" has warned. If they have committed crimes will also be responsible. "
" The difference between Darfur (Sudan) and Libya is that it has become clear that nobody in the world can throw against his own people, "said Ocampo. This case has been possible to make these accusations so quickly because both the Security Council United Nations, which gave him the mandate to act on Saturday , as the Arab League and African Union have worked on the case.
The final decision rests the judges
Now that you know who the alleged perpetrators of crimes committed in Libya, the summary judges will International Criminal Court. Depends on them to decide whether to issue arrest warrants for to be transferred to The Hague, seat of the tribunal. As in the ordinary courts, the prosecutor accuses and judges ordered the arrest of the suspects who then judge.
Once confirmed the ICC's jurisdiction over the crimes being investigated, the prosecution's efforts have focused on the prime suspects. This is intended to "serve the best interest of justice" as the prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
  • "Qaddafi and Chavez: two similar "("... ligaditos his megalomania and the cult of personality ...")
  • The kindred Chávez to Qadhafi goes well beyond phone calls and mutual flattery. The political and economic model that seeks to impose lieutenant colonel in Venezuela is a hardware, in the words of Jorge Olavarria, combines components of populism, communism and nationalism, all sprinkled with megalomania, warlordism and the cult of personality. Nothing great or worthy of entering the political theory as an original contribution and plausible.
As the Libyan conflict has progressed and we could look out at the tightly closed society for decades, we have to realize what the scheme in force in that country since the mid of the 70 the last century, when Muammar Qaddafi writes the Green Paper, which really is not one but three volumes written in the middle of that decade. Chavez's Venezuela saved with Gaddafi's Libya, many more similarities than we imagined.
Many believe that the XXI century socialism, Bolivarian Socialism, had as its primary source of inspiration the Cuban experience and Soviet communism and its East European version. Not so, at least not as we imagined. Of course, the pattern established in the Caribbean island influenced the thinking of the autocrat feverish Creole, however, seems more important to the ascendancy of Libya and Qaddafi.
The Libyan, or People's Republic (the great contribution of the despot to democratic culture), which dominates the state of Mass, is a political system in which representative democracy is abolished, and by the lure of direct power of the people, are eliminated political parties and all forms free association in which citizens can delegate the representation of their interests and serve as intermediaries between the state and civil society. Under the pretext of direct democracy and popular power, eliminating the political organizations and popular sovereignty is atomized into communes, councils and assemblies in which citizens participate in making decisions that in no way reduce the immense power of the central state. This fraud mechanism combined with the absolute control of the press and radio and television, engaged in extolling the virtues of power "of the people live" and, above all, to silence and marginalize all dissent. When persuasion is not enough to keep silence, into action repressive state bodies, responsible for ensuring the cohesion of the "people's democracy."
The similarities of the Jamahiriya with the laws of the Community, popular power, communal councils, and all the rest of the battery of legal and miniinstituciones members of the Bolivarian direct democracy are evident. Los Chavez, always so original, in Venezuela trying to recreate the same sketch with genes Libyan enrazado fidelity. Bolivarian popular power, sold as native formula of democracy, is a mere caricature of the molds play Gaddafi in Libya introduced four decades ago.
The other important feature, which appears in the second volume of the Green Paper is the Islamic socialism. According to its principles of private property is reduced to a minimum. The major means of production owned by the State. Libya remains an oil nation, there is no doubt that the oil industry is state owned and operated by Gadhafi at his whim. In recent years, although the public sector has continued to maintain a majority stake, this has had to partner with transnational capital owing to massive amounts of capital to be invested in exploration, exploitation and marketing of oil and the lack of financial resources of State. Only small and medium industries may be in private hands, but controlled and operated by the Government. This Islamic socialism only has the name it is the same socialism interventionist, regulating and stifling there since the Bolsheviks led the coup in 1917. It is identical to that here in Venezuela has been called Bolivarian Socialism, "but failed to provide" a touch of originality. Grafico Gaddafi and Chávez-like in his megalomania and the cult of personality that have sought to encourage construction of a collectivist society, religious, single, monolithic thinking, made up with the veneer of the masses. At first he ran the gadgets and charisma. The second is that the wet powder.
@ tmarquezc

Published by Arcangel Vulcano
the / s

includes interesting COMMENT (Same source)


    Anonymous said ...
    Pedro Lastra
    Who authorized it?
    nerve is the one-man dictatorships. Swallowing their people and drop their hiccups believing that they are expressing. To stop you so much shamelessness I hope our lawmakers argued with at the meeting and require them to correct their excesses. A Gadaffi, sepal president hates the world. I hate hate Venezuela and all Latin American peoples. We are not involved in his delirium, ambiguities, complicity and marramucias. More respect, dammit!
    known, the mechanism is annoying. What does not detract from its appearance morbid, sinister, abusive and unacceptable. The tyrants - like Chavez and his alter ego, Colonel Gadaffi - give coups, took power by any means, imposed by violence, they hit all those who oppose them, then so smug to say that embody the will of the people. To complete the deception by ensuring that they ARE the people's voice. What in the Latin tradition is to say that they are the voice of God.
    Chavez, who comes from losing an election by the rejection of 52% of the population, and which according to all polls Latinobarómetro - measuring the popularity of the leaders of our region - second only to the refusal by Fidel Castro tyrant is allowed to call a booger hanging on to ensure compound as plump and conveys the solidarity and support of Venezuela and throughout Latin America. Who the hell authorized him to be giving support to impresentable despot in my name, that of my family, 52% of Venezuelans and several hundreds of millions of Latin Americans who hate him hate him and his carnal Gadaffi?
    course, is not entitled to put in your mouth to the Chileans, who chose Sebastian Pinera, or the Brazilians, who did with Dilma Roussef or all people whose presidents, democratically elected and a majority of our citizens, have supported United Nations action, driving the genocide of Tripoli from the heart of the Human Rights Commission.
    If anyone has, and for that we have embezzled fifty-three billion dollars of which will have to do when it disappears from the scene, as his twin brother, is to represent those who have bought with our money: Daniel Ortega, the pervert, Rafael Correa, the fool and Evo Morales, the hunted. Speak on behalf of Bolivia's coca growers in the correistas of Ecuador and the Sandinistas. No one objected. But speaking on behalf of the Venezuelan people and the peoples of Latin America? I notice you Chirulí!
    nerve is the one-man dictatorships. Swallowing their people and drop their hiccups believing that they are expressing. To stop him so shamelessly I hope our lawmakers argued with at the meeting and require them to correct their excesses. A Gadaffi, sepal president hates the world. Venezuela hates as I hate all the peoples of Latin America. We are not involved in his delirium, ambiguities, complicity and marramucias. More respect, dammit!

