Friday, March 4, 2011

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Insulza: Venezuela is in crisis "very serious" that may worsen in 2012

Chaderton to
"... Venezuela statements are exaggerated and distorted the reality"

Venezuela's ambassador to the OAS, Roy Chaderton said the general secretary, José Miguel Insulza, has an "anti-Venezuelan agenda" and its "continuing reports about Venezuela are exaggerating, lying and distorting reality." Earlier, Insulza said foto
Venezuela "is undergoing a serious crisis" and "the situation will worsen next year."
SCZ Globovisión / EFE 03/04/2011 4:08:53 pm
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Dictators panic

The secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS) Jose Miguel Insulza, said Friday in New York that 2012 will be a year of tension in Venezuela due to the presidential elections to be held and where it can endanger democracy. "Venezuela is going through a serious crisis and probably will get worse next year because of the political tension that surrounds the elections," Insulza said during a speech at the XIII Conference Annual Hispanic Business Association of Latin American and Columbia University in New York.
The secretary general of the OAS, which featured a speech focused on democracy and integration in Latin America, and showed concern about the situation in Venezuela, where he said the tension before the presidential election of 2012 is "already more apparent "in Peru, where elections are next month.
"I put Venezuela among the countries of the region which should be more worried," said Insulza, who believes the elections will end up being "an all or nothing game" between the opposition and President Hugo Chávez, which results in "a danger to democracy."

Chilean and said that his "principal concern" now is that elections will take place in an environment nurtured in recent years, since the opposition did not attend the 2006 elections and as the Venezuelan Congress has been granting more power to Chavez.
"The opposition is out of the electoral process in 2006 and is something we are still paying a heavy price," said Insulza, who reviewed the various developments that opponents and won after Congress has been able to stop initiatives such as the delivery of power Chávez special. The OAS Secretary General spoke with concern about the special powers that Congress gave Chavez before the Assembly was constituted out of the September election, where the ruling party has no qualified majority, and to can legislate by decree-law until mid-2012. "The Congress itself limited the power of Congress. It has become an all or nothing game and that's very dangerous for democracy," Insulza said, adding that "the distribution of power is one of the main bases democracy. " Insulza also recalled that Venezuela was the only Latin American country that did not grow economically in the past two years and highlighted the crisis facing now and expected to extend beyond "despite crude oil prices are today." "In America we have democracy. There is no doubt. You only need to buy ourselves 25 years ago. The change is remarkable," said Insulza, who, however, warned of the problems facing democracy yet in the region.
Among them, in addition to poverty and lack of equality that exists among some demographic groups, said organized crime, "an issue that has not been resolved but it has gotten worse and is a serious threat toward democracy. "
" Organized crime is taking place everywhere. Its origin is drug trafficking, but we must go further and see what is happening, "said Insulza, who also cited as threats to democracy" lack of separation of powers "in some countries as well as" attacks on the freedom of expression. " The thirteenth annual conference of the Association of Hispanic and Latin America at Columbia University on Friday also hosts several panels on macroeconomic trends and policies in the region, the state of financial markets and the energy.
Press these links: .
international Interpol alert against Gadhafi and 15 other Libyans.
. Organization U.S. rejects Venezuelan Chavez's mediation in Libya

Charito Rojas

Friday March 4, 2011

I do not want to be emperor. That's not my job, but to help everyone if possible. Black or white. Jews or Gentiles. We must help each other, human beings are like that. We want to make others happy, not make us miserable. We do not want to hate or help anyone. In this world there's room for everyone and the good earth is rich and can provide for all beings. The road of life can be free and beautiful, but we lost. Greed has poisoned weapons, has erected barriers of hatred, has pushed us to the misery and bloodshed.

We have developed quickly, but we have shut ourselves. The machinery, which creates abundance has left us in need. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness hard and dry. We too, are very little.

