Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ascending Colon Cancer


    National Council, governing body of the rebels, proclaims "liberated" and Misrata Zawiya
  • / Agencies - 22:42


The National Council, governing body of the rebels Libyan
has proclaimed that his forces have been rejected on Sunday the forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi in Zawiya and Misrata
, so that both locations are released " and ". Council spokesman, Hafiz Ghoga, has said in a press conference from Benghazi to all cities east of the country remain under control of insurgents.

Gaddafi launches an offensive against the rebels Libyan taxes
"The tanks fire into the city center, close to local radio. The people had no weapons. If the international community does not intervene, there will be a slaughter, "
For his part, Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday expressed concern over the fighting "has caused many deaths and a growing humanitarian crisis" in Libya.
Sunday March 6, 2011 17:52 CET
storyKeywords var = "OESTP LIBYA SUNDAY" RTR_ArticleTitle var = "Gaddafi launches an offensive against the rebels Libyans" RTR_ArticleBlurb var = "TRI POLY (Reuters) - Libyan troops loyal to Muammar Gaddafi on Sunday launched counter-offensives against cities hands of the rebels while the popular uprising evolved to an open armed conflict. The resistance of
..."; var showComments = false; var allowSLCall = false;
var = "" var quoteLink = "";
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Troops Libyan loyal to Muammar Gaddafi on Sunday launched counter-offensives against towns held by the rebels while the popular uprising evolved to an open armed conflict.
resistance forces Gaddafi before the massive uprising and increase their ability to fight back fears that Libya will lead to a prolonged civil war rather than the fast speed seen in Tunisia and Egypt.

Gadhafi troops backed by tanks, artillery, combat aircraft and helicopters, attacked towns and Misrata Zauiyah, west and east of Tripoli, and positions near the port town of Ras Lanuf, 660 kilometers east of the capital.

Government spokesmen claimed a series of quick victories and loyal to Qadhafi came out en masse to the streets of Tripoli at dawn to shoot into the air, showing pictures the leader who takes charge of the country from OPEC for 41 years.

"They are celebrating because the government forces have taken control of all areas to Benghazi and are on their way to regain control of Benghazi," said the spokesman Musa Ibrahim, referring to the second city Libya's largest, in the far east.

without clutch, the celebrations seemed to be premature, as Benghazi and was still under rebel control and Misrata Zauiyah insurgents said they had repelled assaults and were struggling to recover local Jawad bin, west of Ras Lanuf.

Government troops drove the Jawad Bin opponents, they captured on Saturday.
But the rebels regrouped around Ras Lanuf and returned to the outskirts of bin Jawad, a small, dusty town situated between the coastal highway and the Mediterranean Sea, 160 kilometers east of Gaddafi's hometown, Sirte.

A wounded soldier returning Ras Lanuf after the assault by the government against Jawad was asked Bin I had seen. "Death", I answer, too shocked to say anything more.


The rebels surrounded by the troops of Gaddafi Zauiyah near downtown, 50 kilometers west of Tripoli, they faced another offensive Sunday after repelling two attacks with tanks and infantry on the previous day.

"This morning there was a new attack, more than yesterday. There was fighting for an hour and a half (...) Two people were killed on our side and many more were injured, "spokesman Yusef Shagan by phone.

" We continue to monitor the entire plaza, "he added.

Brigades Elite Jamis Gaddafi son also Lazaron a crackdown Misrata, 200 kilometers east of the capital.

"The brigades attempted to reach the center of the city but the revolutionaries were able to repel them. They retreated to the air base, "said one neighbor who declined to be identified.

"Revolutionaries captured 20 soldiers and took over a tank. The city is completely under the control of young people," he said.

rebels were first done with bin Jawad on Saturday, but then withdrew. Army units then occupied houses and snipers took up positions and rocket propelled grenades to ambush.

"It's a really fierce battle, like Vietnam," said rebel fighter Ali Othman told Reuters. "They are using all weapons. We have withdrawn by an ambush and we regroup. "

The rebels said they shot down a helicopter during clashes on Sunday, and Reuters showed the remains of a fighter plane Saturday near Ras Lanuf the insurgents said they down.

The Ras Lanuf hospital, doctors said they had arrived two dead and 22 wounded in the fighting. A French journalist was shot in the leg, a doctor said, while that four rebels were seriously injured and might not survive.

Rebels in Benghazi captured members of British special forces 30 kilometers from the city, but said they were treated well and hoped to resolve the situation soon.

