Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do Throat Cultures Hurt?

CLINTON WARNS CHAVEZ VIOLA TO PERFORM IF THE SANCTIONS AGAINST IRAN / / the wave of change in the Middle East continues (Videos and reports)

Source: Globovisión

On the border with Tunisia the night in the border Source: elpais.com

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Gorka Lejarcegi on the border of Libya and Tunisia
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees alert the plight of Africans in Libya .- Remember confused with mercenaries who live more than 8,000 refugees and 3,000 asylum seekers, many from sub-Saharan countries such as Chad, Eritrea, Somalia and Sudan

humanitarian crisis on the border between Libya and Tunisia
Mercenaries 15 years

rebels halt a military offensive in the west Gaddafi of Libya
U.S. offered "every assistance" to the Libyan rebels
Gaddafi paid 500 dinars to buy the support of Libyans
Benghazi, Republic of volunteers
Gaddafi desperate strategy, counterattack and negotiation between

Seven ideas on the conflict situation in Libya The complicated situation of residents in the North African country is worse in the For the more than 8,000 refugees and 3,000 asylum seekers, many from sub-Saharan countries such as Chad, Eritrea, Somalia and Sudan, already in Libya before the outbreak of protests and have no means to leave the country. "There are no planes or boats to evacuate people from poor countries in conflict," warned António Guterres, High Commissioner of UNHCR, which has stressed its concern for the Africans, who are "particularly at risk because They are suspected of being mercenaries "hired by Gaddafi to crush the revolts.

Tribal Chiefs have confirmed that Libya UNHCR that sub-Saharan Africans were being treated with suspicion and hostility by the rumors of mercenaries. According to Guterres, have pledged to pass on to their community's vulnerability and helplessness of refugees already living in Libya.

humanitarian crisis on the border with Tunisia The tension continues to grow as the hours pass. Egyptian refugees, the most nervous about the lack of information, no authority in the country has come to explain how you can resolve your situation, wait for the Libyan side to let them cross the green fence that provides access to Tunisia. Today there was more military Tunisian border control and some have been fired into the air to try to stop people trying to jump the wall. Since those days, have experienced violent scenes. Refugees throw your bags into the air to enter them in tune but sometimes fail to scale the walls that impede the country. Those who succeed are the young volunteers helping the military to control the border. They are beaten with sticks and iron bars and make them turn the Libyan side.

Melissa Fleming, spokeswoman for UNHCR, has described as critical the situation that exists there, where today is expected to reach between 10,000 and 15,000. The organization, which works with Tunisian Crescent, is preparing to increase the capacity of the camp to the other side of the passage of Ras Ajdir to accommodate 20,000 people (tonight had 500 stores that have room for 10 people each). Thousands

expect Libyan side to cross the border and most of them have at least three days sleeping in the open. Fleming has warned that to avoid a humanitarian crisis needs urgent transport to evacuate the interior of Tunisia to the displaced. "Access to water and sanitation are serious issues, and public toilets will be our next headache," said Hovig Etyemezian field, also of UNHCR. The UN body has thanked the provision of Tunisian and Egyptian authorities to help displaced people with medical and psychosocial support, and requested that the borders are open to anyone who wants to leave Libya without discrimination based on race or place of origin. war in two weeks of conflict rebels Gaddafi's slow offensive in the west

desperate strategy Gaddafi, F. SIMULA
Chart: The Army is replicated on the border with Tunisia
GALLERIES: Situation in East

border with Tunisia

A look at the riots, country to country


Seven ideas on the conflict situation in Libya
Gaddafi isolated in Tripoli, has lost the support of the international community and diplomats at the UN and in many embassies around the world

ALVARO DE Cozar 35 kilometers from the border with Libya, a girl sees on television presenting a channel to resume coverage of the revolt. The images sold the war with music and ocher tones of
The Pacific
, the series produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks on the battles of the Allies in World War II. Epic to keep the spirit alive.

"My friends Libyans are willing to die to be free" UNHCR declares critical situation on the border of Libya and Tunisia desperate strategy Gaddafi between counterattack and negotiation

The letter of despair The last time Eskup
Let us part of the epic for a moment Let's stick to information available in these seven ideas on the conflict. A quick look at what is happening. 1. Gaddafi is isolated in Tripoli. has lost the support of the international community and diplomats at the UN and in many embassies around the world. Most military also have left and many cities on both sides of the country have fallen into the hands of the revolutionary committees. But that does not mean that the dictator is already finished. 2. On both sides of the Libyan capital the war situation is as follows.
The this is practically in the hands of rebel forces. From the Egyptian border to Benghazi can move without problem. They attack the rebel troops prepared to move more miles to Tripoli. For now, those plans are only on the board. The next thing to conquer is Sirte, Gaddafi's home province. If the soldiers who have defected in the progress to that point may come the city of Misurata. This city, between Tripoli and Sirte hands of citizens are rebels, but still suffers sporadic attacks by its western part. 3. In western , things are not going so well for the opposition. The cities seem to be controlled, some more than others, by the revolutionary committees. Zauiya, 50 km from Tripoli, is the hope of an attack on that side of the capital. Other cities like Zwara Sabrata and continue to receive raids. The problem is a military base 40 kilometers from Zwara. Soldiers from the base control the roads and entrances to the cities. They also have troops near the border. That makes it even impenetrable. 4. The situation of refugees . Some 20,000 people are now concentrated on the western border of Libya, in the post Adjir Ras. International organizations are already talking about human crisis. Most are Egyptians who have fled the western cities where the attacks occurred. About 150. refugees have come out so far on this side and look for ways to return to their countries. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has set up a camp for them in the area. 5. The peculiarities of the conflict
. Qaddafi's personality conflict is giving extravagant dye. To demonstrate that there is no war, the regime has invited Several journalists in Tripoli. That was the objective of the tour, but reporters have seen signs that things are not as painted Gaddafi. The guards led them even taken as Zauiya cities, where journalists could come in, talk to people and see the old flag of the Kingdom of Libya into the central plaza. Among other highlights occurrences of the dictator his explanation of why young people put it against. He said that Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were behind everything, and that young people were under the influence of hallucinogenic pills they had been thrown into the Nescafé.
6. During his 42 years of dictatorship, Gaddafi has taken great care to keep the population and the army fragmented. The first, divided into different tribes and clans, obeyed their leaders maintained client relations with the regime. The same was true among the soldiers, who only responded to the orders of their officers. Gaddafi's repression against the people (10,000 dead according to the Libyan representative of the International Criminal Court) has made all being joined. But his natural fragmentation makes no leaders who bring the masses. The revolution is slowly adding followers. 7. In the documentary The Fog of War , Robert Macnamara, Defence Secretary John F. United States Kennedy, he was saying that wars nobody has any idea of \u200b\u200bwhat happens, even those who are involved in them. The information from within the country are still scarce and sometimes contradictory. But for all we know, the testimonies of cities taken, and international pressure can guess that Gaddafi's days are numbered if they do not get help. How many? We will have to climb into the mist.
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Youth Project: Generation X change Poverty and lack of alternatives have been put in check to a young generation tired of oppressive regimes and no future .- Some tell us their story Obama proposes a UN no-fly zone
Benghazi, Republic of volunteers, JM MUÑOZ


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