More than machinery we need more humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost. The airplane and the radio have brought us closer. The true nature of these inventions require human goodness requires the universal brotherhood that unites us all of us.
Hatred pass and dictators die, and power that took away the people have returned to the village, and thus, while Man, liberty will never perish. Soldiers: Do not give yourselves to those who actually despise you, enslave you, regulate your lives and tell them what you have to do, what to say and feel. I sweep the brain, I baited, they treat you like cattle, as cannon fodder. Do not give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine, with machine minds and hearts. You are not cattle, you are not machines, are men. You carry the love of humanity in your hearts, not hatred. Only the unloved hate.
Soldiers: Do not fight for slavery, but for freedom. In chapter 17 of Luke we read: "The Kingdom of God is not a man or a group of men, but in all men ..." You the men have the power. The power to create machines, the power to create happiness, the power to make this life free and beautiful and make it a wonderful adventure.
In the name of democracy, let us use that power to act all together. Fight for a new world, worthy and noble men that guarantees a job, a future youth and old age security. But the promise of these things, the beasts came to power. But they lied, never fulfilled their promises and never fulfilled. Dictators are free, only they, but they enslave the people. Now let us fight to fulfill their promises. All fight to free the world. To break down national barriers, to do away with greed, hatred and intolerance. Fight for the world of reason. A world where science, progress, lead us all to happiness. Soldiers, in the name of democracy, we must pull together. Look up! The clouds are lifting, the sun is breaking. We are emerging from the darkness into the light. We are reaching a new world where men will rise above their hate and brutality. The soul of man has wings and is finally starting to fly. He is flying into the rainbow - a light of hope - in the future, that glorious future that belongs to you and me and all us. Look up. Look up!

This is the great speech of Charlie Chaplin in his 1940 film, The Great Dictator. And it has never been more effective. I share with you (thanks to good friend who sent it to me) because the world is now shakes great dictators. Those men in the name of independence, anti-imperialism and divine anointing, they seize by decades of countries and human beings that inhabit it, making their people unhappy for them to enjoy the great happiness of all dictators stay in power at the expense of blood and pain. came

the time of the fall of the great dictators of those arriving by coups, of which have been re-elected with constitutional mask of those who believe that govern in the name of God or Allah Peoples rulers pulled outraged Tunisia and Egypt. Muammar Gaddafi is ready to feel the hatred that has risen in the Libyan his 42 years of abuse. Next on the list Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, with 31 years in power, Omar El Bashir of Sudan, with 22 years in power, Teodoro Obiang, Equatorial Guinea, with 32 years in power Musereni Yoweri, Uganda with 25 years in power, Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen, with 21 years in power. Should be shaking Aleksander Lukashenko of Belarus, who remains 17 years in the presidency of Belarus (called the "last European dictatorship") and Kim Jong Il, the North Korean dictator for 17 years. Not to mention the mummified dictator Fidel Castro called, which continues to rule by his brother Raul, after having destroyed Cuba for 50 years continuously.

Foreign Policy magazine, respected in the international policy areas, made a list that has 40 dictators who rule by autocratic means over 1,900 million inhabitants of the planet. The list includes coup, kings and presidents of origin election but who have twisted the laws of their countries to be re-elected in perpetuity. And sadly, Venezuela is on that list. In the post 17.

Evolution of the conflict in Libya

COUNTRY 04/03/2011

More information:

Interpol launched a global alert to prevent Gaddafi travel or move their goods

The rebels seek to advance Tripoli in a hard collision with Gadhafi troops

The rebels advancing toward the city of Ras Lanuf oil base and attack the forces of dictator .- "Many dead and wounded, medical sources said .- The faithful Gaddafi attacks Zauiya (west) to uproot the rebels control and cause tens of fatalities
JUAN MIGUEL MUÑOZ on Wednesday after their failed assault on Brega. Medical sources have told France Presse that the clashes have caused "many dead and wounded." What is really at stake is control of the area between Benghazi, the capital of the rebels, and Sirte, the real aim of the rebels to be the birthplace of the dictator and the great bulwark of their power with Tripoli. To the west, security forces loyal to Qadhafi has strongly attacked the opposition in Zauiya, the first western city where protests succeeded, leaving dozens of casualties. In Benghazi, east of the country, forces loyal to Gaddafi have bombed a weapons depot controlled by the opposition resulted in numerous deaths.
The Arab League supports the imposition of a no-fly zone