The uprising in Libya was mainly inspired by peaceful uprisings that toppled rulers in neighboring Egypt and Tunisia, which have spread to other Arab leaders cling to power and deficiencies in democracy jobs and good governance.

Western leaders have condemned what they call the brutal response of Gaddafi against the revolt, and the International Criminal Court said that the leader and his inner circle facing an investigation into the violence against civilians.

Meanwhile, the European Union said it had sent a diplomatic mission to discuss humanitarian and evacuation needs that might arise in the country.

© Thomson Reuters 2011 All rights reserved.

March 6 2011 - 1:41
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The stagnant situation in Libya between violence, confusion and misinformation. Muammar Gaddafi, who on Saturday and Sunday some areas hard hit rebels, especially the intensity of Zauiya, has managed to halt the rebel advance on their stronghold in Sirte. He also claims on public television that the revolt had been defeated in Zauiya, Misrata, Ras Lanuf Tobruk even in the far east. However, there are conflicting reports about the control of each of these cities.

A Ras Lanuf Libyan fighter.

A total of 2,363 refugees fleeing violence in Libya have crossed the border into Algeria from 24/02, reported the newspaper Liberte. " Since that time, Algeria has hosted an average of 300 to 400 refugees a day, which are housed in temporary structures that have been installed near Debdeb border posts, and Tarat Tinalkum in the Southeast. According to the source, 2,001 of the refugees are Algerian, and of these 705 are Libyans, 545 and 246 are the Egyptian Mauritania.
While clashes began in Misrata, unique enclave held by the rebels from the capital and the coastal city of Sirte, aviation loyal to Muammar Gaddafi has launched an air strike on the oil enclave of Ras Lanuf, direction west and where the outposts retreated from revolutionary Jawad Bin. This town, a prelude to Sirte for its proximity, was taken yesterday by opposition groups, but the counteroffensive forces Gaddafi has forced the rebels to retreat to Ras Lanuf. Reuters reports that the anti-Gaddafi have returned to resume his march toward Jawad Bin. Despite Gadhafi Aque
In Europe
The French government said Sunday 06/03 support for the Libyan rebel National Council, encouraged him to achieve the objectives proposed and rejected the "unacceptable use of force" against civilians. In a statement the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the French Government expresses its satisfaction at the "will of unity" that has guided seen the creation of that instance by the rebels against the Libyan regime.

also pays tribute to the "value" of "people subjected to violence" in the North African country and appeals to "full respect for resolution 1970 the Security Council" of the UN, adopted on 26 February. That resolution, among other provisions, prohibit travel abroad by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, his eight children and seven of his closest collaborators, and requests the International Criminal Court (ICC), based in The Hague, to open an investigation into the attacks against the civilian population. The Swiss President Micheline Calmy-Rey, has asked the Swiss Justice proceedings against Gaddafi's regime for the kidnapping of two Swiss businessmen during a crisis faced by both countries. "The culprits must be brought before a judge, "Calmy-Rey said in a statement published by the newspaper NZZ am Sonntag. Switzerland argued that criminal proceedings could be initiated to clarify the circumstances of the kidnapping of Max Goldi and Rachid Hamdani, executive a Swiss company and employer, respectively, which were held for nearly two years in Libya. In the fall of 2009, both were forced out of the Swiss Embassy in Tripoli, where they had sought refuge months ago and held for 53 days and separately in a secret location. EU to send fact-finding mission to Libya before the European summit. The High Representative of the European Union, Catherine Ashton, today sent a monitoring team to Libya to discuss the situation on the ground before the special summit of European leaders convened to discuss the latest developments in this country and in North Africa. The mission of a technical nature, is the first of its kind sent to the international level since the rebellion began Libya, as highlighted by Ashton in a statement. "I decided to send this high-level mission to gather information firsthand and in real time, as a basis for discussion prior to the extraordinary European Council meeting next Friday," said Ashton, who adds that on 11 exposed European leaders the latest developments in Libya. The observer team will be led by Agostino Miozzo, director of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Crisis Response and Operations Coordination, and its main task will be to analyze the field, the humanitarian situation in Libya in order to assess the need Additional international assistance. The chairman noted that Gaddafi has a force consisting of African mercenaries of various nationalities who number over 5,000." The African mercenaries continue to turn to Libya in droves to support the Gaddafi regime, "he said, while recalling that in recent years the dictator has given Libyan nationality to a large number of Chadians, Nigerians and Kenyans. In this situation, repeated the call Abdel Jalil the international community to impose an air exclusion zone over Libya "so that Gaddafi can not bring African mercenaries with having good relations. " Towards the cradle of Gaddafi
insurgents in eastern had advanced in the last hours enduring air harassment helicopters and aircraft of the Libyan Armed Forces and just enjoy an advantage as they enter towns, volunteers willing to join the march to the capital swell their ranks. Today many more trucks than in previous days, full of feverish young and often reckless use of weapons departing from the towns taken eager to overthrow Gaddafi. Sirte was in sight of the rebels. Libyan Rebels this Sunday had to retreat from Ben Jawad, where they were ambushed and harassed by aviation gadafista, moving back into the disputed town of Sirte, the hometown of Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. A rebel activist Abdel Mawla to Ubeidi told Al Jazeera that the revolutionary control and Ben Jawad, about 100 kilometers of Sirte, and are in negotiations to enter the latter city without fighting.
As reported by a correspondent for Al Jazeera from Ben Jawad, militiamen aboard their off-road vehicles return to the town they evacuated this morning at the counter of aviation loyal to Gaddafi, backed by mercenaries and Tuaregs in the service of Tripoli, which maintain hostilities in the area.
is likely that if the rebels take Sirte-host country's vital oil installations and vital bastion of Gaddafi and his family, "the siege on the capital would be accelerated. But you can never rule out a reaction of the soldiers and mercenaries of the autocrat. Especially if Gaddafi and his cohorts keep their word, always said you never would abscond and die at home. The behavior of soldiers and mercenaries from Gaddafi, after what happened yesterday in Zauiya-is becoming more brutal. And if it increases their desperation, can not be ruled out even deadlier attacks.
For the third straight day Gaddafi tanks have assaulted Zauiya, 50 km west of Tripoli. A spokesman for the rebels, YoussefShagan, explained to Reuters that the attack lasted an hour and a half, but the opposition still controls the main square of the second oil enclave of Libya. The rebels against the regime has in its arsenal modest arms, machine guns, grenade launchers, antiaircraft guns and antitank guns, but these weapons can do little when the truth against an army and a well-trained paramilitary units for years and much better equipped with tanks, heavy artillery, aircraft and helicopters.