USA: Gaddafi does not need to be told "what to do"

FL Globovisión / AFP

03/03 / 2011 5:08:56 pm

addthis_language var = "en";
addthis_localize = {email: "E", more: "More s. .." };

The State Department spokesman in the United States, Philip Crowley rejected the mediation proposal made by President Hugo Chavez to help end the violence in Libya and said the leader Muammar Gaddafi does not need to be told "what to do."

once again urged Gadhafi to give up power. The country has lived through three weeks of the uprising that the Libyan leader has tried to stifle their security forces.

"need not an international commission to Colonel Gaddafi tells what to do for the good of his country and the safety of its people, "Crowley told reporters when asked about the Venezuelan proposal. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, an ally Qaddafi, proposed creating an international peacekeeping mission with friendly nations to try to mediate in the escalating violence in Libya and avoid a civil war. The Arab League said that "studying" this proposal.
Related articles:
Son of Gaddafi rejects Chavez's mediation proposal
Obama the use of U.S. aircraft to transport aliens

Gaddafi Rumors asylum in Nicaragua caused controversy and concern
Spain qualifies as "good" the mediation proposal made by Chavez
    Criminal Court Gaddafi International opens investigation against

International Relations hurt Chavez's image
Some analysts say the decline of men who have concentrated power for years and were aimed perpetuated in the control undermines the image of strongman President


Libya rebel militias were formed by volunteers and ex-soldiers and

Gaddafi blamed the rebel guerrillas in Libya deaths

El Nacional, 03 Mar 2011 and aimed to perpetuate his control weakens the image of strong man of President

UH!, AH! Gaddafi NO SE VA!

Bolivar's sword handed Chavez Gaddafi. We do not know if as a reward as an incentive or as a gift. What we do know is that the bearer of the sword, going around killing people that democracy demands. "Cursed be the soldier who fires on his people" Bolivar once ruled. There are many photos how are you, Chavez. You can not delete them after the fall rate, or better yet, die.

President Chavez's relations with authoritarian rulers in the Middle East could harm the image of the president in public opinion in Venezuela.
At least some analysts argue thus indicating that the fall of men who have concentrated power for years and were intended to perpetuate his control weakens the image of a strong man of the President of the Republic. Angel Oropeza Political scientist believes that support for leaders like Muammar Gaddafi Chavez tied to the fate of Libyan dictator after the revolt began against him. "Chávez has undertaken to strengthen this partnership perceptual and is getting into the same group of Mubarak, Gadhafi, Fidel Castro and Lukashenko.
Oropeza considered one of the government support is the perception of strength. remember cases like Somoza in Nicaragua, in which the defeat of the ruling seemed impossible. "If the President is committed to that, he also has to bear the consequences of shattering the myth of the invincible regimes.

adds that the message has given the Arab world is contrary to the presence of a ruler in power for long. "As Fernando said Savater: when the people organize and decides to destroy a government no power to stop it."
With this view coincides José Vicente Carrasquero political scientist. Chair Professor of the Public Opinion UCAB said that in principle government supporters identify with Gaddafi and opponents with the rebels. Carrasquero added that if the Libyan ruler falls, this could weaken the Government's image. "What will affect the extent to which his followers will realize that it is a most evil ruler of the painting in the Government. The costs in terms of perception of defeat, if it ends up being defeated, is a problem that is pulled President above.'ll have to stay silent or try to explain to the country about his position. " Both analysts expressed
that the opposition should demand explanations on the relations with governments like Iran, after Venezuela accused the U.S. of violating international agreements in this field. "The opposition should have an advisory role. In principle, control some of those to whom they would like to get the Marines. Must demand accountability for the penalty is from within," said Oropeza. Chavistas

Sociologist Carlos Raúl Hernández differs from those views.
considered that the population does not have much interest in what happens in the Middle East. "In the hard electorate Chavez has a close impact to zero. The link that has the President with the social sector, which represents 30% of the people, patronage-religious character. Much of the country do not even know where is Libya. When Saddam Hussein was hanged Chavez did not lose a vote. " Hernández would be counterproductive for the President tries to use the threat of international sanctions to pursue an imperialist climbing." The universe of people who support the President is mostly in favor of United States. Chavez has been clear that this does not help. The grassroots are not anti-American, have too many years watching the U.S. as a close ally. The lifestyle is a carbon copy of Venezuela of America. "
Obama wants to have full capacity to act in Libya


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