Hundreds of opponents claim in Tripoli: "Gaddafi is the enemy of God"

use force in Libya on human disaster

Interpol launches global alert to prevent Gaddafi travel or move your goods

The political career of son Gaddafi, ruined by a tent

Lanuf is a coastal town with a major refinery in the oil company.
The Gaddafi loyalists have responded and the exchange of gunfire has lasted at least an hour, which the rebels have also resisted attacks from the air using helicopters. "We have launched rockets and missiles at a military base that protects access to the oil terminal Ras Lanuf, on the outskirts of the city, "said another rebel." Let us all, "proclaimed Magdi Mohammed, part of the outpost.

Also at the front line , the anti-Gaddafi has claimed control of the airport immediately. After hours of fighting also the city: "We have taken Ras Lanuf 100%, all forces have been Gaddafi," said the soldier from Hafez Ihrahim the center of the town told Reuters by telephone. The Libyan government has been quick to deny these reports claiming that they are loyal to the dictator forces that control the main port city.

rebel Despite the momentum, the battle is still uneven. The rebels are measured to a body of well-trained and equipped paramilitary. At least two dozens of rebels armed with Kalashnikov rifles and rocket launchers put towards Ras Lanuf this morning. One of the columns were advancing towards this important oil port. Rebel units have gone into the desert and have avoided the direct route by road to reach Ras Lanuf, for fear of encountering the forces of Gaddafi. "Gaddafi's dog has aircraft and armored vehicles. It's harder to see us in the desert," said a former Army officer now a member of Libyan Coalition February 17.
Parallel to the rebel offensive, the head of the National Council, a sort of transitional government, has given encouragement to those fighting on the front with a fiery speech from Al Baida. "We will not surrender. Victory or death. We will not stop until we liberate the whole country ... the time of hypocrisy over," proclaimed Mustafa Abdel Jalil. The crowds have shouted: "Libya is free and Qaddafi must leave."
Dozens of dead
west Fuego de artillería rebelde
But the reality is that Qaddafi is unwilling to leave and is using its strength. Especially in the area that is stronger, west of the country. Zauiya is the case, the first town in the Western victory at the protests, some 50 kilometers west of Tripoli. "We believe possibly Zauiya be under total government control tonight," Ibrahim Musa has said, government spokesman on state television.
Residents of the city contacted by telephone by Reuters officials have explained that security forces loyal to the dictator have come to the city to drive out opponents who are concentrated in the center of town. "We still have control of the central plaza and they are about 4 or 5 miles distance, "stated a spokesman for the rebels." [Gaddafi's forces] have fired on civilians, "he added while confirming that the dead is the" military commander "of insurgents in the zone. death toll - Reuters figure by at least 30 people and television Al Jazeera has risen to fifty-has not been independently verified by the restrictions imposed on journalists to move by Libya.
According to the account offered by the rebels to Reuters, the bombs fell nearby but failed to damage the installation. "We heard the plane overhead, then came the explosion and the ground shook," said Hassan Faraj, who works at the base attack. Another volunteer, Aziz Saleh added that the plane fired two rockets fell near the access to the database.
The attack by forces loyal to the regime of Gaddafi against an array of weapons in Benghazi, east of the country have claimed the lives of 17 people as reported by the Qatari television network Al Jazeera. Other sources claim that the victims could reach the 35. The spokesman for the Coalition
February 17, Gheriani Mustafa, told Reuters previously reported that government forces had bombed the arsenal, located on the outskirts of the town conrtol by opponents.
Request for help
Gaddafi no longer control over most of the 13 air bases in Libya, has caused extensive damage and destruction from the air. This is the reason why the National Council, a sort of transitional government yesterday asked the international community to establish an air exclusion zone over the country. Libyan aviation grew to nearly 200 combat aircraft, mainly Russian-made. "We only have between 20 and 25 fighter jets," he told this newspaper Colonel Aviation Zuayeh Jamal Mansur, become a rebel more.
seems impossible to stop the momentum of thousands of young men and older age, burning with desire to join the ranks of the rebels to fight in a first line that moves very slowly, among other reasons by bad preparation, if you have had some of the novice fighters. Some have been wounded in recent days, sometimes very serious, while driving arms. The commands that organize the new army try to take stock of weapons held by many citizens in their homes after the assault for several arsenals and refuse to deliver to those who need to join the fight. Despite to it not too difficult to get them, but often these are old rifles. Yesterday, leaflets were distributed in Benghazi for a group called the Young of Libya have called for a rally car today to Sirte.