Live Report on the crisis in Libya

A Libyan rebel militia walks through a checkpoint in the oil city of Ras Lanuf (afp_tickers)
La Unión Europea envía observadores a Libia
15h55 GMT - heavy fire, heavy fire of artillery was heard from the road leading to bin Jawad, a town in eastern Libya where bloody clashes occur between pro-and anti-Gaddafi, finds an AFP reporter.

14h40 GMT - UK ARRESTED: Several British soldiers and a diplomat were detained upon entry into Libyan territory controlled by the rebels, said a spokesman for the Libyan opposition.
14H26 GMT - MONITORING OF THE EU: Europe sent a group of experts to assess the humanitarian assistance they need supplementary Libya, said the diplomat of the European Union, Catherine Ashton.
13H47 - HAZARDOUS DUTY: "I was in the pick-up with soldiers and fell into the ambush. We got a good shooting. I got behind the pick-up. Lasted an hour. I had the camera, who received a bullet, two , and that saved me, "says French journalist wounded before being taken to the east. "Then I could call my colleagues by phone and sent reinforcements. The shooting continued for a while, not I saw too. I pulled into a pick-up with two or three wounded, "he added.
13H43 GMT - ON THE ATTACK IN BIN Shaw:" There are several dead, but we can not recover because the fighting continues, "the doctor Heitham Guriani.
13H39 GMT - WITH THE IDEA OF PROGRESS: "I came from Tobruk (over 1,200 km east of Tripoli, near the border with Egypt) to about fifteen people. We hope to leave as soon as possible Sirte, "says Marwan Mustafa, a mere 19 years.

13H29 GMT - IN THE MIDDLE OF FIGHTING:" I was just 3 km from the city (Sirte) and bombs were falling on us. Everyone was going back ", says Jamal Al Claw, a U.S. citizen of Libyan origin who joined as a volunteer in the rebel forces and used for the first time in his life a weapon.

13h25 GMT - STOW: "We walked away from Ben Jawad. Ras Lanuf is our line of defense. Yesterday we move beyond Bin Shaw, but militants infiltrated by night", adds Aqil al-Farisi side, another member rebel forces.

13H18 GMT - AMBUSH: "Everything was fine until yesterday. Some returned to Ras Lanuf and others stayed. At 3 am they arrived, they took women and children, and occupied the houses," says Fathi Al Gadaf , a former army soldier who joined the rebels involved in fighting in Bin Shaw. "At five and half are women on the street. They said their houses were occupied. They made hand gestures and signs. Some soldiers were hidden and launched the ambush, "he added. 13H08 GMT - FOR ALL: In Tripoli's Green Square are distributed biscuits and portraits of Kadhafi.

13H00 GMT - ALL ARMED: There are women and children, including six or seven years, with real guns in the Plaza Verde.

12H54 GMT - defeated enemy: "We shoot to celebrate because we have defeated Al Qaeda. We won, Al Qaeda is gone, "says one soldier.

12h46 GMT - BULLETS OF VICTORIA: There are 4,000 to 5,000 pro-Gaddafi demonstrators in the Plaza Verde, in central Tripoli. Militants and soldiers who are there to shoot into the air.

11H36 GMT - SUPPORT FROM EUROPE: France "welcomes the establishment of the Libyan national, governing body of the insurrection against Colonel Gaddafi," and lends its support to the principles underlying it and the objectives it has set " announced the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

11.15 am GMT - After the Angelus: Pope Benedict XVI expressed in the Plaza de San Pedro "great concern" over the tensions in several countries in Africa and Asia, including Pakistan and Libya. "My thoughts go then to Libya where recent fighting has caused many deaths and a humanitarian crisis growing, "he says." To all the victims and those who are in distressing situations, I assure my prayers and my proximity, and invoke the assistance and relief to affected populations, "he adds, the first direct reaction of the chief Catholic Church on developments in Libya.

11h05 GMT - VICTIMS: At least two people were killed and thirty wounded in the fighting between insurgents and supporters of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi in the Libyan town of Ben Jawad, a a hundred miles of Sirte, says Al-Zheiti Abdrabú, Hospital Medical Ras Lanuf, about 30 miles. Others "are coming," he adds.

10:40 GMT - TO CONTROL Misrata: Tanks of forces loyal to Qadhafi fired shells at the center of Misrata, a city controlled by the rebels located 150 kilometers east of Tripoli, said a resident contacted by phone. "People do not have guns. If the international community does not intervene soon, it will be a massacre," he adds. "It's clear. He (Gaddafi) said the war after the formation of the National Council, organized by the representatives of the uprising in Libya, estimated.

10H36 GMT - BACK FROM THE FRONT: Insurgents Libya announced after fighting against forces loyal to Mr Gaddafi that withdrew from Ben Jawad, city located one hundred kilometers east of Sirte, where at least 15 people were injured.

10h17 GMT - SOUND OF BATTLE: A huge explosion was heard in Ras Lanuf, in eastern Libya, followed by anti-aircraft fire. 10H13 GMT - RETAINED?: The British Minister of Defence, Liam Fox, confirmed that "a small diplomatic team" British in the Libyan city of Benghazi, a stronghold of the rebellion, but refuses to comment on press reports that ensure being held by insurgents.

10H06 GMT - FROM CAIRO: The French Foreign Minister, Alain Juppe, said that Europe and France can not "tolerate criminal folly "of the Gaddafi regime to the popular uprising. Juppe, who expressed to the members of the French community in Egypt, adding that treat this issue with Arab League chief Amr Musa.

09H58 GMT - ACHIEVED : At least eleven people were injured, including a French journalist in fighting between insurgents and government forces in Ben Jawad, a hundred miles east of Sirte, medical sources said.

09h50 GMT - SECOND RAID: New air strike of forces loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi on the strategic oil city of Ras Lanuf, in the east. The target of this new attack was a camp of the rebels, housed in a former military base.

09H46 GMT - Tobruk, EITHER: The rebels deny that Gaddafi's forces have regained control of Tobruk in the east. "Not true. The Ajdabiya region from the Egyptian border is under our control," said Fateh Faraj, a board member of insurgents reached by telephone. According to him, the situation is calm and is not passing "nothing at all."

09H41 GMT - REACTION: The rebels opened fire with several anti-aircraft devices. Frightened, the locals are on the streets.

09h35 GMT - rockets at a checkpoint: "They launched two rockets. No injuries or damage, says one of the rebels in Ras Lanuf, Sharif Abdal. They see two craters of two meters in diameter, about 20 meters from the highway and about 50 meters from the checkpoint of the insurgents.

09H28 GMT - SIRTE, Qaddafi's hometown and stronghold of the Resistance: The Colonel Moghrabi said that "not know" whether they will continue moving to the city. "All the soldiers come from Benghazi. We are more than 8,000 men," he says.