Thousands return to the streets in Iraq against unemployment and corruption
Protesters focus on Tahrir Square in Baghdad and other cities to emulate the uprisings in other Arab countries

- Baghdad - 04/03/2011


> SPECIAL wave of riots in the Arab world
Thousands of Iraqis took to the streets in cities across the country to participate in the demonstrations today to protest the deterioration of basic services, unemployment and corruption and incompetence of the authorities. The largest march takes place in Baghdad, when a year after parliamentary elections, for which today have called a "day of disappointment." The protesters claim that a year after electing Parliament "Government formation was delayed until December, the situation has not improved in the country.

Day Pan-Arab anger

Calls to the demonstrations, inspired
wave of riots in the Arab world

. Like them, online social networks have amplified the power of convocation. Thus, a Facebook group urges voters to take to the streets to express their disappointment politicians one year after the general elections that only bore fruit in a government by the end of last year.
The so-called "Friday the dignity and challenges", the protesters demand political and economic reforms. Many carried Iraqi flags and banners with messages like "no to corruption", "not to stop, yes to the job opportunities for unemployed", "We want reforms of the regime" and "oil of the people is for the people" .

In Baghdad, the movement of vehicles, including bicycles, is prohibited from midnight. The streets, normally crowded with cars, were empty this morning, with only a few daring at the wheel trying to avoid checkpoints. However, thousands of people were heading on foot towards Tahrir Square (Liberation)-in memory to the epicenter of the revolt that ended last month with the regime of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, which is deployed a major security device . It has also asked the protesters to stay away from government institutions, to avoid clashes with security forces and to denounce suspects.
"We're not Baathists, former members of Saddam Hussein's party," we are Iraqis who claim our most basic rights " said a finance ministry official told Agence France Presse from Baghdad's Tahrir Square. Responded well to the words of Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki, who called a few days ago the protesters who have several weeks of protests by supporters of the former regime of Saddam Hussein. "The new scheme is based on sectarianism, which has led to the arrival of incompetents to power to satisfy their personal interests," he said, for his part, Faisal Habib, a retired resident of Baghdad's Karrada neighborhood. "Oil for the people, not thieves" or "Maliki, liar" were among the slogans chanted.

Protesters carrying a coffin covered with an Iraqi flag in memory of protesters killed in previous calls. The Friday
, a dozen people died and over a hundred were injured during demonstrations calling for greater social attention and measures to eradicate corruption. In total, there are 23 dead, including one policeman, in the wave of protests that began in February in Iraq.

On 26 February, the highest Shiite authority in the country, the cleric Ali Sistani, joined its voice to the protesters, demanding an end to the privileges of politicians. In response, Maliki, has given 100 Ministers days to show progress in the fight against corruption and public services.

addition to the capital, there are demonstrations in Basra in southern Iraq and in the northern provinces of Salahedin, Nineveh and Kirkuk in the north, among others. A thousand people gathered in central Basra in the south and several hundred in Najaf, Samawah and Fao.


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