09H22 GMT - Denies THE COLONEL: "Gaddafi has said it had retaken Ras Lanuf, but we're still here, not just here but further" west, said Colonel Bashir al Moghrabi, one of the leaders of the rebels in this strategic oil port.
09H18 GMT - FOR EVALUATION IN THE FIELD: Gaddafi declares that he is in favor of sending a commission of inquiry "of the United Nations or African Union, in an interview published by French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche.
09h15 GMT - SO FAR OUTSIDE THE VIOLENCE nourished can hear automatic weapons firing at the center of Tripoli, it was not possible to immediately determine the source of the gunfire. The shots are heard from a hotel near the center of the Libyan capital, less than a mile from the Plaza Verde.
09h10 GMT - RAS Lanuf does not change hands: "There has been fighting overnight, still controlling the city, "say the insurgents. Special envoys from the international press, housed in a hotel located at the western entrance of the city, fighting sounds heard throughout the night.

09H07 GMT - THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN: The Libyan national television channel announced on its part "the liberation of the city of Tobruk, which was in the hands of terrorist groups" and broadcast images of "expressions of joy in Tripoli's Green Square, and in Sirte (east of the capital) and Sebha (south).

08H51 GMT - PROGRESS OF THE SCHEME: The television channel, citing a military source added that the armed forces loyal to the government of Colonel Gaddafi target to the rebel city of Benghazi (east), located 1,000 kilometers east of Tripoli.
08H48 GMT - MAP OF FORCE: "The Libyan armed forces have taken control of cities and Ras Lanuf Misrata, a strategic oil city, reports the TV station Al Libiya, linked to Seif Al Islam, a son of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
Un miliciano rebelde libio camina por un puesto de control en la ciudad petrolera de Ras Lanuf 08h45 GMT - Begins live report on the crisis in Libya.
The EU announced the dispatch of an observer mission to Tripoli
Gaddafi has intensified its ground and air attack by stopping the progression of the opposition to Sirte. The UN sent a mission.

Gaddafi near key oil city

Fighting rages

Interpol global alert sent


06/03/2011 ;: DIGITAL FREEDOM

Gaddafi challenged the UN to investigate the situation on the ground, and soon after the EU announced it is sending an observer mission to Tripoli. The brigades gadafistas escalated its offensive in the east, which led them to attack by land and Misrata Ras Lanuf air, which has returned to the hands of the regime. While forced to retreat to the opposition on its way to the iconic home town of Sirte, Gaddafi, "to which they were scheduled to arrive this Sunday, as recorded


The latest news from the major oil enclave of Ras Lanuf, won on Friday by opponents, say the air force loyal to Qadhafi launched a counterattack and swept to the resistance, although some rebels still fighting in it.

is a very significant loss for the Libyan opposition, because it has two airports and is 640 kilometers from Tripoli and 200 in Sirte, as announced today by the revolutionary decision has been truncated by the deployment of military power that preserves Gaddafi against militants fighting with high morale and little training and defenseless against enemy air superiority.

addition, Gaddafi loyalists attacked again with armor in the besieged city of Al Zauiya, west and where serious problems of supply and communications. Asked local residents outside aid, after stating that yesterday sent armored columns into the fence gadafista reinforcement of the city, 92 kilometers southwest of the capital, were already inside the town.

Previously, many followers of Gaddafi had taken to the streets of Tripoli to celebrate the "victory" military regime in Al Zauiya, Rus Lanuf, Misrata and even Tobruk, Libyan state television announced before they occur and were later denied by the rebels.

Amid escalating fighting, Gaddafi once again challenged the international community wants to ensure that the UN will investigate, in an interview with French newspaper Journal du Dimanche


We will allow the commission to go see on the ground, without
no obstacle, "said Gaddafi, who insisted that Al Qaeda is behind the riots and that he has never fired his people, despite the violent suppression of protests.

Gaddafi's statement coincided today the announcement that the High Representative of the European Union, Catherine Ashton,
has sent a monitoring team to Libya to discuss the situation on the ground
before the extraordinary summit of EU leaders on Friday.
The mission, technical, is the first of its kind sent to the international level since the start of the rebellion Libya and led by Agostino Miozzo, director of the European External Action Service Crisis Response and Operations Coordination.

For its part, the British foreign minister, William Hague, Gaddafi urged a "

promptly hand over power to a government fully recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Libyan ." Haque

reiterated UK support for a "transition to a government that will bring greater democracy, justice, transparency, human rights and accountability in Liba", shortly after The Sunday Times
military revealed that 8 British had been detained in Libya when accompanying a diplomatic mission on a secret mission to try to establish contacts with the rebels.


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